Chapter 498 Director

Although they only chatted briefly, the relationship between Kangna and Fleur began to rise at an incredible speed after that.

Even five minutes later, Kyle, who was in the middle, was mercilessly driven away. From the excellent seat that was envied by all the boys, he was reduced to sitting with Mikel.

Looking at Kang Na who was talking to Fleur, Kyle always felt that she was different from usual, her expression was a little... artificial.

But Kyle just pretended not to see anything and just lowered his head to eat the large pieces of steak and French bouillabaisse that had just emerged from the plate.

 Because if he dared to say it, even if he just expressed it a little bit, he would definitely die...well, in every sense.

So Kyle wisely chose to bury his head in his meal.

Not to mention, the French-style food was quite delicious, especially the fish soup, which tasted almost the same as what he had eaten at Nicoléme’s house.

 Perhaps there is a house elf from France in the kitchen. Then you can ask if this dish can be added to the daily recipes to replace the corn chowder.

In addition to the fish soup, there are also many desserts that appear next that I have never seen before.

Kyle was interested in a piece of French vanilla almond panna cotta, but before he could take it, Kangna pushed the plate of panna cotta to Fleur.

 “This is for the guests...don’t you like Yorkshire pudding?”

 Furong just smiled, showing no sign of humility.

Alright...I can't afford to offend you.

Kyle sighed and could only pick another piece of pudding at random.

 Twenty minutes later, when each golden plate became as shiny as new again, Dumbledore stood up again.

 A feeling of both excitement and nervousness began to pervade the auditorium.

"The moment has finally arrived!" Dumbledore said happily: "The Triwizard Tournament is about to begin. I want to explain a few words first, and then..."


At this moment, the door of the auditorium was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and two people walked in from the outside one after the other.

"I hope we're not late, Dumbledore." came an all too familiar voice.

Kyle looked blankly at Chris who was walking at the front, wondering why he was there.

"It's a pity that you missed a wonderful banquet." Dumbledore said, "Those French dishes were really good."

“Oh, no,” Chris said angrily, “There have been too many things going on in the ministry recently, and I was only notified that I was coming here ten minutes ago.”

"I can understand. Fortunately, you have caught up with the most important step." Dumbledore said.

Then he faced everyone, "Please allow me to introduce these two guests to everyone, because some people don't know them yet. This is Mr. Chris Chopper, Director of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures at the Ministry of Magic..."

There was a round of applause in the auditorium, with Fred and George the most enthusiastic, and Ginny and Ron almost standing on the table.

"He is Kyle's father." Ron explained to Hermione and Harry next to him: "He is a very easy-going man, and he remembers each of our birthdays. My only new robe is from him."

Harry nodded. He only knew that Kyle's father also worked in the Ministry of Magic, but no one had ever said that he was actually a director... This is a very high position.

“This is Mr. Ludo Bagman, Director of the Department of Physical Education and Sports at the Ministry of Magic,” Dumbledore continued.

On the Hufflepuff side, Kyle was confused.

 Director...Chris was promoted?

 But it shouldn’t be. The replacement of the Director of the Ministry of Magic is a major event, second only to the ministerial election. The Daily Prophet will definitely mention it.

 But he has read the latest newspapers, and these are not in them. Or maybe Dumbledore thought it would be more honorable to introduce him this way?

While Kyle was guessing, Dumbledore had already introduced the candidates for the judging panel, which were Chris, Ludo, and the three principals including him.

At the same time, the side door of the auditorium was also opened, and Filch walked in holding a large wooden box inlaid with jewelry that looked very old.

The students watched in fascination as Filch placed the wooden box on a table in front of the guest of honor.

“There are three specific events in this year’s warrior competition, which will be held at different times throughout the school year... They will test the warriors from different aspects...magical ability...courage...reasoning ability...and of course the ability to overcome danger..."

The auditorium became silent, as if everyone held their breath.

Dumbledore continued calmly, "The person responsible for selecting the warriors is a fair selector, and it is the Goblet of Fire!"

Dumbledore took out his wand, tapped the box three times, and took out a roughly carved wooden goblet with blue and white flames dancing inside.

“Those who are aspiring to become warriors can put their names in, and the Goblet of Fire will select the warrior it thinks can best represent the three schools on Halloween night tomorrow.

Of course, I mean students who are old enough. Later I will draw an age line around the Goblet of Fire to block those students who are not old enough.

“Finally, I must remind everyone that the Triwizard Tournament is not a child’s play, it is accompanied by fatal dangers, and once a name is selected by the Goblet of Fire, it is equivalent to forming a contract that must be observed, and the competition must be persisted to the end...”

 In fact, Dumbledore's last words actually have no effect at all.

Instead of calming down, everyone became even more enthusiastic. They wanted to write their names and throw them in now. This mood lasted until the banquet was over and they returned to their respective common rooms.

Fleur was going back to the carriage for the night, so she separated from Kangna at the door of the auditorium.

Kyle came to the side door of the auditorium and waited.

 About twenty minutes later, Chris finally came out.

“I knew you were here.” He smiled and said, “Are you surprised?”

Kyle nodded, "Beauxbatons is in France, and Durmstrang is in Northern Europe. No matter how you look at it, this is a matter for the International Magical Cooperation Department."

"Yeah, it was supposed to be Barty..." Chris paused, "It's just that he's in some trouble now and doesn't have time to come over for the time being..."

 “Because of Sirius Black?” Kyle asked.

“That’s right,” Chris said. “After Blake was acquitted, there were accusations that Crouch had convicted him twelve years earlier without a trial. This major blunder had a serious impact on many people...

 In short, these people must now be investigated to prove that they had no selfish motives. During this period, Barty cannot leave the Ministry of Magic yet. "

 “Many people?” Kyle said thoughtfully, “Then your position…”

"Oh, this is just a temporary replacement." Chris didn't seem to want to tell Kyle too much about the Ministry of Magic, so he just explained vaguely.

"And after the matter can be investigated clearly, I will return the jurisdiction to Batty."

 He glanced at the time.

 “Sorry, I have to go back to the ministry now.”

"I really hope the investigation can come soon. No one told me before that being a referee of the Triwizard Tournament has so many things to do... Merlin's beard, I just have to write eight reports tonight!"

 After saying that, Chris hurriedly walked outside the castle.

 (End of this chapter)

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