Hogwarts: I am Harry's Cousin

Chapter 430 424 Another ancient magic text

Chapter 430 424. Another ancient magic text

"Dudley, look here."

Hermione shouted excitedly, forgetting that this was a library and needed to be quiet.

Dudley looked where she pointed and found that there was a little bit missing on the last page of the notebook, and there seemed to be a page of content hidden inside.

Without further ado, I opened the hidden page and found that there was indeed other content hidden inside.

But problems also arise.

Dudley couldn't understand what it said.

It is obviously not the Macedonian script recorded on the previous pages, but a completely new script that has never been seen before. Maybe the word brand new is not appropriate. It should be said to be ancient script.

"It's a bit similar to the ancient magic text, but I've never seen it before."

Hermione, the top student, looked at it for a long time but couldn't figure it out.

Even Dudley couldn't recognize her, let alone her.

"Another ancient magic text."

Maybe this is an ancient magic text, but it is not an ancient magic text from England. As for where it is, Dudley can't answer.

Currently, the ancient magic texts in England are learning rune script, which is the rune script used by the Vikings of the Nordic god system.

England was first invaded by the Anglo-Saxons and then the Vikings. The native Celts were basically gone. The ancient magic script of the Celtic system was originally supposed to be used in England. Disappeared and disappeared without leaving any traces in history. Dudley had doubts when he was learning ancient runes. He also asked Basilda Babling, the ancient runes professor at Hogwarts, for advice. He asked the question "Celtic ancient magic script" by studying it, but the other party couldn't answer it either.

Therefore, ancient magic writing is the most unpopular subject, and the number of people is so sparse that it is comparable to alchemy, which steals talents.

Because there is more than one ancient magic script that you need to learn.

Ordinary people who want to master ancient magic literature have to work very hard, and they won't be able to do it without some language talent.

"I think this text is the secret of the Three Holy Artifacts of Death. If we can decipher this ancient magic text, we may be able to discover the secret of the Three Holy Artifacts."

Seeing Hermione's excited expression, Dudley couldn't bear to hit her.

It doesn’t have to be a secret, it could just be a piece of nonsense.

For example: "In my back garden, you can see two trees outside the wall, one is a jujube tree, and the other is also a jujube tree."

The reason why I hid it was just because I thought it was too nonsense. No one stipulated that the hidden secret book could not contain a single sentence of nonsense.

In short, this is Dudley's thoughts after reading the entire book.

"Then let's put it away for now."

As she spoke, Hermione silently put the book into her pocket. Anyway, the book was hidden, and even if it was taken away, Durmstrang would not be able to find it.

"Hermione, you can see if there are any other hidden notes."

Although there must have been some magic books in Durmstrang's library, where there is the excitement of treasure hunting, the original Harry found a notebook from Snape's sixth grade that would make a splash in the Potions class.

It's just that this kind of thing is impossible to say.

"There really is a copy here!"

Hermione's voice rang out in the library.


Is my mouth open?

In the early morning, snowflakes are flying, the north wind is howling, and the sky and earth are vast.

On the ice field next to Durmstrang School, a strong voice kept shouting in the biting cold wind.

"Have you not had enough to eat?"


"Don't be afraid! Charge forward!"

“The best way to eliminate fear is to face it!”

The howling cold wind, the running jeep, the roaring sound of the motor, and four figures fleeing in all directions.

Yes, four figures.

When they were at Hogwarts, the four of them could take turns and rest for a while. If they were lucky, they would be chased for at most five or six minutes in the morning. This situation was simply impossible now.

There were now four of them on the ice, each followed by a jeep.

The person in front ran with all his might, while the car behind chased him with all his might.

Dudley was only responsible for standing on one of the cars, while the jeep chased the rest.

According to Ronald's description of his father's magic car turning into a 'wild car' in the original book, the jeeps behind the four people were 'tamed'.

The first stage was ordinary plain training, and now it is the second stage of one-on-one exclusive training.

As for trivial things like catching a cold easily while running in the cold winter, it's all a wizard. Wouldn't it be okay to just drink a bottle of magic potion?

This kind of routine happens every day in Durmstrang.

By the way, Viktor never came to participate again after the first day of training.

Harry and the others didn't know whether Dudley's training method was scientific or not. Anyway, for those who listened to magic, at least their ability to cast spells without a wand and dodge had been greatly improved, and of course their physical strength had also become better.

"Time's up, today's training ends here."

As the Durmstrang students were preparing to get out of bed and go to school, Dudley announced the end of today's training.

The four Harrys sat down on the ground like dead dogs, gasping for air, and layers of white mist exhaled from their mouths.

The most eye-catching thing was the tops of several people's heads, with streams of white smoke rising upwards, as if they were 'exploding'.

It's a pity that they don't know how to cast spell waves, otherwise they could COS a poor and weak version of Z Warrior.

Well, that's actually not right. Holding a wand can still release a few waves, but this wave is different.

After letting a few people rest for a while and pulling them up from the ground one by one, Dudley said: "Go back to the room and take a shower first, and meet at the door of the dormitory later."

In the blink of an eye, Dudley and the others had been staying in Durmstrang for more than a month, and everyone was almost used to the cold weather here.

During this time in Durmstrang, everyone gained a lot. Harry and Ron were said to have found a lot of good things in the ghost ship, including magic props and precious metals. Neville was also in Durmstrang. He got a lot of magical plant seeds in the greenhouse, and he planned to take them back to Hogwarts to cultivate them.

As for Draco En, he got enough sleep, which laid a solid foundation for him to grow taller and stronger in the future.

If you still don’t grow taller in the future, it must be because your sleeping posture is wrong.

Hermione and Dudley found a lot of notes left by their predecessors in the library, including learning experiences, spell-casting techniques, self-created magic, etc. They wrote down these contents one by one and planned to verify them later.

As the saying goes, there must be a teacher among three people. No matter how much advanced black magic you have mastered, you can still learn something here in Durmstrang.

Maintaining a humble heart at all times is also one of the necessary conditions for becoming a spell caster.

The only thing that made Hermione feel regretful was that the ancient magic text in the book still had no clue.

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