Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 619: Fudge's letter

 Chapter 619 Fudge’s letter

By Friday, the weather was still as cold and humid as the previous few days. The rain had not stopped these days, but the Hufflepuff Quidditch players did not miss any training.

As Fred said, Cedric is looking more and more like Oliver Wood now. Let alone light rain like this, even if it rains heavily, he probably won't suspend training.

 At 8:30 in the evening, everyone returned tiredly to the warm common room.

Kyle took off the waterproof and moisture-proof badge on his clothes, picked up the hot cocoa that Kangna had prepared in advance on the table and took a sip.

Cedric was also holding a cup of hot tea in his hand, but he just went to the kitchen to get it himself.

"Tomorrow is Hogsmeade visit day." Milda Ancona, the newly joined third-year goalkeeper, took off the badge on his clothes and kept it properly before asking: "How is it there? I I haven’t been there yet.”

In school, only students in third grade and above are allowed to visit Hogsmeade on fixed weekends, and children who are too young can only stay in the castle.

“It’s very interesting,” Cedric said. “I suggest you go to Honeydukes Candy Shop first. It’s the most popular shop in Hogsmeade. It’s always crowded with people.”

“Devisbans is also good.” Connor suggested: “You can buy a lot of interesting magic items there, such as shorthand quills and parchment that can be written over and over again.”

“Of course, if you like something a little less conventional, you can’t miss Joko,” Kyle said.

“Then go to Three Broomsticks and drink a cup of butterbeer.” Another person suggested: “You must try it. There are also pumpkin sodas and cherry honey sodas. They are much better than the pumpkin juice in school.”

Midaan’s eyes gleamed when he heard this, and he wished he could fly to Hogsmeade right now.

 Next, the topic naturally shifted from training to Hogsmeade.

Unlike Midaan, seniors such as Kyle and Cedric have been there many times, and there are only a few shops. They have been there countless times, and the novelty has long since worn off. .

Most of the time, they were recommending play strategies to Midaan and another new third-year team member, telling them which store was more worth visiting.

 The ones that appear the most are Honeydukes Candy Shop and The Three Broomsticks, both of which are related to food.

Kyle originally recommended another place, which was the former Screaming Shack.

 Sirius bought it earlier and planned to open a new shop with Lupine.

However, the resurrection of Voldemort disrupted their plan. Now Lupine has a lot to do, and Sirius has also been taken away by the Ministry of Magic for investigation.

 So, the Screaming Shack, which had just been renovated, was shelved, and no one knew when it would reopen.

 When it was almost ten o'clock, everyone who was feeling sleepy returned to their dormitories.

 At breakfast the next day, most of the young wizards were in the auditorium excitedly discussing the Hogsmeade they were about to go to, and had already planned what to buy first.

However, Cedric, who is in seventh grade, is not very interested in this. He does not plan to go this time. Instead, he decides to stay in the castle and take advantage of everyone to visit and go to the stadium to train for a while.

The other houses are all good, and Cedric is confident that he can beat them, with the exception of Gryffindor.

Harry's Firebolt is too much of a threat to ignore. Although Kyle also has the same broom, their positions are different.

Kyle is the chaser and needs to score goals to slowly gain the advantage, but Harry is the seeker. As long as he catches the Golden Snitch, the game is over.

Although they had successfully delayed Harry's Firebolt once a year ago with an unexpected plan, they succeeded that time because of their surprise.

Now that they were on guard, it was naturally impossible to use the same plan a second time... Harry was not that stupid, and he must have figured out a way to crack it.

 So I have to think of other ways...

On the other hand, Kyle had no intention of going to Hogsmeade.

It's just that he wasn't doing it for Quidditch, but because he really didn't have any shops he wanted to go to, so he might as well stay in the lounge and play wizard chess.

Kyle originally thought so, but at the end of breakfast, a brown barn owl sent him a brief letter.

There is only one sentence in the letter. 【See you at the Three Broomsticks】

 There is nothing else, including the name of the sender.

Just when Kyle was wondering who sent this, he suddenly noticed Umbridge looking at him on the classroom seat.

This time, Kyle understood.

He was still thinking last night that a week had passed since the last confinement, but there was no movement at all from the Ministry of Magic. He thought Fudge could really keep his composure, but he didn't expect to receive a letter today.

So, after breakfast, Kyle came to the foyer with others, and Professor McGonagall and Umbridge took them to Hogsmeade.

“Didn’t you say you weren’t going to Hogsmeade today?” Walking on the field, Connor asked curiously: “Why did you suddenly change your mind?”

 “Go meet someone,” Kyle said.

 “Who is it, Professor Black?”

"No." Kyle shook his head, "You'll know when we get there."

Looking at Kyle's mysterious look, Kangna stopped asking any more.

After arriving in Hogsmeade, Kyle went straight to the Three Broomsticks. Because he arrived early, there were not many people here, including Fudge.

 Generally speaking, everyone will use this place as a resting place, and only come to have a drink when they are tired from playing.

Kyle ordered a pumpkin soda and sat down at an empty table to drink it while he waited.

About half an hour later, the door of the Three Broomsticks was pushed open.

“Oh, Mr. Minister...” Ms. Rosmerta exclaimed, “Why do you have time to come to Hogsmeade?”

“Of course I miss your redcurrant rum, honestly, I want to take a sip every time I get off work.”

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Minister." Ms. Rosmerta looked very happy, and she turned to look at Umbridge, who was coming with her.

 “So, Professor Umbridge, what about you?”

“Mead and cherry syrup,” Umbridge said in a cooing voice.

Kyle, who was sitting on the side, could clearly see that Ms. Rosmerta was holding a cup under the bar with her hands, and she could barely maintain the expression on her face.

 “Please wait a moment,” she said, and then turned to go.

Since there weren’t many people in the bar, Fudge naturally came to Kyle’s table.

 “Long time no see, Kyle.” He greeted warmly, as if he had really met by chance. "You did a great job defeating Beauxbatons and Durmstrang in the Triwizard Tournament last year. To be honest, we haven't won honors in such an international event for a long time."

"This is what I should do, Mr. Minister," Kyle said.

Kanna on the side looked at Kyle, then at Fudge who was hesitant to speak, and suddenly understood something.

"I'm going to buy some candies." She stood up and left the bar.

"What a smart girl." Fudge walked to her previous seat and sat down, taking off the striped top hat and placing it next to her.

Umbridge also sat on the other side.

 “Kanna has always been smart,” Kyle said with a smile.

 (End of this chapter)

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