Hogwarts: I Really Don't Want to Be a Wizard

Chapter 118 Neville’s Misunderstanding

Neville woke up in Madam Pomfrey's infirmary.

Everyone was worried about his health. After all, wizards rarely fainted.

Madam Pomfrey checked worriedly for a long time, and finally determined that there was nothing wrong with Neville's body. On the contrary, his physical condition was much healthier than that of young wizards of the same age.

No one noticed that Neville became much silent after waking up. It was not until Madam Pomfrey said that he could leave that his expression changed slightly.

Gretel had long known that there was nothing wrong with Neville, but that he had fainted due to the overdose of magic particles.

So he left him in the hands of Madam Pomfrey and went straight back to the laboratory.

He wanted to see what Neville had created that caused such a huge movement of magic particles.

When Neville came back, Gretel was holding his experimental report that occupied the entire room, fascinated by it.

"The environment where small-leaf early-maturing grass grows does not have sufficient nutrients, so they must penetrate their roots deeper and wider to fully absorb the poor nutrients.

However, due to the growth characteristics of small-leaf early-maturing grass, they will still supply nearly half of the nutrients to the roots to ensure the survival and growth of the above-ground plants.

But for crops, the current nutrient absorption rate has fully reached the standard and is a bit too strong.

If this characteristic is not controlled, the land where the seeds have been planted will become infertile.

Therefore, for the next experimental direction, I plan to induce them to transfer nutrients to the above-ground parts, and use sufficient grain production to make up for the fallow time of the land.

Or inhibit its rooting speed to achieve a balance between land nutrients and seed needs. "

Listening to Neville's talk, Gretel's eyebrows twitched and he pulled his head away from the experimental records.

Neville's eyes were obviously much more lively than before.

It is like a sword that has been dusted for many years and has been sharpened again. The mottled spots of the years have been wiped away. It is bright and sharp, and the whole person is full of vitality.

Overall, it looks similar to the honest and honest image of the past.

Only through the occasional flash of light can we know the smart thoughts hidden under this body.

Apart from the first time, Grete also saw some sadness in his eyes, but it was deeply suppressed in his heart.

Seeing Gretel looking over, Neville opened his mouth and swallowed it back.

Gretel was helpless. He was most annoyed by the people around him who hesitated to talk. Wouldn't it be better to be direct and talk about things when they have something to say?

With a raised eyebrow, the increasingly proficient Legilimency decisively started to use it.

This is why he is not very popular at the Moldova headquarters today.

No matter who it is, they don't like to have their minds probed at will, even if Gretel is the leader.

In particular, even though he has already detected other people's minds, he still thinks about him and refuses to deal with them head-on.

(Penello: Yes, that’s me.)

But facing Neville, Gretel would not be like this.

After all, he has seen all the hard work this little guy has put in during this period.

Isn't it just to ask him to go to St. Mungo's to save his parents?

Gretel never mentioned this matter, not because he wanted to make fun of Neville.

After all, the Longbottoms are not like Harry. Harry's soul just has a parasite like Voldemort, which can be dealt with by simply removing it.

But the souls of the Longbottoms were tortured mad by Bellatrix using the Cruciatus Curse alive.

It even once destroyed the self-healing ability of the soul itself.

One can imagine how their souls were shattered into pieces.

Gretel valued Neville extremely, and he did not want to encounter any danger or leave any hidden dangers during the treatment process because of his mistakes.

By that time, even if Neville didn't hate him in his heart, it would be difficult for Gretel to forgive himself.

After all, everyone here is apparently just his researcher, or his subordinate.

However, in Gretel's heart, he regarded a dozen people as equally important partners as Comrade Shuguang.

No one knows which of these people will hold the future of the entire human world in their hands.

Take Neville, for example. Although the seeds he created still have hidden dangers, even so, the yield of a single crop is more than three times that of the same crop.

What this means is that as long as Neville continues his research and maintains his research enthusiasm and talent, everyone at the dinner table in the future will be inseparable from Neville's contribution.

And Neville's talent in plant research was obviously not exhausted so easily.

In the past, the occasional amnesia did not stop his research.

Now that he has been nourished by magic particles, his whole person has been reborn from the inside out and will only become better.

Gretel saw in Neville's mind the scene of Bellatrix torturing the Longbottoms.

That crazy mad woman, after Voldemort lost power, in order to find traces of Voldemort, she tortured his parents to madness in front of the young Neville.

When the Aurors arrived after hearing the news, the Longbottoms were already tortured to the point of dying. Fortunately, they were sent to St. Mungo's in time to save their lives.

At that time, Neville was almost stunned by the scene. A child who was not yet sensible, relied on the connection between blood to feel the pain of blood relatives.

In order for Neville to grow up healthily, his grandmother began to use the forgetting spell on him since he was a child. The purpose was to make him forget this memory and grow up healthy and happy.

In the following years, in order to stabilize the effect of the Forgetting Curse, his grandmother used it many times.

This also caused Neville to be forgetful from time to time and look stupid. For a time, the Longbottom family even suspected that he was a squib.

Fortunately, under the action of the tide of magic particles, Neville was completely healed.

This is why there is sadness in his eyes from time to time.

Because he recalled the scene where Bellatrix tortured her parents.

Then he thought about how, when visiting his parents at St. Mungo's, the skinny Mrs. Longbottom, who rarely calmed down, would carefully hand him a crumpled, super-premium bubble gum wrapper.

Neville hesitated because he didn't know if what he was doing was enough. He had never made any requests to others since he was a child.

He believed in Grete. When Grete said that he could help him treat his parents, Grete became the person he trusted most in the world.

In addition, Harry told him that Gretel could operate on people's souls.

He didn't doubt Gretel's ability, but he was just evaluating in his mind whether what he had done was not enough.

Grete smiled angrily. This little fat guy was hesitating like this before the sequelae of the Forgetting Curse were cured.

Now that I'm back to normal, I'm still hemming and hawing.

You know, as far as his research is concerned, as long as he continues to research, he will be the well-deserved food god in the Harry Potter world.

No matter which country he is from, he must be written into myths and legends and passed down to future generations.

"Mr. Neville Longbottom, am I a very cold person?" Grete said with a smile on his lips.

Neville was still immersed in his own sorrow. When he heard Gretel's voice, his head almost turned into a bobblehead and he denied it one after another.

"No, Gretel, you are the warmest person I have ever seen in Hogwarts."

Grete patted his head helplessly, forget it, this guy never knew what a joke was.

Even if he becomes smart again now, the temper he has developed over the years will not make him become another person.

Gretel actually didn't do much, except that he stood up to defend him a few times when others laughed at him.

When he can't understand certain lessons, lend him your notes.

Other than that, not much was done.

The same was true for Luna Lovegood. Even if Grete was a little worried about that girl's weird talent, she couldn't stand by and watch others play tricks on her.

If Grete hadn't maintained it many times, she wouldn't just be hiding away the collection she worked so hard to collect.

"Yes, I helped Harry heal his soul, but that was because Voldemort's soul was mounted on Harry's soul.

But your parents are different. I need to study for a while before I can come up with suitable treatment methods.

So don't worry. By the end of this school year at the latest, I will follow you to St. Mungo's to help you cure your parents. "

Gretel's words gave Neville reassurance, but Neville's subsequent actions were beyond Gretel's expectations, and he didn't even have time to stop him.

"I, Neville Longbottom, swear by my soul and the honor of the Longbottom family that if Mac Gretel cures my parents, I will be loyal to Mac Gretel until death."

Neville bit his finger, dabbed it on his eyebrow with blood, and solemnly swore a blood oath.

The moment the oath was established, the blood on the forehead seeped into it in an irrefutable manner, outlining a pattern like a twisted chain.

After flashing for a few times, it was hidden.

Gretel was completely stunned. The oath Neville swore was the oldest oath curse.

A long time ago, it was used by wandering wizards when they pledged their allegiance to family wizards.

Even to a certain extent, it is more like a slave contract than an oath curse.

Even Gretel only learned about it through ancient magic manuscripts.

Dawn's latest oath spell was also modified by him based on this spell. It is a super weakened version and is more suitable for multi-person contracts.

Because Shuguang was officially launched, in order to expand the recruitment manpower, it was troublesome and a bit inhumane to use the previous oaths for core members.

In order to reduce the resistance of peripheral members, Gretel made modifications based on the ancient oath spell, which only limited the newcomers' loyalty to Dawn, and at least guaranteed that they would not betray Dawn and harm Dawn's interests.

Gretel swore to God, he was really shocked when Neville swore, and he didn't have time to stop him.

When Neville swore, he didn't even think about the consequences of the oath, which caused Gretel not to read his next thoughts from his brain.

It was too late to make contact now, unless he didn't rescue the Longbottoms from that crazy situation.

But how could Neville agree? He was clearly showing his loyalty to Gretel.

As for why this curse became a hard-working contract, it is because, from the day this curse is truly established, the hidden lines will be completely revealed, just like the family lines imprinted on the slaves by slave owners.

This is a way for ancient family wizards to show their ownership of property.

"Mr. Neville Longbottom, can you give me a reason?"

Gretel frowned and looked at Neville.

He doesn't like this kind of thing, which is why he has been advocating for Dawn to find like-minded people for so long.

If it was just to make Dawn stronger, he could just imitate the Death Eaters and use the Imperius Curse to control everyone.

Anyway, he is quite proficient in mastering this magic spell.

Why should he go to the trouble of looking for companions in Hogwarts and rely on the [Memory Master] to make up false memories for those who don't have the same aspirations?

Neville's expression showed no panic, and even his brain showed no emotional fluctuations, which did not allow Gretel to read any useful information through Legilimency.

Neville's expression was very respectful, "I didn't know much about it in the past. I only know that what you asked me to study is very important, but I don't understand how important it is.

Why, including Seamus, Daybreak had thirteen projects underway at the same time.

Only Seamo and I have received the most support from you.

Even more than half of the day was spent in our two laboratories.

But after waking up this time, I understood.

That's because dawn is the backing of dawn. Seamo and I, one has food and the other has guns.

Magic has long been away from the Muggle world, and it is not that easy to blend in casually.

So, you want to court the Muggle government with food rations that can feed the entire world.

But at the same time, you also know that the topic that the Muggle world cannot get rid of from ancient times to the present is war.

Seamus carries the potential that the Muggle government will take seriously.

The day when you have both the carrot and the stick, the day when you have both the carrot and the stick, is the time for your official showdown with the Muggle world.

After I woke up, I knew how important what I was studying now was.

You can ignore the threat of what I control, but I can't ignore my loyalty. "

Gretel thought for a moment. He wanted to tell Neville that he was wrong.

Although food is important, it does not have as high a status as he imagined.

In the Muggle world, there is a group of people who can help the world get rid of the food crisis without relying on gods or magic, relying on youth and sweat, and relying on trial and error bit by bit.

There is nothing wrong with showing kindness, and Gretel is indeed showing kindness with this attitude.

He wants the Muggle world to know that the existence of magic is not a threat, but can also be a help.

However, Seamus, the master of explosions, was indeed, as Neville thought, a treasure that Gretel felt he had to dig deep for.

At least, the magical world must have something that can allow the country in America to sit down and negotiate.

Otherwise, the group of bandits who escaped from England would probably first consider how many dollars the wizard's scalp could be exchanged for.

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