Chapter 569 Diana

In just one day, O.W.L made many people understand the horror of the fifth grade at Hogwarts.

 The lights in the common rooms of the four colleges were not turned off all night and stayed on until the next day.

 At the same time, this day is also the day when the last competition starts.

The breakfast table was bustling with activity, and the owl delivering messages almost covered the ceiling.

Some people are celebrating the upcoming holidays in advance and looking forward to the game that will start in the evening. Only the fifth grade students are still as nervous as yesterday.

Just as Kyle was hesitating whether to stay in the common room or go to the library today, Professor McGonagall happened to walk along the Hufflepuff table.

“After breakfast, the warriors must gather in the classroom next to the auditorium,” she said.

"Is it about to start?" Susan Bones said quickly: "But Professor, I remember doesn't the competition start at night? We have exams in the morning."

"I know, Miss Bones." Professor McGonagall glanced at her, "This is a private matter for the warriors and has nothing to do with the competition."

 “Okay, sorry Professor...” Susan nodded.

 Professor McGonagall said nothing more and turned to leave.

 After a while, after everyone had breakfast, Connor and Cedric went to the greenhouse to take the herbal medicine class exam.

Kyle got up and went to the room where the wand was tested before, and Fleur followed him.

By the time they opened the door and went in, Klum had already arrived early. He was talking quickly in Bulgarian with two black-haired people, who seemed to be his parents.

The man, like Krum, has a distinctly hooked nose.

Furong's mother also came. She led Gabrielle and walked quickly towards this side. Fleur hurriedly greeted her.

 In front of the fireplace, Diana was standing there quietly, looking at Kyle with a smile.

“Your father is a referee and is not suitable to come here.” She explained in a low voice.

 “I understand.” Kyle nodded.

Although there is absolutely no problem with the score Chris gave him, it would still be a bit troublesome if other warriors or their parents knew about it.

 After all, no one can guarantee whether they will think too much about it.

"Is it okay for you to come to school?" Kyle whispered: "I mean, there are quite a lot of people here."

“Of course there is no problem.” Diana said with a smile, “My job is not to prevent contact with other people at all. It’s just that when we encounter tasks that require strict confidentiality, we will try our best not to have contact with other people.”

 “Then you have no mission now?”

"Yes, but it's not that important...and after all, this is the last competition of the Triwizard Tournament. I always have to come and take a look."

Dianna said with a smile.

The two talked for a while in front of the fireplace. Kyle saw that Diana was always looking at the portraits on the wall intentionally or unintentionally, with a somewhat nostalgic look in her eyes, so he suggested taking her to the castle.

Dianne agreed.

 Then they walked out of the classroom and toward the door leading to the auditorium.

"I haven't been back for more than ten years." Diana looked at the paintings and stone statues on the surrounding walls and said, "This place is still the same as when I was in school, there is no change at all."

“Didn’t you come here once when I was awarded the Order of Merlin, Second Class?” Kyle asked. He remembered seeing Diana.

“The situation was different that time. I didn’t have time to stroll around the castle as leisurely as I do now.”

 Then Kyle took her to the Hufflepuff common room.

 Because it is exam time, there is no one here.

 Diana looked at the barrel-like room and the sun-drenched lounge, and nodded with satisfaction.

"It's really good." She said, "When I was in Slytherin, I could only see the view of the Black Lake from the window, which was completely different from here. "We are also very close to the kitchen. Kyle said with a smile, "It's right next to it, as soon as you go out." "

"I know..." Diana said with a smile, "Your father always sent me cookies and snacks. In my graduation year, I could barely fit in my dress."

Kyle's eyes lit up. He wanted to hear more details, but Diana was unwilling to tell.

 Then they went for a walk in the warm grounds.

Kyle took her to see Beauxbatons' carriage and Durmstrang's ship, but Diana was not interested in them.

  It was the whomping willow that made her stop. According to Diana, when she was in school, the whomping willow was much smaller than it is now.

 “Hey, Kyle.”

Hagrid's voice came not far away, "The exam is taking place now. Why are you outside...Oh, Merlin, are you Diana?"

 “Hello, Hagrid…” Diana greeted him familiarly.

This made Kyle a little surprised. "Do you know each other?"

"It's much earlier than I met you." Hagrid strode over and said with a smile: "At that time, only Chris and Diana would come to the Forbidden Forest to see me. I remember that Chris liked to eat what I cooked. Rock pie.”

"With all due respect, Hagrid." Diana said with a smile, "He just thinks it can save time to study those magical animals. After all, a piece of rock cake can save him from eating all day long."

“I thought he liked the smell.” Hagrid looked a little disappointed, but only for a moment.

That was more than ten years ago, and now it’s just a memory. No matter what the reason was, Chris did “like” rock biscuits, which is good.

 At noon, Kyle proposed going back to the castle for lunch. He thought Diana would refuse, but unexpectedly she agreed.

By the time the two of them arrived at the castle auditorium, it was already filled with students.

  Everyone cast curious glances at Diana, but there was not much surprise, because they had already met Fleur and Krum's parents before.

“She’s so pretty, isn’t she.” Susan and Hannah murmured, “No wonder Kyle is so pretty too…”

“Yes.” Hannah nodded in agreement.

By the time it was lunch time, Kangna looked more nervous than yesterday.

She did not read any more books, but sat there seriously, taking small bites of the food on the plate, but several times she poked her fork outside the plate.

 Fortunately, this situation did not last long.

 About five minutes later, Diana stood up.

“I’m going to find your father to discuss when to pick up Molly and the others.”

 “Are you going now?” Kyle also stood up, “Then I’ll see you off.”

 “No, no need.” Diana shook her head and said, “You eat slowly and don’t worry about me.”

 Then, she left an inexplicable smile and left the auditorium.

  Until this moment, Kangna let out a long sigh of relief. She glanced at the steak that was almost cut into meat, picked up the pumpkin juice on the table and drank it in one gulp.

Kyle poured her another glass.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier that your mother would be coming?" Kangna looked at him and hesitated: "I mean... we can welcome her..."

“Actually, I only found out in the morning.” Kyle shrugged, “You were still taking exams at that time.”

 He can understand Kangna's mood very well.

To be honest, if Snape sat across from him and ate, he might not be able to take a bite.


 (End of this chapter)

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