Hogwarts: I am Harry's Cousin

Chapter 384 378 Dumbledore made a miscalculation

Chapter 384 378. Dumbledore made a miscalculation

The next day, in the Minister of Magic's office, Fudge was anxiously walking back and forth in the room like an ant on a hot pot.

On his desk not far away was a newspaper, the headline on the front page of the Daily Prophet (acquired)——

"Shocked, the Azkaban prison is empty, and the guards are complicit with the prisoners."

There are photos of Azkaban Prison today, the oppressive black weather, empty rooms, and lonely islands.

The prisoners escaped, and even the dementors who were jailers disappeared with them.

‘This is not a simple jailbreak, but a premeditated and vicious incident’

The entire Azkaban guards are missing? Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?

Here is the Daily Prophet, digging deeper for you.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

Fudge was so angry that he wanted to tear off the newspaper, but no, he had already torn the newspaper into a pile of shredded paper, crumpled it into a ball and threw it into the trash can.

Although the entire article does not mention the Ministry of Magic, it is ridiculing the incompetence of the Ministry of Magic.

Although this was indeed true, Fudge was unwilling to admit it.

How could the Ministry of Magic, led by the wise and powerful Minister Fudge, be incompetent?

This was the position Dudley asked him to promote for himself during the Sirius incident, but Fudge seemed to be stuck in it and couldn't extricate himself.

Not only the Daily Prophet is like this, but even the naysayers, for the rare occasion, did not sing the opposite, but published the content of this issue together with the Daily Prophet.

The content of Poison and Antidote Daily is relatively tactful, but it still says this.

The impact of the collective escape of Azkaban prisoners is too great. It cannot be suppressed by Fudge. All serious criminals in Europe are imprisoned in that place.

If you jailbreak, the consequences will be disastrous

“The investigation into the death of Minister Liaison Officer Geze Elebik has become clear”

Percy walked in from the door with a serious face: "Died from the Death Curse! There is also a mark next to it."

As he spoke, he placed a marked picture in front of Fudge.

Skull and snake.

The obvious Dark Mark.

"These damn Death Eaters!"

The roar echoed throughout the office.

According to what I knew about Fudge in the past, his first reaction when he saw the Dark Mark was fright, fear, panic, or uneasiness, but it shouldn't be anger.

Maybe it's because fear has turned to the extreme and turned into anger. Maybe it's because I was pushed too hard during this period and my nerves were in a highly tense state.

In short, Fudge was like an angry wild dog, barking in the office.

"Dumbledore! It must have been Dumbledore!"

"He wants to mess with me. He bribed those Death Eaters! It's him! It's him! It must be him!"

"He wants to oust me as Minister of Magic!"

"He arranged everything!"

Fudge swept the objects in the office to the floor like crazy, and even overturned the desk.

His eyes were red and red, he was breathing heavily, and all the veins on his face were bulging and bulging.

In his thinking logic, at this time, it could only be Dumbledore who was so coincidental and so targeted at him.

"It's done. We're done, I'm done."

Fudge sat slumped on the ground, like a deflated rubber ball, and his whole face became flabby.

"No, Minister. We still have a chance."

Percy looked at his immediate boss seriously.

"still have a chance?"

Fudge's eyes lit up when he heard this. He really couldn't think of a way to save the current situation.

"As long as we can catch those Death Eaters, as long as we can send them back to prison, as long as we can find evidence that Dumbledore colluded with the Death Eaters, we can overturn the situation again, and you can continue to secure your position as Minister of Magic. .”

"Dumbledore has miscalculated, Minister."

"But they are a group of extremely vicious criminals, us."

One second he was eager to have a life-and-death duel with Dumbledore, and the next second he became hesitant.

Fudge has such a character, no matter how angry or violent he appears, he will become timid when he is really asked to do it.

due to character

It's like many times before a fight, everyone yells fiercely and wants to chop the opponent into something, but when the fight actually starts, they will never attack.

"Minister, you have to believe in our strength, our Aurors are not inferior to them!"

"And we can seek support and launch it in the name of catching Death Eaters. Aurors from many places will definitely respond."

Fudge thought of something and his eyes widened: "You mean?"

"That's right. Cooperate with the Ministry of Magic in other regions to carry out arrest operations."

"But this would make the Ministry of Magic in England appear incompetent."

"How could they be incompetent? That group of Death Eaters originally targeted the entire Europe, and many areas were invaded by it. Your initiative, initiated by the wise and powerful man, will definitely teach the Death Eaters an unforgettable lesson."

Seeing that Fudge still looked hesitant, Percy could only emphasize.

"Minister, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, our only chance to make a comeback. You don't want Dumbledore to be the Minister of Magic."

The phrase 'Dumbledore becomes Minister of Magic' deeply irritated Fudge's nerves. He just heard him say viciously: "Okay!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Minister, I will contact other wizards who are willing to help you with this matter. For example, Mr. Dursley is willing to support us with a special potion that can greatly improve the health of those who take it. With magical potions with various numerical values, even an underage wizard can fight with ease against an adult wizard who has experienced hundreds of battles."

Hearing Percy's words, Fudge suddenly felt hopeful.

"Is it really that magical?"

"Of course. Minister, you can try it yourself."

"Our head of the Auror Office, Rufus Scrimgeour, wanted to purchase this potion more than once, but was rejected by Mr. Dursley. Now he can provide it to you exclusively."

"But he is not Dumbledore's student"

"He thinks very highly of you."

Percy continued: "He said more than once that Dumbledore is only suitable to be the headmaster, and you are suitable to be the minister."

This sentence simply spoke to Fudge's heart.

'I am the Minister of Magic! ’

Fudge looked at Percy from the bottom of his heart and said, "Thanks to you."

"Minister, all of this is your wise and wise teaching."

Fudge immediately burst out in pride and burst into laughter.


However, what Fudge didn't notice was that Percy, who was standing respectfully behind him, raised his head slightly and pointed the tip of his chin at Fudge's back. There was a trace of disdain in his eyes, as if he was looking at an idiot.

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