Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 441: vacation begins

Chapter 441 The holiday begins

It seemed that he didn't want to face the letters from those parents. Although Madam Pomfrey kept saying that his injury was not yet healed, Lupine still insisted on leaving the hospital, went to the office to pack some things, and left the castle silently.

Lupine didn’t ask anyone to send him off. Only a dog accompanied him into the carriage.

 The office was vacated again, which made many students feel disappointed... As Harry said, Lupine is one of the best Defense Against the Dark Arts professors.

 They don't care if Lupine is a werewolf, even if he is, a whole school year is safe and sound, which is enough to prove that he will not take the initiative to harm anyone.

 But there’s no other way…it doesn’t matter what they say.

“I don’t know what kind of person they will send us next year!” Cedric said helplessly. These days, it is too difficult to find a good Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

 “Maybe...how about a vampire.” Fred said longingly.

 “A zombie would be nice too,” George said.

Qiu's request is much simpler... As long as it's not a dementor, anything else will do.

 Wait until the afternoon...

Lupine's previous guess was correct. During the meal, hundreds of owls suddenly flew into the auditorium, each owl holding an envelope.

Most of them are ordinary letters, but there are also many red roaring letters.

They circled a few times, and after realizing that the target was not here, they turned around and flew towards the principal's office.

However, these owls did not attract too many people's attention because the test results came out.

 Compared to those yelling letters, the scores on the report card are the most important thing now, and it is directly related to whether they can have a happy holiday.

 Cedric got high scores in O.W.L.s, ranking first in the school. Since the morning, Professor Sprout can always be seen wandering around the castle. Either chatting with Professor McGonagall, or asking Professor Flitwick to go drinking at the Three Broomsticks.

Fred and George also got good grades. Although they were not as high as Cedric, they still got some marks, which was enough to silence Mrs. Weasley.

 In their words, the score does not need to be too high, but it should always leave some expectations for N.E.W.T.

 “It’s your turn next year.” Fred patted Kyle on the shoulder as if he had come before.

George suppressed a laugh, "Fifth grade is absolutely terrible. I hope you can survive it."

Kyle didn't say anything, he just opened his transcript and showed it in front of the two people.

The neat rows of scores made Fred and George feel a toothache and they decisively closed their mouths.

 Looking at the deflated look of the two of them, everyone laughed, including themselves.

By the evening, Slytherin's score still couldn't catch up, which meant that the banquet was held in black and yellow decorations. The Hufflepuff table was the busiest and everyone was celebrating... This was their fourth time Won the College Cup championship again.

"What a pity..." Mikel sighed and turned to look at Kyle, "You didn't get the special contribution award to the school this year. I thought you could win it for seven consecutive years."

 “That’s a bad idea of ​​yours.” Kyle said with a smile.

It is not that easy to win the Special Contribution Award to the school at Hogwarts, especially after he has won it for three consecutive years.

If the holiday can be postponed for a while, and when the truth about Sirius is revealed, Dumbledore might give him another trophy for his attention.

 But school will be on vacation tomorrow, and even the resurrection potion won't be available in this short time.

The carnival of the four consecutive championships lasted until midnight. The next morning, the Hogwarts Express left the station on time.

Kyle, Connor, and Cedric occupied a large box, and not long after, Qiu, Fred, and Qiu also came.

George, who was the last one to come in, closed the box door and asked excitedly: "How are you preparing for the Quidditch World Cup?" "Everything goes well with the hat!"

Cedric said with a smile: "I met Professor Babling in the corridor a few days ago, and I specifically asked her for some magic pattern formulas that can make those decorations move."

“Professor Babuling!” Qiu said in surprise: “You can actually see her outside the classroom?”

As the most mysterious professor at Hogwarts, except for the weekly ancient runes class, Professor Babbling basically does not appear in the castle at other times.

Qiu went to find her several times before, but all failed.

“It was also a coincidence.” Cedric said, “It was on the eighth floor at that time, and she seemed to have something to go to the principal.

 What about you, how are you preparing? "

“Needless to say...” George took out a handful of fireworks, “We have specially improved the fireworks, and the patterns formed after they explode can last for ten minutes!”

 Kangna and Qiu also took out the ornaments they made.

 Their eyes turned to Kyle again.

  Kyle's main task is the badge, which can be said to be something he is very familiar with, and he is very familiar with making it.

 All preparations are in order, just waiting for the day when the Quidditch World Cup starts.

When he thought of this, Cedric couldn't hold back his excitement and couldn't help but said: "I really want to start quickly."

“You’re right.” Fred smiled: “But we also need time to make more products, so we’d better not start too soon.”

 “Just stick to the normal time,” George said.

The train was driving all the way to King's Cross Station. Several people wanted to take advantage of this time to make something else, but they just couldn't calm down.

 And every once in a while, the door of the box where they were sitting would be pushed open, sometimes by Li Jordan, sometimes by Ginny.

 Harry, Ron, and Hermione also came once.

Since Lupine spilled the beans in the school hospital, they have been looking for excuses to talk to Kyle, trying to get some useful information from him.

 But Kyle is not Hagrid and will not give them any chance at all.

The three of them chatted for a long time, but in the end they didn't get any news and could only leave the box dejectedly.

Not long after they left, Neville came again...

After writing the wrong magic pattern three times in a row, Fred simply put away the things for making fireworks and took out the crackling explosion cards and wizard chess.

 “Stop fighting in the corridor, go back quickly!”

Percy's voice came from outside, as well as the sound of messy footsteps.

“When the train arrives at the station, he will no longer be the student body president.” Fred turned over his cards and said with a smile: “He probably wants to have fun again.”

“Percy has graduated.” George said with excitement. “I can’t imagine how happy school life would be without Percy.”

"This is the first time." Fred blinked, "We will be on the holiday train looking forward to the start of school."

Amidst bursts of noise, the train finally pulled into King's Cross station.


 (End of this chapter)

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