Hogwarts: I am Harry's Cousin

Chapter 201 199 Hey Ron, your hobby is really weird

Chapter 201 199. Hey. Ron, your hobby is really weird

Peter hadn't finished chanting the spell when he saw a dazzling white light.

He closed his eyes reflexively, and then received a violent blow to his abdomen, and a burst of overwhelming pain hit him. Before he could cover his stomach, he was slapped hard on the face again.



"Forgot what?"


"What do you forget?"


After several slaps, Peter was dizzy, and his cheeks were raised high, like a pig's head.

Then Peter felt his limbs tighten, and his whole body was bound by countless vines.

"I hate people pointing wands at me."

Dudley was still sitting in his seat, but he had an extra wand in his hand, which was Ron's.

He never left the stool, and the punch and slaps that hit Peter were all alchemy summoned at random.

If he made the move, I'm afraid Peter would only be left with a rat skin.

How did Brother Xun say that?

‘If I punch you, you might die. '

"Don't be robbed next time."

Dudley tossed his wand to Ron, then looked at Ron strangely.

"Honestly, Ron, what a queer quirk you have."

He said with a little disgust: "I actually like to sleep with an old man in my arms, but it's best not to let too many people know about it. I'm worried that it will affect the prestige of the disciplinary team."

'I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense'

Ron's face was as red as a monkey's butt, and the freckles on it became more and more obvious.

Sleeping with an old and ugly man in his arms for years!


At this moment Ron felt like he was going to throw up.

Especially since he said so many nasty things just now.

How affectionate he was just now, how cold he is now.

Fortunately, no one except Dudley knew about it, otherwise he might have died on the spot.

"Ron, help me, I'm your baby Scabbers, remember? We slept together."

"You just kissed me!"

Peter, who was lying on the ground, called out at the right time.

An angry Ron turned green, wishing he could go up and give him a few kicks.

"Brother D, please stop talking."

Ron was so excited that he almost knelt down for Dudley. If it got out, he wouldn't be looking for a girlfriend, let alone a boyfriend.

No, that's not the point.

The point is that Taishe is dead.

"In the future, if you tell me to go east, I will never go west. As long as it is your order, I will do anything."

"That Scabbers," Dudley asked.

Ron said righteously: "What is it? I don't know."

Dudley still took out the original Niffler.

"No, he will be your Scabbers from now on."

Ron left the Room of Requirement in a hurry with a snuffer named Scabbers, leaving only Dudley and Peter who was tied up.

"I think we can talk, Mr. Pettigrew. Oh, maybe I should call you Mr. Wormtail, little Uncle James' best friend."

Every time Dudley said a word, Peter's face turned pale, and when he heard the last word, his face was already pale.

He thought that no one would know if he didn't tell, but he didn't expect Dudley to know everything.

Even the details can be described, as if... as if he saw it with his own eyes.

"There are no secrets in the wizarding world. There are no secrets before these eyes of mine"

Looking into Dudley's blue eyes, Peter felt like he was being seen through.

"Don't worry, I won't send you to Azkaban"

That's too cheap for you, and you can break out of jail in a few years.

"It won't kill you either."

For the time being, there will be no revenge. Only the parties are eligible to report.

He would leave Peter to him, and of course, before that, he would drain all of Peter's use value.

"By the way, dear Mr. Wormtail, as a former member of the Death Eaters, you should know the Three Unforgivable Curses, right?"


Standing on the top floor of the Hogwarts tower, Dudley looked at the unobstructed sky and felt the breeze blowing across his face. Divination class is going on in the classroom on the top floor next to it. Dudley has only chosen two courses for his electives, so there will be no classes this time. With nothing else to do, he plans to wait for Hermione to finish class here, and then go to the Protection of Fantastic Beasts class together. .


The door was pushed open, and Hermione came out angrily.

As soon as he went out, he saw Dudley and dragged him downstairs.

"I've never had such a bad class," Hermione grumbled as she walked.

I don't know if she was too excited, but she didn't even notice that it was Dudley's hand that she was holding.

Feeling the soft touch between his palms, Dudley didn't speak, but followed her silently.

Dudley hadn't seen Hermione like this in a long time, because most of the time, she respected the professor very much.

Divination is too mysterious, that is, the so-called inspiration or spiritual touch, and it must not match Hermione's compatibility at all.

She's better at things with logic.

"She wants to see the future through tea leaves. It's absurd. It's ridiculous. There's no logic at all. She can't see anything but a pile of dust. She also scares other students. Several Hufflepuff students have been killed by her. I'm bluffing, I really don't know why this kind of person is made a professor, it's exactly the same as Lockhart last year."

"By the way, she also predicted that something bad would happen to Harry."

Hermione was still agitated.

"Maybe it's because of Cassandra Trelawney's descendants," Dudley said.

Cassandra Trelawney is a well-known prophet in the wizarding world.

"So I never believed in prophecy, it's too superstitious."

"Like something like a right eye twitch."

It was the first time Hermione heard such a statement, so she asked, "Right eye twitch? What about the left eye?"

"Of course the left eye is a blessing."

Dudley said seriously.

Hermione: .

Dudley's understanding of prophecy is - "Believe it, it will work, if you don't believe it, it will not work", when you think the prophecy is true, you are already in the prophecy.

If the prophecy can really predict what will happen in the future 100%, then a guy with the ability to predict will not be locked up in a tower "voluntarily".

Dudley and Hermione went all the way down the tower and walked towards the outside of Hogwarts Castle, which was the location of the Protection of Fantastic Beasts class.

It was fine at first, until Hermione noticed that more and more little wizards looked at them strangely, and then realized that she had unknowingly held Dudley's hand.

Reflexively wanted to pull away, but failed, and was held tightly by Dudley.

You took the initiative to lead me up, and you still want to leave?

Hermione's strength was of course nothing to Dudley, and she didn't really want to.

He could only lower his head shyly, and let Dudley lead him towards the woods.

After waiting there for a long time, the little wizards arrived one after another.

Most of the young wizards were curious about what kind of lessons it would be, but a small number of young wizards noticed Dudley and Hermione's small movements, and then decisively remained silent.

Nobody wanted to mess with Dudley.

The first lesson in the Care of Fantastic Beasts class is about the Hippogriff.

This is a 3X level magical creature.

Hagrid got a whole dozen of them.

By the way, the Hippogriff is also a hybrid magical creature. Its father is a Griffin, also known as a Griffin, and its mother is much simpler, an ordinary horse.

Dudley had reason to suspect that there was a griffin in the Forbidden Forest, and these hippogriffs were its children.

Well, Hagrid must have bred them again.

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