"It's not like someone actually ate an owl?"

Seeing that McGonagall didn't smile at all, Dumbledore couldn't help trembling, but fortunately, McGonagall quickly shook his head and denied it.

"You guessed wrong Dumbledore. It is indeed our Hogwarts that made a mistake! Just a moment ago, the pen of acceptance wrote another name on the admission book, and that child is exactly this year's newborn!"

Hearing what Professor McGonagall said, Dumbledore breathed a sigh of relief, and said casually:

"That's right, Professor McGonagall, it doesn't matter, it's still early before the start of the school year, and now I can give the students an owl, and the time is completely in time. At most, I can give the owl a magic spell to speed up the flight, and nothing will be delayed! "

While Dumbledore was talking, he seemed to feel that the iced lemon juice in his hand was not sweet enough. He took some honey out of nowhere and added it to it. He also gestured to Professor McGonagall, asking if Professor McGonagall would like to come again Some honey.

Professor McGonagall signaled that he didn't need it, staring at Dumbledore in front of him, and said meaningfully:

"Dumbledore, the problem is not time, but people. You also know the elders of this child!"

Hearing this, Dumbledore smiled and said in a relaxed tone:

"Ha, Professor McGonagall, you know, this man, the longer he lives, the more people he will know. I don't know, which old friend's child is it?"

"I haven't waited for an owl before. Their family must have been terrified? Poor boy, when he arrives at Hogwarts, I must make it up to him!"

Dumbledore gently stirred the iced lemon juice in front of him, and was about to send it to his mouth.

"That child's name is Wentworth, Wentworth Grindelwald!"

Dumbledore's hand suddenly stopped in mid-air, his eyes were blank, and the glass of iced lemon juice that was floating in front of Professor McGonagall, if Professor McGonagall was not quick, might have been knocked over.

Seeing Dumbledore's dumbfounded look, Mag suddenly felt much better, and slowly raised the iced lemon juice in his hand, savoring it carefully.

"Grindelwald? He... When did he have a child?"

Dumbledore said to himself in disbelief.

Hearing that Dumbledore seemed to have misunderstood, McGonagall quickly explained:

"No, they are descendants of that person's own brother, not that person's! But they are all from the Grindelwald family, aren't they? If people know that we accepted his descendants to enroll, then... "

But before McGonagall could express his concerns, Dumbledore preemptively ordered:

"Let's write, Professor McGonagall, all recorded children, no matter who they are, we Hogwarts will send a letter of admission. This has been the case for thousands of years, and it will not be because of who his relatives are. , and make a change!"

"His family can choose to let him give up studying at Hogwarts, but we have to inform them!"

After listening to Dumbledore's words, Professor McGonagall froze for a moment, then nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay Dumbledore, I'll have the owl post the letter right away, and cast a fast-flying spell on it, hoping to get a reply as soon as possible."

After Professor McGonagall left, only Dumbledore and the countless former headmasters hanging on the wall remained in the headmaster's room at Hogwarts.

What McGonagall said just now, the portraits of the principals also heard their ears, and there was a lot of discussion at this time.

However, the opinions of these portraits of the principals are quite unified. They all approved of Dumbledore's decision and believed that Hogwarts would not make changes because of the identity and background of the students. Hogwarts' tradition is also The pride of Hogwarts.

At this time, Dumbledore,

But ignoring the chattering portraits behind him, he stood alone in front of the Pensieve in the principal's office, wondering what he was thinking, and after a long time, he murmured:

"Gellert, have you predicted today?"

At this time, the owl had already flown out of Wentworth's window. The sudden owl first surprised the people in the room, and then everyone guessed what the owl brought. All fell into a kind of madness.

Originally, Wentworth was about to run over ecstatically, open the window, and bring the owl in, but just after taking two steps, he saw the window of his house smashed to the ground, and then the owl couldn't help it. He flew into the house and was grabbed by Rozier.

I saw that Rozier rudely tore off the letter from the owl without regard for elegance, threw the owl out casually, and gathered around the old people behind him, carefully reading the letter.

In the room, only Wentworth was left standing there pitifully and at a loss, not knowing what to do.

By the way, there is also an owl, which is still waiting for Wentworth's reply, but it is really frightened by the dead bodies of Avada Kedavra all over the place.

One person and one bird looked at each other. The cold night wind blew in through the broken window, blowing the boy's hair and the owl's feathers. The atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Rozier glanced through the letter quickly, and sure enough, it was the admission letter from Hogwarts as everyone thought, but when Rozier saw the string of titles under Dumbledore's name, Rozier There was a trace of disdain in Zill's eyes.

"This admission notice is really featureless and lifeless, just like Dumbledore's Hogwarts. It seems that Durmstrang will become the well-deserved number one magic school in a short time!"

"Hey, you should know that, in fact, the best magic school in the world is called Ilvermorny!"

Ignoring other people's disputes, Rozier called Wentworth to his side and handed him the Hogwarts admission letter in his hand. Although he was very dissatisfied with Dumbledore in the letter, Rozier Still softly said to Wentworth:

"Take a good look, Wentworth. This represents a new world and opens its doors for you. It is a day to remember, isn't it?"

Wentworth took the admission notice from Rozier's hand with some trembling. In fact, Wentworth had already been familiar with the content written on it.

But when Wentworth saw the coat of arms on the envelope, which consisted of lions, eagles, snakes and the flat-headed brother, his excitement was beyond words!

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Sir Merlin First Class, Chief Wizard of the Wizengamot, President of the International Federation of Wizards)

dear mr grindelwald

We are delighted to inform you that you have been accepted to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A list of required books and supplies is enclosed with this letter.

Semester begins on September 1st. We will be waiting for your owl reply before July 31st.

Vice Principal (Female)

Sincerely Minerva McGonagall

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