Hogwarts: I am Harry's Cousin

Chapter 205 Chapter 203

Chapter 205 203. Ron's dead reservoir water, women's dress Draco

Boggarts, which feed on fear, and Dementors, which feed on pleasure, are similar in a sense.

Both feed on human emotions.

To be honest, Dudley was curious about what he was afraid of.

But he was even more curious about another point, what is the difference between what appears in the Boggart and the actual body, or is it just superficial.

For example, if a wizard who feared Voldemort met a Boggart.

So is the Voldemort transformed by Boggart a Boggart with Voldemort's power, or just a Boggart with Voldemort's form?

If it is power, even if it is only a small part, it will be at the level of disaster.

Think about it, hundreds of Voldemorts appearing in front of you, this is simply - Voldemort's big giveaway.

Ron stood in front of the cabinet.

Accompanied by a puff of black smoke, a huge spider crawled out of the cabinet without accident.

Eight legs, eight eyes, a body covered with fine hair, and those two huge fangs.

But the most eye-catching thing is the head of the spider, which is not an ordinary spider at all, but half mouse and half human, a mouse with sharp mouth and long teeth and a fat face full of pustules.

The most important point is that this thing was lying on the ground with its eight paws but its buttocks were pouted, and the half-human half-mouse pouted at Ron.

That moment made Ron's skin crawl, and he felt uncomfortable both physically and psychologically. Of course, he wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

'What the hell happened to Ron? ’ BY Harry

'I will treat him better in the future. ’ BY Draco

'Robin Hood is terrified of things. ’BY little wizards

Dudley: '6'

Staring at that face, Lupine always felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before. It looked too abstract.

"Blazing flames!" Ron raised his wand and cast a spell with the greatest strength.

Immediately, red flames spewed out from the tip of the wand, surrounding the giant spider.

If an ordinary spider had been burned to death, this giant spider not only showed no signs of injury, but enjoyed it a bit.

"Stop, stopping a normal spell won't hurt a Boggart." Lupine said immediately, stopping Ron from continuing to set fire.

Boggarts are also similar to dementors in that ordinary magic cannot work on them.

"Students, dealing with Boggart's spell is very simple, so please memorize it."

Lupine took out his wand and stood beside Ron, ready to rescue him in time if he failed to cast a spell.

"Rashomon, say it with me - funny funny!"

Being called the wrong name again, Ron forgot his fear at this moment, and pointed at the Boggart as an object of vent.

"funny funny"

With a bang, the Boggart changed. He no longer looked like a giant spider, but became... Snape dressed as Lockhart? Not only that, but there is a long tail behind his buttocks.

When I saw other little wizards, the tail suddenly opened. Well, he opened the screen

Ron: .

Lupine: .

Dudley: 6

Harry: 6

Neville: 6

Draco: 6

Other little wizards: 666

"Ahem. Well done."

Lupine hastily coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment, and then with a wave of his hand, Snape, who opened his screen, turned into a tumbler.

If Snape knew, Ron would be dead by the next Potions class.

"Then next."

Immediately changed the topic and let others take the stage, and it was a coincidence that Draco was chosen.

Draco stood in front, and the boggart immediately began to transform.

However, an unexpected scene happened, and a man with long platinum blonde hair and a pale face emerged, holding the iconic cane in his hand


The Boggart turned into Lucius.

Does that mean Draco is afraid of his dad?

Just when everyone was puzzled, that 'Lucius' spoke, and he said to Draco in a stern tone.

"Draco, I am the head of the family. I have the final say on the affairs of the Malfoy family."

Without saying a word, Draco raised his hand and raised his wand to 'Lucius': "I've wanted to do this for a long time."

Take the practice of filial son.

"Funny funny!"

"Draco, you'll regret it!"

Accompanied by Lucius' unwilling scream, he disappeared in place with a bang, and the next moment, 'Ron', who was wearing a blue dead water swimsuit, stood there blankly.

"Well, this dress suits you very well."

After Draco looked up and down for a while, he said maliciously to Ron beside him.

Originally, he meant to trick Ron, and most of the little wizards were indeed amused when they saw such a scene.

However, a small number of female little wizards stared at the backs of the two of them, not knowing what they were thinking. The only thing that was certain was that their eyes were shining, as if there was light moving.

The third Harry stood up without hesitation.

Then the boggart starts to transform again, and it turns into a baguette.

"Potter, why are you afraid of this thing?"

Not to mention the other little wizards, even Draco and Ron, who are most familiar with Potter, are at a loss.

Only Dudley knew why, for he saw that there was still a distinct tooth mark on the baguette.

This is probably an obsession with not protecting my food well.

Rather than being afraid, it might be better to say that Harry blamed himself more.

"Funny funny!"

Harry didn't mean to explain it to anyone, he would understand it if he understood, and he threw a spell over it, and the Boggart changed again.

This time it's um... Draco in women's clothing.

Draco's face flushed red.

Of course not shy, pure anger.

This situation caused a group of little wizards to laugh again, and the group of little witches who stared at Ron before kept shooting back and forth between Harry, Draco, and Ron with the same eyes.

"hey hey"

Unconsciously, a strange laugh of unknown meaning came out of his mouth.

Neville was next.

This kid is quite honest, he didn't conjure some weird things like the first three, but conjured a ball.

"Very good, very good, everyone is very good, so if anyone else wants to try it, please line up, everyone can try it."

Now everyone's interest was much higher than before, and they began to line up one after another to cast spells on the Boggarts one by one.

"I heard about your bet with Snape, you are very brave." Seeing that the little wizards were no longer afraid, and the Boggart could not absorb the power of fear, Lupine felt much more relieved, and walked to the only place where there was no queue. Dudley said aside.

The bet mentioned naturally refers to the matter of improving the potion.

"Professor Lupine, I don't think that's a bet."

Dudley corrected and emphasized: "It's just the students completing the assignments assigned by the professor."

"Oh, sorry, so you think so." Lupine said decisively.

He didn't expect anyone to speak up for that Snape.

Soon the little wizards took turns, only Dudley hadn't tried yet.

Hermione did it the first few times, and the Boggart turned into Dudley and told her that she failed every grade. She was so angry that she almost tore the Boggart down on the spot.

"Then it's finally my turn."

The image of the Boggart at this point is a hand caught in a mousetrap.

So Dudley went up.

Nothing happened with the mousetrap and the quiet hands.

Minutes and seconds passed, and the Boggart remained the same, as if Dudley didn't exist.

Dudley also found out about this situation, and originally thought it would be over like this, but suddenly his heart moved.

'Take this opportunity to do an experiment. '

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