Hogwarts: I Really Don't Want to Be a Wizard

Chapter 120 It is necessary to take action against Gringotts

"Chief, we should assist Mr. Longbottom. Perhaps our experimental data can provide more help to Mr. Longbottom."

Grete was a little surprised by what the manager of Shuguang Agricultural Research Institute said.

The researchers at the institute have always been high-minded people, and the leaders of dozens of projects never give in to each other.

In order to occupy more research funding, they have always been tit-for-tat. No matter who they faced, they never bowed their heads.

Only when facing the leader Grete, or Penelo who is in charge of financial power, will their attitude be appropriately relaxed.

Other times, even when it comes to Moen, the Minister of Magic, or Seni, the intelligence chief, when it comes to research, they don't take them seriously at all.

In fact, Grete feels that if he were not himself, he would be the initiator of the project and provided many of his own broad ideas for thinking.

These people would not have any groveling attitude toward him.

After all, when Suguang was launched, its policy was based on talent orientation.

Therefore, these rare talents with research talents in the magic world have always been highly respected within Shuguang from top to bottom.

In order to allow them to research to their heart's content and produce more results, Grete specially ordered that all the inside of the institute be managed by their own people and be isolated from Dawn's existing administrative structure.

Scientific research is scientific research and should not have anything to do with politics.

Therefore, for so long, Sugon has only initiated the necessary supervision procedures for the institute. For other matters, according to Grete's regulations, professional people are in charge of professional matters. Except for finance, they do not have contact with each other.

In other words, Grete's attitude towards these researchers who shoulder important tasks has always been casual and conniving.

Grete is not worried that this architecture will not be big enough in the future.

Because from the day he established the institute, Grete had solemnly repeated the institute's iron rules many times.

That is, the research is pure and should not be mixed with any political factors.

The institute adheres to the principle of voluntary membership. All those who are qualified to join will be separated from Sugon's existing administrative structure from the day their status is transferred to the institute.

All members of the institute can enjoy Sugon's most generous treatment, but once they enter the institute, there is no chance to change the administrative structure.

Moreover, there are no fixed positions within the institute, and the project leaders are all promoted by those who are capable and those who are mediocre.

In order to avoid corruption, every expenditure of the institute must be recorded in detail, and people from the financial department are randomly selected to conduct an inventory of the accounts every quarter.

Grete didn't believe that in the Institute, a land without political soil, anyone could play any kind of shameless political game.

Therefore, Grete was really surprised that a researcher trained under such circumstances would choose to bow his head.

He had seen how Saini interfered with research at the research institute in order to catch spies, and how he was blocked in a corner by this group of researchers and pointed at him.

However, in an instant, he realized that the original purpose was to study something tortuous.

Especially in a nascent organization like Shuguang, the ethos of the institute is that those who are capable are promoted to those who are mediocre.

Although Dawn and Dawn are two parallel organizations, in the final analysis, the leaders of both organizations are the same leader.

Although Neville is no longer in Dawn, as long as Gretel is still in this world, Dawn and Daybreak can be regarded as one and the same.

Therefore, the researchers naturally regarded Neville as one of the institute's own.

Those who have mastered it are their teachers, but don’t you see, the supreme leader of Shuguang is only fifteen years old this year, isn’t he?

With Gretel in front of them, they had long regarded Neville as a person of the same level.

Not to mention, it is now clear that their skills are inferior to others. They have obtained all of Neville's records, but they cannot even make a simple reproduction.

Fortunately, they were unable to replicate Neville's operations and create the institute's own seeds from scratch.

However, they were able to stand on Neville's shoulders and optimize the seeds.

Not to mention the enthusiastic research atmosphere here between Neville and the researchers at the Agricultural Research Institute.

Gretel rushed to Nurmengard again.

They hadn't seen each other for a while, but when they suddenly met, Gretel found that the old man Grindelwald was in good spirits again.

The loss and exhaustion that once lingered in the corner of his eyes were almost gone.

Coming to Nurmengard again, Gretel found that this place had completely changed compared to the last time he came.

Starting from the top floor, all the way to the bottom, the walls of the small independent cells were knocked off one by one, and each floor became a large flat floor.

Grindelwald also moved down from the small independent cell with a steeple on the top floor.

The reason is that the space there is too small, and the information he needs cannot be piled up at all.

There was an entire flat floor, and if it weren't for the small bed that could fit one person against the wall, Grete would have suspected that he had arrived at the library.

You can see densely packed bookshelves everywhere, filled with documents handed up from the lower floors.

Grindelwald was sitting at the big table surrounded by bookshelves, holding a pen and burying his head in writing something on the paper.

From time to time, he would wave his hand, and the documents he needed would automatically float to him from the bookshelf.

What Gretel didn't expect was that he was integrated with the magic particles and could be sensed by Grindelwald.


The moment he appeared, Grindelwald stopped the pen in his hand and looked up in the direction of Gretel.

Only then did Grete confirm that the old man in front of him had really sensed his presence.

"Stop hiding it. Take a look at my latest research. You may be interested. After you finish reading it, I will tell you about my latest research."

Gretel showed up with a helpless look on his face. This was one of the few entertainments he had.

Every time he appeared in front of Grindelwald in this way that transcended eras, you could see the old man's envious eyes.

There wasn't much that Grindelwald summarized, but what was said in it surprised Gretel.

Because Gretel mentioned it to Grindelwald before leaving Nurmengard last time, because the wizarding world has suffered several crises from the Muggle world.

So in this case, a lot of documentation about the magical world has been lost.

Gretel suggested that they could profile the lives of ancient wizards by studying Muggle historical records.

Grindelwald did exactly that.

The history of Muggles is vast, and the number of people tens of millions times larger than that of wizards has created countless historical events.

Even though a lot of history has been tampered with, more or less, some clues of the magical world can still be observed from some historical records.

The record in Gretel's hand is the effective information Grindelwald extracted from these histories.

In Grindelwald's summary, he wrote that in the early stages, all powerful wizards were inseparable from the Muggle world.

In other words, wizards will become more powerful only if they are more closely integrated with Muggles.

He also raised his suspicions, whether it was because only wizards who had contact with Muggles were recorded.

But after comparing it with the history of the wizarding world, he overturned this speculation.

The powerful wizards recorded by Muggles are almost the same as those recorded in the wizarding world.

In other words, there are no powerful wizards who exist independently of Muggle society.

Wizards may hide their presence from Muggles, but they cannot hide it from other wizards.

After all, one person cannot collect all the materials that wizards need in their daily lives.

This also means that there is no powerful person who hides both the Muggle and magical worlds at the same time.

And during those times when the Muggle world was closely connected, there was almost an endless stream of geniuses emerging from the wizarding world.

The current situation can be said to be two extremes.

In the historical records of the Muggle world, the older the era, the more powerful beings are recorded.

Going back further, until now, wizards like this live in isolation and are completely separated from the Muggle world.

There are fewer people who can truly change the world on their own.

Another point is that Grindelwald discovered that before cutting off contact with the Muggle world, the more people contribute to the entire process of human civilization, the more powerful they will be.

This is completely consistent with the records Grete recently sent.

Neville, based on his past performance, is not considered a genius in this era.

But when he received the infusion of magic particles, a gift from the world.

His current performance is already unique among the students at Hogwarts.

Even if it were possible, if Neville were thrown to the period before the rise of Grindelwald, he would become a hot new star in the wizarding world.

But has he done anything in the practice of magic power?

No, he didn't even invest a lot of time in magic research.

It just opens up a new way for the cultivation of grain seeds.

But to the wizard, this doesn't matter at all.

After all, there has never been a free wizard starving to death since ancient times.

If magic power is spared, one person will grow up quickly and produce enough food to feed an entire wizarding family for a whole year.

So from this perspective, the twelve uses of dragon blood discovered by Dumbledore made a much greater contribution to the wizarding world than Neville's contribution to creating excellent breeding.

However, if Dumbledore is placed at the same age as Neville, it is obvious that he is much inferior to Neville.

Even if Dumbledore, who has graduated in the timeline, is dragged over, he can't compare to Neville.

Ordinarily this situation shouldn't happen, but it just happened so bizarrely.

Therefore, when Grindelwald learned that a character like Neville had appeared under Gretel, he studied it sleeplessly for several days.

Comparing Neville with outstanding wizards in ancient history, we found one thing in common.

They all made important contributions to the course of human history.

Just like the wars before the Middle Ages, many wizards were recruited by Muggle generals.

The strange thing is that the originally weak wizard may have followed a powerful general.

His strength will grow rapidly, even surpassing the recognized geniuses of his generation.

Do you want to say what contribution he made?

The only thing that can be contacted is that powerful generals can complete the reunification faster and stabilize the entire Muggle society.

Seeing this, Grete fell into deep thought.

Grindelwald spoke, "Of course, those are all my personal guesses, but I think the probability of it being credible is at least 70%.

But, to be honest, the Muggles' suppression of wizards was so brutal that the wizarding world's records were not perfect.

Merely studying Muggle history cannot prove my suspicion.

And in today's society, wizards no longer have the opportunity to join the army.

If we could get more and more detailed history of the wizarding world, perhaps we could straighten out the connection between Muggles and wizards more quickly and solve the problem of wizards' gradually weakening power. "

Gretel knew what Grindelwald meant.

If anyone in the entire magical world now has a more detailed history of the magical world, it is undoubtedly the group of goblins who are famous for their shrewdness.

As immortals and magical creatures that have always been hidden from Muggle society, their recorded history has almost no gaps.

In addition, they have always been eyeing wizards, so they must have countless historical records in their hands.

Another way is to explore the relics left by ancient wizards.

In ancient times, whether they were Muggles or wizards, they took their own death very seriously.

As they value death, they will naturally build their mausoleums to be grand and imposing.

However, just as Muggle kings and nobles are afraid of tomb robbers stealing from their tombs, wizards naturally also have this worry.

Therefore, no matter what era the ancient wizards are from, they will have all kinds of difficult traps and curses in their residence after death.

The civilization gap in the magical world leaves wizards without the energy or ability to explore safely there.

In today's wizarding world, only those under Gringotts have such a professional position as Curse Breaker.

These goblins hold the secret recipe for undoing curses passed down from ancient times. Therefore, most of the ancient ruins that have been discovered are basically under the control of Gringotts.

Grete held his chin and thought for a long time. He felt that it was time to launch an action against Gringotts, or in other words, against the goblins.

It was difficult for him to accept that the entire financial system of the magical world was in the hands of a foreign race.

Now plus, they need goblins to record the hidden history of the magical world.

No matter which way you look at it, these evil-minded aliens have a way to kill themselves.

Dawn, starting from the time Seni graduated, began to monitor the goblins of Gringotts.

However, at that time, the main body of Dawn was still developing secretly in Hogwarts, and Seni's main focus was on secretly developing new members.

However, even so, Seni still found clues that the goblins were really not as honest as they appeared to the outside world.

In other words, the honesty they showed has always been to confuse the entire wizard group.

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