Hogwarts: I am Harry's Cousin

Chapter 217: 215 Percy Weasley's Choice

Chapter 217 215. Percy Weasley's Choice

Even with the help of Dumbledore in the nomination, the Order of Merlin cannot be applied for so quickly, and it needs to go through a long period of review.

It took several months to apply for the third-level medal in the first grade, and that was due to the relationship of the Carlo family. The review process for the first-level medal will only be more complicated than that of the third-level. Just discussing this matter requires several rounds of meetings at the Wizengamot. It is already fast to get it down before the end of the third-year semester.

In another magical animal protection class, Hagrid brought good news that the batch of hybrid carnivorous slug eggs that had lasted for more than two months finally hatched.

Little slugs with all kinds of soft shells on their backs were crawling around in the box, wantonly nibbling on the fruits and leaves that Hagrid had scattered.

These are the first magical snails in the wizarding world.

It's a pity that even if the cultivation is successful, it still can't meet Dudley's requirements. He can only let Hagrid continue to help cultivate the next generation.

I have to say that Hagrid really doesn't have anyone in his social circle in terms of magical animals, and he can get almost any kind of magical creature.

In the last class, he got a manticore (Manticore), which is a more dangerous creature than a griffin (danger does not equal combat power). Like most magical creatures of level 5X, this thing also likes to eat people.

However, he was well-behaved in front of Hagrid and did not attack other little wizards.

Originally, for this class, Hagrid planned to get an egg or cub of a Chimera, but Dudley persuaded him.

In terms of threat Chimeramon is higher than Manticore.

The main reason is that this thing's intelligence is too low, and it is bloodthirsty and violent. It is very easy to cause accidents when it goes crazy and denies all relatives.

Changed to a few fire crabs.

Hagrid had been thinking about this for a long time.

The next class he said he was going to get a sphinx.

Dudley memorized all these magical creatures that Hagrid said one by one, and when the domestication level rose, he found a chance to pack them up and take them away.

After one day of classes, the members of the disciplinary team got together and were discussing everyone's goals for this semester.

A figure approached in front of him. After hearing their conversation, he immediately lowered his head and turned to one side, as if deliberately avoiding them.

"Percy. I've called you up several times, and I think we should talk."

Dudley stopped when he was about to pass by the figure, turned to look at the man and said.

Ex-Gryffindor prefect and current Head Boys - Percy Weasley

The little wizard who was also selected by the disciplinary team.

Seeing that he was recognized, Percy stood there with a slightly embarrassed smile.

Dudley asked the others to go back first, while he and Percy found a suitable place to talk, this time not in the Slytherin lounge, but in a random room in the castle.

Pushing open the door, I saw a white and transparent shadow in the middle of the locker, rummaging through it with its butt pouted.

"Are you daring to disturb Lord Peeves?"

Hearing the opening of the door, the white transparent shadow turned around, was about to get angry but saw Dudley, and immediately changed his face.

"Mr. Dursley, good afternoon."

Percy could hear the flattery in his tone.

Peeves has no scruples at Hogwarts. The ghosts bother him, the little wizards are afraid of him, and even the castle administrator Filch has a headache for him.

Except for not actively provoking the professor, in general, he only sells the face of three people, two people and one soul.

Ghost - Bloody Barrow, Headmaster - Dumbledore and Dudley Dursley.

"Mr. Weasley and I have something to talk about and don't want to be disturbed. Can Mr. Peeves stand guard outside the door for us?"

Dudley looked at Peeves and said, his tone was very flat.

"I'm very happy." Peeves promised immediately, opened the door obediently, and slipped out.

Percy couldn't help but give him an extra look, Peeves sometimes didn't even give face to the professor when he was in charge.

The most important point is that others really have nothing to do with him, and the method of dealing with ghosts is completely useless to him.

But when you think it's Mr. Dursley, it makes sense.

Dudley clapped his hands, and two stone stools rose out of thin air.


Percy sat down nervously.

"Percy, I remember that I invited you to join the discipline team at the beginning of this semester, but you haven't given me a positive reply so far."

"Can you tell me why?"

Percy opened his mouth, but remained silent.

Why? Of course it's because he's the student council president now.

From the moment Hogwarts wizards enter the fifth grade, there will be a male prefect and a female prefect in each college, and this is the case for each grade from the fifth to the seventh grade.

At the same time, a male student president and a female student president are born in the seventh grade every year.

The student council president, appointed directly by the principal, is theoretically the pinnacle of power among the students.

Although it was said that Dudley set up the Disciplinary Team two years ago, theoretically it was directly in charge of the student union and prefects, but based on the current time, he still can't manage the seventh grade student union.

Joining the disciplinary group means giving up the position of the male student council president.

He will graduate after this year.

Can't wait for the day when the power of the disciplinary group will be at its peak, and the male student council president is a real power.

Percy craves power.

His desire for power is actually easy to understand. The Weasley family had too many children, and his father, Arthur, was a very Buddhist person. As a result, the Weasley family was used to being poor, and their lives were also very difficult. It can be seen from Ron's frequent self-deprecation that he can't find a Sickle in his pocket.

Percy didn't want that life.

In his opinion, the status of Hogwarts Boys' President is a huge plus when he is looking for a job after graduation. It will undoubtedly make his official career smoother.

Maybe many students who haven't graduated think so, but in fact... that thing is a fart.

Out of school and into the society, if you want to gain power as soon as possible, others will not see how you are in school. Your ability is a bonus but not necessary. The important thing is to see how your family is.

Brother Xun, a great sage, has a good saying: 'You have to be powerful and have a background when you come out. Otherwise, you're just a bum. '

If your own family is unreliable, then find a way to join others, which is the so-called opportunity (meeting noble people).

The disciplinary group is actually a good way. During his holidays, he has already helped many newly graduated seniors find jobs in the Ministry of Magic.

"I'll give you three days. If you think about it carefully, you can come to Slytherin to find me at any time."

Dudley didn't talk to Percy for too long, just briefly reminded him, and left.

To be honest, Percy's personal ability is still good, otherwise Dudley would not have recruited him into the disciplinary team.

As for whether Percy can come to his senses, it depends on his own destiny.

Opportunities are very important, but whether we can grasp them is even more important.

Three days later, Percy knocked on Dudley's door with mixed feelings.

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