Hogwarts: I am Harry's Cousin

Chapter 275 Chapter 273

Chapter 275. 273. The Eternal Demonic Flame——The Fiendish Curse (seeking a monthly ticket)

Among the many magics that can be called the eternal fire, there is only one——Fienderfire Curse.

This is the most powerful magic flame in the wizarding world. It can burn everything. There is nothing it can't burn, even the fire's nemesis, water.

And Fiendflame will continue to become stronger and stronger as it burns.

This is very typical black magic.

In the records of the Ministry of Magic, it is recorded as the black magic second only to the three unforgivable curses.

It's not that the Fiercefire Curse is not as powerful as the Imperius Curse, the Cruciatus Curse, and the Killing Curse, but that the damage caused by the Fiercefire Curse is a positive and hard type, not as unpredictable as the Imperius Curse, and not as tortured by the Cruciatus Curse The body also does not have the instant-death feature like the Death Curse.

In terms of learning complexity alone, the spell of Fiendfyre is strictly speaking far inferior to Occlumency and the Patronus Charm. It is not difficult to simply summon Fiendfire, and Dudley can summon Fiendfire himself.

The two old wizards Pipilu and Lu Xixi can actually use Fiercefire, but they are not good at controlling it.

The most difficult part of Fiercefire Curse is to control it.

How to control Fiendfire's trajectory is the hallmark of a powerful dark wizard.

It is very likely that the end of simply summoning Fierce Fire will be harmed by the Fiend Fire Curse.

This magic does not distinguish between friend and foe, it will not show mercy just because you cast it

The first person to be burned to death by accident was the wizard who summoned Fiendfire.

Such examples abound in the wizarding world and are very common.

For professional things, you still need to find professional people. Who else can understand black magic better than a Death Eater?

Of course it's not right to say that

In Dudley's impression, there was one person who could master the Fiendfyre Curse well, and that was the true master of the existing Fiendfyre Curse.

It's a pity that Dudley couldn't guarantee that the other party would be willing to teach him.

The next best thing is the 'Moody' professor in front of me is the most suitable candidate.

"The magic flame that never goes out? Very good, boy, you are asking the right person."

As Dudley had expected, Moody readily agreed.

"I have fought against dark wizards who use the Fiercefire Curse many times, and I have some experience with this curse."

"I shouldn't have taught you such a dangerous magic, but since you have become a Hogwarts warrior, maybe you will face this curse in the near future."

"Then get ready for the devil's special training, I can teach you on the first night of every weekend."

Moody took a sip from the jug with the cloudy liquid pinned to his waist, and a unique fragrance of potions penetrated Dudley's nostrils.

Ah, the smell of Polyjuice Potion.

Moody, who was on crutches, hadn't gone far, and suddenly turned his head: "By the way, call Harry when you come. As a Hogwarts warrior, I think he should also learn some skills to deal with dark wizards. "

That last sentence is the point.

On Saturday, Dudley and Harry came to the professor's dormitory where Moody was staying early after finishing the morning exercises of the prescribed movements.

Compared with Dumbledore's principal's office, Moody's dormitory is much smaller, and the room is very simple, unlike Lockhart who hangs his portrait all over the room, and it's not like Quirrell will be in his dormitory Planting a bunch of garlic, much less keeping dangerous dark magic creatures in his room like Lupin did.

In addition to a few clothes hanging, there is only a crucible, a teapot and a few teacups and a few other things.

But the most eye-catching thing is the huge metal box next to the bed.

There is a big lock on it, which is mysterious, and I don't know what is inside.

"Very well, it seems that you attach great importance to this study."

As soon as Dudley entered the room, his gaze stayed on the big box intentionally or unintentionally, and he first shouted at the two of them and successfully attracted Dudley's attention. After taking a sip of the water bottle he carried with him, he beckoned to the two of them to come to him: "What are you waiting for? Come here, come to me."

Looking at the two students who were a head taller than him, Moody silently stepped back a few steps, so that he didn't have to raise his head to talk to them, and then continued to speak.

"I think you've all heard the spell of Fiercefire before you came to me, but I'll repeat it here."

"Fiendfyre! (The spell of the Fiendfyre Curse is not Fiendfyre, the Chinese version of the spell is unknown, but the English version actually means Fiendfyre) This is the spell of the Fiendfyre Curse."

"Remember, then release it in front of me now."

As he spoke, Moody took another sip of 'water': "Come one by one, the first one. Harry, you come first."

"Release? Here?"

Harry was visibly taken aback by Moody's words.

This is the Fierce Fire Curse, not some clear spring like water, wouldn't it be afraid of burning the castle if you put it here?

Aware of Harry's doubts, Moody spoke with a hint of disdain in his tone: "Don't worry, with your abilities, you can only summon a handful of flames at best."

Stretch out the little finger and pinch it with the thumb at the position of the nail cover.

Although Fiendfire claims to burn everything, in fact air cannot be its fuel, which means it cannot burn along the air.

"I don't even need to use a wand, I can kill it with a breath."

You study hard, progress fast, and have strong talents, but as a black magic beginner, can you still make a fortune?

Moody disapproved in his heart, black magic was his favorite method.

As Moody said in the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class, even if the little wizards in the class cast the Killing Curse on him, he would only have a nosebleed at most.

He was very confident in himself, and very confident in Dudley and Harry.

Can students be better than professors?


Dudley was silent, but Harry wanted to explain something, but Moody cut him off just as he opened his mouth.

"No but, I said release here."

Seeing that Moody's attitude was so firm, Harry could only say helplessly.

"All right."

Pull out your wand and point the tip at the ceiling, where there is least clutter.


Harry uttered the Fiercefire spell, and as soon as the voice fell, a fist-sized crimson flame spewed out from the tip of the wand. The flame jumped three feet high, smashed fiercely on the ceiling, and instantly ignited it.

The Fierce Flame Curse burns everything, even non-flammable things can become combustion aids. The moment it touches the ceiling, it spreads extremely quickly, and it burns along the ceiling towards the desk near the wall in a short while. Go, make a big gesture to burn the room clean.

fire too fast

Moody, who had originally planned to guide Harry well, was stunned for a moment when he saw this situation, and quickly took out his wand and pointed it at the ever-spreading Fiendfire.

"The spell stops!"

It's a pity that this curse can only delay the spread of Fiercefire, but cannot remove the threat of Fiendfire.

But as long as it can be delayed, Moody released the spell again.

"The flame returns to silence!"

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