Hogwarts: I am Harry's Cousin

Chapter 234 232 DUANG, Red Fat Chicken

Chapter 234 232. Duang, Red Fat Chicken

In the Hogwarts principal's room, Dumbledore put on a rare formal suit, wearing a yarmulke on his head, matching a silk embroidered robe, and the translucent silk dotted on the hem, giving people a sense A feeling of "fairy style".

"Dudley, has anything good happened lately? You seem to be in a good mood."

Dumbledore asked with a smile.

Speaking of being in a good mood, it was obvious that Dumbledore was in a better mood.

"I remembered something happy."

Dudley made an excuse in a very perfunctory manner, and responded with a smile, although his smile was not much different from being angry to many people.

"Professor, I don't think the suit you are wearing seems to be the special robe of the Wizengamot?"

Members of the Wizengamot have a uniform of fuchsia robes with flat top hats and a delicate silver "W" embroidered on the left breast.

The one on Dumbledore obviously has nothing to do with fuchsia, let alone the silver 'W'.

"How can I say that I am also the chief wizard there, and I have a little privilege."

Dumbledore blinked at Dudley as he spoke.

The fuchsia robe was too flamboyant, Dumbledore didn't like it very much, he preferred pure purple or light purple clothes.

"Are you ready?"

Dumbledore said: "It's almost time, I think we should pass."

"Anytime, Professor." Dudley shrugged, signaling that he was fine.

Dumbledore looked at the phoenix nest in the principal's office: "Fox, please."

The Hogwarts castle was cast by the four founders of the college. Wizards are not allowed to use Apparatus in the castle, even as the headmaster, they do not have this privilege.

It's just that there is no prohibition on the use of other creatures other than wizards, such as magical animals, such as house elves.

Among them, the phoenix is ​​one of the few magical creatures that can change shape.

Hearing his name being called, Fox poked his head out from the nest, and called out to Dumbledore lazily.

Dumbledore wore his half-moon glasses and said uncertainly, "Have you put on a little weight recently?"

It's not just a little bit, Fox has obviously gained a lot of weight.

If it could be seen as a phoenix before, now it can only be seen as a red fat chicken.

Mainly because the food is so good

Since this guy got acquainted with Crookshanks, he has never been short of magical animal rations.

Fox yelled again, finally Ken came out of the nest, flapped his wings and flew to Dudley's shoulder next to Dumbledore, the whole process didn't seem to be strenuous at all.

Although its size is a bit bigger, it does not affect its flight.

Don't look at this little thing, it can drive creatures that weigh more than a hundred times its own.

The seemingly chubby belly can actually be eliminated instantly as long as Fox is willing. He is just enjoying the process of slowly digesting food.

The phoenix is ​​one of the most powerful magical creatures. If it wasn't for its lack of desire to attack wizards, it would be more than enough to give it a 5X level.

"Thank you, Fox."

Dudley scratched its chin, and Fawkes narrowed his eyes comfortably with that deft movement.

It's not just cats who like to scratch their chins, as long as they are long-haired creatures, most of them like to be scratched.

"After a while, maybe Fox won't know me anymore." Dumbledore joked.

Facing Dumbledore's joke, Dudley just smiled and shook his head.

Even with magical animal rations, Dudley can't take Fox away. The phoenix is ​​a very loyal magical creature. There are almost no cases of being tamed by wizards in history. Even if it is tamed, it will only be accompanied by one wizard. It was Dumbledore.

It's nice to be close to Dudley, but it's more loyal to Dumbledore.

Fox flew above the heads of the two, and accompanied by a non-glare white light, the figures of the two disappeared into the principal's office together.

When the two reappeared, they were already on the streets of London, to be precise, they should be near Whitehall in London.

Dumbledore waved his wand lightly, and scattered ordinary people who might be close to the two of them.

"I don't think you've been to the Ministry of Magic, Dudley."

Dumbledore stopped in front of a dilapidated red telephone box, surrounded by a few dilapidated buildings of unknown purpose, a bar and a messy painted wall on a dirty street.

Even on the busiest street in London, the surrounding environment is extremely bad.

Sanitation workers in England are not so diligent.

They don't get paid enough to pay for their daily labor of cleaning.

Insisting on mandatory quotas will only annoy them to choose a collective strike.

Dudley nodded, "Yes, Professor."

"Come in, then." Dumbledore said, pushing open the door of the phone booth.

After closing the door, Dumbledore dialed the number, and Dudley saw the numbers clearly - 62442.

At this time, a female voice rang from above the pavilion, asking the two why they went to the Ministry of Magic, a silver badge with the name and reason came out from the telephone, and then the telephone booth descended like an elevator for about a minute, and the elevator slowly arrived. stand.

Dudley and Dumbledore came out.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic, Dudley."

"Thank you for your welcome, Professor Dumbledore."

The place where the two of them appeared was the main entrance of the Ministry of Magic. As long as the corresponding elevators were carried, they could lead to any department of the Ministry of Magic from here.

In fact, you can use Apparatus to come directly to the Ministry of Magic. Unlike Hogwarts, there is no spell that prohibits the use of Apparatus, but except for the staff of the Ministry of Magic, other people do not recommend doing so. considered an intruder.

They were going to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement of the Wizengamot Council on the second basement floor.

There are ten floors in the Ministry of Magic, all underground.

By the way, the current location of the two is on the eighth floor of the basement.

In all fairness, the appearance of such an underground complex in this era is quite shocking.

Follow Dumbledore all the way to the hall of the magic department. Located in the center is a circular pool, in the middle of which stands a group of pure gold statues composed of wizards, witches, centaurs, goblins, and house elves.

This is the famous Magic Brothers Fountain.

Wizards and witches stood in the center, while centaurs, goblins, and house elves surrounded them, looking at them with adoration.

Dumbledore led Dudley to the famous fountain.

"Wizards don't command the respect of centaurs and goblins. Many wizards don't even treat them as equals. People always look at them with prejudice, as beasts, enemies, and servants. 'Magic Brothers' Fountain' is not 'Brothers' Fountain.'" ’ but ‘Fountain of Hypocrisy.’”

The wizards passing by heard Dumbledore's words and found it very reasonable. Wizards should really reflect on it.

While Dumbledore's words were philosophical, Dudley had other ideas about it.

The description around the telephone booth leading to the Ministry of Magic is based on the original book, which is different from the clean streets in the movie.

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