Chapter 650 Is it not my father?!!

Christmas Eve.

Mrs. Weasley made a banquet.

She made a lot of food and piled up several tables.

Lupin and Sirius were also here.

Lupin looked at Darren apologetically.

“I was going to write to you, but Dumbledore asked me to go undercover with the werewolf, so I can’t contact you.”

Darren showed a worried expression.

“I hope I can graduate soon, so I can help you too,” Lupin laughed.

“You’re still a kid!”

“Darren is not small, we have already started to learn to make trouble with Jaime when he is his age!”

Sirius said with a smile.

Darren looked at him curiously.

“What has Headmaster Dumbledore asked you to do lately? How does it look… So handsome? ”

Unlike Sirius before, Sirius now looks more handsome.

He seems to be beginning to return to the handsomeness of his previous youth.

Sirius replied a little embarrassed.

But Lupin helped him answer.

“Headmaster Dumbledore asked him to visit those witches…”


Harry and Ron said in disbelief.

“Yes, just communicate with some witches and want them to join the fight… Sirius is the most handsome among us. ”

Lupin couldn’t laugh or cry. Sirius covered his face.

Darren felt that there was a situation.

Then he heard Lupin laugh and say, “There’s a Muggle girl… Sirius had been very close to her and had heard that he was going to their house as a guest. ”

“Then does she know Sirius is a wizard?”

Darren quickly asked.

Sirius’s face turned pale.

He shook his head bitterly.

“I can’t say… Involve her now, and she will die…

Bella is still alive, if she knew I found a Muggle girl, she would have killed her desperately! ”

The corner is quiet.

Lupin let them play.

I went to comfort Blake myself.

Darren could only show a worried expression and was pulled by the two girls to eat and drink.

Harry and Ron didn’t mean anything.

They could only continue to discuss Malfoy and Snape on the table

When I had nothing to say, I suddenly felt how nice it would be to have a girl.

In the middle of the night.

Mr. Weasley had just returned.

Harry told him about what he had heard Snape and Malfoy talking to.

But Mr. Weasley, as well as Lupin and Sirius, who heard him next to him, thought he was overthinking.

“But I think Dumbledore also sees the wrong person, right? And it won’t be even the two of you who think Snape is a good person. ”


Harry looked at Lupin and Black in disbelief.

Black hesitated.

He said tangledly: “If I believe him completely, it is impossible, because of our grudge with him…

Therefore, it is impossible for us to reconcile in our lifetime, and there must be a lot of dissatisfaction with him.

But we trust Dumbledore’s judgment very much, Dumbledore thinks that he has no problem, then he has no problem at this time! ”

“You don’t believe Dumbledore…”

“Yes, we believe in Dumbledore!”

Lupin said firmly.

Harry was helpless.

He could only bring up another topic.

“Do you know someone called the Half-Blood Prince?”

“Nope! Did this person mess with you? ”

Lupin and Sirius both raised their heads warily.

Harry hurriedly said: “No, no, I just took the textbook he used during his time at Hogwarts, and he wrote spells on it, including hanging the Admiralty upside down…”

Lupin and Sirius laughed.

“yes, there will be a time when those spells will be popular… It’s nothing, and besides, we haven’t heard of this person either. ”

Harry was a little disappointed.

“Are you sure it’s not my dad?”

Harry stole a glance at Darren.

“Absolutely not, Jaime is pureblood, and he doesn’t like to be called Prince.”

Harry was silent.

Then at this time, he heard Ginny’s screaming voice.

It was Tonks who hugged Darren.

She was almost attached to Darren’s body.

“I really like you, give me a chance, okay?”

Tonks said with a crying voice.

Harry saw Darren’s stunned expression.

He seemed incredulous.

I was hugged by Tonks all the time, and I didn’t respond for a while.

Until Lupin after they went up and pulled Tonks away.

Only then did he come back to his senses.

“I, I can’t…”

He quickly wanted to refuse. But Tonks was drunk. She cried.


Mrs. Weasley was furious.

She dragged Tonks out.

They could all hear Tonks’ hysterical cry: “It’s about to start a fight, and if I die, I won’t even confess!” ”

Then came Mrs. Weasley’s comforting voice.

“Maybe we’ll still be alive…”

“Do you think it’s possible? How many people died? Ten don’t save one… How can war not die? ”

Harry felt his throat crack.

He looked at Darren.

Darren’s eyes were a little red. Helpless.

Isn’t that what war is?

“Go back to sleep!”

Finally, Darren said in a low voice.

He walked out of the room…

The Tonks thing, after Darren helped her sober up, she slipped away. She felt embarrassed.

It is estimated that it will not appear here for a long time.

But no one takes this as a funny thing.

Because she was telling the truth.


There will always be death.


The next day’s Christmas washed away the sorrow that Tonks had brought.

Darren woke up in a room full of gifts.

Harry gave him a bag of gold gallons, and Hermione and Ginny gave him two robes with handsome dragons woven on them.

You can also raise your head to the sky from time to time.

Mrs. Weasley was still a sweater and a chunk of lactose.

Snape had sent him a bottle of elixir, about a pint of those.

There are also some seven-seven-eight-eight things.

Darren waved his wand and sent it all to Packy.

Let it go and clean up.

After Darren finished cleaning up, he looked at Ron.

No surprises.

Ron received a necklace called My Sweetheart.

Romida seemed to want him to hang the necklace around his neck.

Ron looked at the necklace in disbelief.

He told Darren that he would rather go to the guillotine than take something like this.

“Wait, Darren, did you fall here?”

Ron suddenly saw a gift on the ground, and he asked curiously.

Darren picked it up.

It says Harry.

From: Lini.

“Oh my God, Harry, look, Lini sent you something!”

Ron exclaimed in surprise.

He rubbed Harry and pushed straight.

Harry looked at Linny’s gift in puzzlement.

“Take it apart and take a look!”

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