Hogwarts: I am Harry's Cousin

Chapter 213: 211 Substitute Teacher Mr. Dursley

Chapter 213: 211. Substitute Teacher—Mr. Dursley

Dudley walked up to the podium and stood where Professor Lupine usually stood.

"Professor Lupine is a little uncomfortable today, and I will temporarily substitute for this class."

Professor Lupine's monthly day has come.

He is a werewolf, and he feels uncomfortable for a few days every month. He will transform involuntarily, and the transformed werewolf will lose his mind. This is the most disgusting time for most werewolves. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with this situation, such as taking wolfsbane potion.

At present, there are two wizards in Hogwarts who can brew wolfbane potion, one is Snape, the potion master, and the other is his most proud disciple, Dursley.

So Dudley took his place as the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts as a matter of course.

Dursley's substitute wizards had absolutely no objections, as he had fully demonstrated his abilities as early as the first grade.

Even many young wizards were faintly excited.

Just as the little wizards in the classroom were cheering, another figure appeared at the door of the classroom.

"Quiet. Five points deducted from Gryffindor."

It was that familiar tone again, it was that familiar deduction of points, and it was that familiar deduction of Gryffindor again.

Snape walked in, his face was very ugly, according to normal logic, Lupine's best choice for a substitute teacher should be him.

However, Dudley was chosen as a substitute teacher.

He, Snape, served as Dudley's assistant, helping to complete this Defense Against the Dark Arts course.

Originally, he could have just flicked his sleeves and ignored it, but when he thought that Dudley was in class, he decided to come over and take a look.

'I didn't come here specifically for Dursley, I just didn't want him to embarrass me. ’ explained Snape.

Dudley flipped through the booklet Professor Lupine gave him, which contained the content of the course he had arranged: "You have learned about Boggarts, Red Hats, Kabbah and Grindylow, so what is the content of this lesson?"

"I have a suggestion." Snape interrupted, with unabashed malice on his face: "I think we should learn how to deal with werewolves, what do you think, Mr. Dursley?"

Of course Dudley knew why Snape chose the werewolf.

"Professor Snape, I have no objection." Dudley nodded in agreement.

Werewolves are the most common black magic creature in the wizarding world, the most widely spread, and the most harmful. Little wizards will have to face them sooner or later in the days to come. Isn't it a lesson to learn early and late?

And Dudley just wanted to have an experiment to do.

"Professor Lu Ping usually takes practical classes, so being a substitute teacher is no exception."

"I heard that there are werewolves in the Forbidden Forest, so I'll catch one and come here."

As soon as these words came out, not only the little wizards, but even Snape looked at him in astonishment, as if saying something in his eyes.

'Are you serious? '

What Snape meant was just to learn theoretical knowledge.

But Dudley didn't think so. After all, it was the first public class he attended, and it might be the last one. In any case, he couldn't just fool around like that.

"Then let Professor Snape briefly tell you about werewolves. Give me an hour, and I'll be back soon."

The words "resolute and vigorous" ran throughout Dudley, and Snape was never given time to refuse. By the time he realized it, Dudley had disappeared at the end of the corridor.

The wind and fire are in a trance.

"It's not the night of the full moon, it's useless even if you catch it." Snape's family hadn't had time to say it.

In the classroom, Snape looked at the little wizards, and the little wizards looked at Snape.

Big eyes and small eyes.

After all, Snape was Snape, and he quickly realized: "Now turn the textbook to page three hundred and ninety-four."

This page was about werewolves from the textbook, and Snape remembered it by heart.

There are werewolves in the Forbidden Forest, this is something Dudley has known for a long time, but the area of ​​the Forbidden Forest is too large, it is more difficult to find a werewolf than a dragon.

But recently, he found traces of this werewolf through a fire dragon.

The Forbidden Forest looks terrifying to outsiders, but in Dudley's eyes it is no different from the back garden. One hour is already more than estimated

A giant snake made of mud was scurrying through the Forbidden Forest at an extremely fast speed.

Dudley couldn't fly, so this was the fastest way to get there.

You must know that magical creatures, like ordinary creatures, have territorial consciousness, and this consciousness is even stronger than ordinary animals. This rampant behavior will undoubtedly cause great commotion, but the magical creatures that sense this breath, no matter how strong or weak they are, immediately hide away.

Because they know that person is coming.

The millennium basilisk in the convex land is his mount, and the fire dragon and unicorn on the other side are his pets.

The deeds of killing half of the eight-eyed spiders in the hollow with one slap last year are still fresh in my memory. That incomparable power taught the magical animals in the Forbidden Forest a lesson.

They are magical creatures and have no IQ, but that doesn't mean they are fools.

Can't be bothered, can't be bothered, can't be bothered

So Dudley was able to travel unimpeded along the way, which made him a little regretful. He planned to catch a few magical creatures along the way.

Forbidden forest bully, online mountain patrol.

Soon he came to the destination, a mountain nest.

"These are werewolves. Among the dark creatures, they are also the most harmful creatures to wizards."

Snape himself was not suitable to follow the script, but his unique tone combined with the temperament of a little wizard who could scare a little wizard into tears just by standing still. Under his narration, the werewolf was described as a very terrifying creature, who likes to kill and bloodthirsty, and takes pleasure in torturing people. It is a hundred times, a thousand times more evil than the group of dementors outside.

After hearing this, many little wizards couldn't help feeling disgusted with werewolves.

"So now, can anyone tell me the difference between a werewolf and a wolf?"

Not surprisingly, Hermione was the first to raise her hand again.

"Miss Granger, please answer."

Seeing the reactions of the little wizards, Snape was obviously in a much better mood.

"They have shorter snouts and smaller pupils, and they look closer to humans. Sometimes they can walk upright, and the hair on their tails will be in tufts. The most important point is that they are more aggressive towards people than real wolves."

"That's right." Snape nodded very satisfied: "They are more aggressive towards people than real wolves, so remember...they are very dangerous."

"A very perfect answer, plus 10 points for the disciplinary team."

Snape wouldn't give Gryffindor extra points, but he would give extra points to the disciplinary group, and every extra point would start at five points.

What Hermione was talking about was the general impression of werewolves in the wizarding world. Because some werewolves attacked indiscriminately, their reputation was much worse than that of vampires that appeared in the same era.

Vampires and banshees are classified as human beings, and they can already live normally with wizards. Werewolves are also treated specially.


Just when Snape was about to continue the lecture, the door of the classroom was pushed open.

"Sorry, Professor Snape, everyone, I'm late."

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