Hogwarts: I Really Don't Want to Be a Wizard

Chapter 136 Temporal Stabilizer

Gretel dealt with the ordinary Muggles who were kidnapped here, and also met many wizards.

They are ordinary wizards who have been charged with various crimes and have no money to escape.

Speaking of which, the Ministry of Magic and the Muggle authorities are also looking to serve others, and all the wizards they capture live at the bottom of society.

Many wizards even looked much thinner than the Muggles kidnapped from war-torn areas.

Having been living in relatively wealthy Europe, Gretel really never thought that there were wizards who could endure such a horrible state of hunger.

It’s hard to say whether the United States has its own national conditions.

Among the local Muggles in the Americas, except for the indigenous people who were almost exterminated, it is difficult to see anyone who is not smooth and smooth.

In the past days, in order to compete with the Red Empire for the position of world leader, they really created the best welfare in Muggle society for the citizens under their rule in America.

However, wizards have no chance to enjoy this kind of benefit.

The wizard, who has long been squeezed out of civilized society and can only live in the barren mountains and rivers, can barely live on his own one-third of an acre of land.

For wizards, the Ministry of Magic is their own political system.

The benefits of the Muggle government, even if they are wasted, will not be covered by them.

Coupled with the tough atmosphere of America and the American style of living that everyone knows, the lives of wizards in this land are really not as satisfactory as those in Europe.

At least there, you won't get holes punched in your body just because of a simple quarrel.

Caught off guard, Grete couldn't even hold back one point, four or five.

Due to limited capabilities, they were unable to apply to the American Ministry of Magic for the right to use the door key.

It is impossible to cross the ocean to Europe to make a living on your own.

These people are at the bottom of the magical world, and not many people care.

If you make a mistake and are taken away by the Ministry of Magic, you are taken away. No one will think about why those people who were taken away by the Ministry of Magic never come back.

That is to say, they are weak persimmons. After their wands are taken away, they cannot cast spells with their bare hands, let alone escape from the heavily guarded area 51.

The Muggle governments in America will not allow them to go out alive and expose what is going on here.

In this inaccessible land, you are just a bug. If you don't get permission, you can't leave this completely enclosed secret place.

Looking at the fate of these wizards, Gretel knew that Dawn would never be able to stand on the same force field as the American political situation.

Sugon will also conduct human experiments, but it will not be as cruel as them, nor will it use these innocent ordinary people like them.

Those Death Eaters who have committed many evil deeds cannot atone for their sins even if they die hundreds of times. Using them as experimental materials allows them to survive for a few more days. This is already an act of mercy to them.

Compared with the innocent people they tortured and killed, they were already too happy.

At least Gretel didn't do any cruel experiments. He just asked them to test some drugs or draw a few tubes of blood for research.

Before seeing the experiments in Area 51, Gretel occasionally felt cruel.

But after seeing the experimental process here, Grete no longer had this idea.

Everyone is afraid of comparison, whether it is good or bad.

If those Death Eaters who had been working conscientiously as experimental materials were brought to Area 51 to have a look, they would no longer have any objections.

After all, no matter how hard Shuguang experimented, it never trampled their dignity to the ground and still retained a certain amount of self-esteem for them.

If they were in District 51, surgery or anything like that would be a trivial matter.

It is commonplace to cut off limbs and observe their reactions.

Things like other experiments on the brain, transplanting the limbs of magical creatures, and making people become neither humans nor ghosts are even more common here.

There is no special treatment for Muggles. In order to explore which organ in wizards controls magic power, many people here have served as receptors.

Fairy Fred King, the treatment is not so bad, but there is no freedom at all.

The people in Area 51 obviously also knew from the people at the Ministry of Magic that goblins have the ability to cast spells with their bare hands.

So in order to prevent him from escaping and leaking the secrets of Area 51, Fred was put under general anesthesia after he arrived here. In addition, he was also put in electronic shackles.

This kind of special electronic shackles cannot be released simply by opening the Alajo hole.

John Doug obviously came here after receiving a request from the goblin who had something to say.

But after he walked into the cell, he only saw the goblin glance at everyone who came here with him, and then closed his eyes with a disappointed look on his face.

"Mr. Fred, this is not a cooperative attitude. We have already shown our sincerity in front of you. As long as you agree to cooperate with us, I guarantee that the fairies will have the same status as wizards."

Fred moved his numb fingers indifferently, "Yes, sincerity.

Again, when wizards go to war, goblins never take sides.

This is your own business, so don't think about dragging the goblins into the war.

Besides, what if you are relying on the Muggle government? This is not the only country in the world.

How can you guarantee that they can make the whole world surrender?

Is magic enough to help them rule the world?

If magic was really that useful, would wizards be forced to live in the shadows?

Don’t forget, it was these Muggles who almost killed all the wizards at that time. How dare you, the Ministry of Magic, to believe that they will give wizards legal status in the future.

The history of America's fortunes, tsk tsk, it seems you have forgotten it.

The natives have not forgotten that they promised to hand over the gold and bring it in peace, but what happened in the end~

Ha~ He can be so cruel to fellow Muggles, let alone wizards.


The decision-makers from District 51 who followed in saw Fred starting to reveal his past, and they were not upset at all. They just rubbed the badge on their chests.

"Times have changed. That was all hundreds of years ago. Now that we have entered a civilized society, naturally no one is still so barbaric.

As the manager of Area 51, I can guarantee that as long as the goblins, like the Ministry of Magic, are of the same mind as our government, we will grant American goblins status when everything settles down. "

"Then what? A hundred dollars for a goblin's scalp?

Stop making trouble, only idiot wizards like the Ministry of Magic will believe you. Do you know how long I have lived?

I was here before your United States of America was founded.

If you want the allegiance of a goblin, you can.

You will announce the existence of the wizarding world and declare that goblins have the same rights as you Muggles.

I guarantee that as long as you do it, not only the fairies of America, but fairies all over the world will swear allegiance to the United States of America. "

Grete watched them leave unhappy, he was a little unsure.

Fred obviously wasn't trying to make peace with them, so why did he spread the news that he wanted to see John Doug?

This is so unreasonable.

Also, the scene where the magic particles traced their origin showed that he came to Area 51 semi-voluntarily.

After all, John Doug had already left by then.

Since he couldn't figure it out, Grete decided to ask the person involved. Anyway, there was a contract, and there was no possibility of Fred betraying him.

As for how to hide from the ubiquitous surveillance here, Grete said it was very simple.

They couldn't detect magic particles, and Gretel had a habit of playing with souls.

Since he couldn't show up to talk to Fred face to face, he could go into Fred's brain and talk to Fred's soul.

Not to mention Muggles who don't know magic, even Dumbledore here can't stop him from entering Fred's sea of ​​memories.

However, if you want to go to the sea of ​​​​memory, you must obtain your consent.

Now that he had made his decision, Gretel moved closer to Fred, considered it for a while and then spoke.

"Fred, don't say anything. Next, I'm going to enter your memory and talk to you face to face. Don't expose yourself."

The moment Grete's voice sounded in his ears, Fred's body shook violently, and it was obvious that he was very excited.

But he soon calmed down and did not attract the attention of others.

He blinked slightly to show that he agreed, then relaxed his body and waited for the meeting at the soul level.

After performing soul surgery on Harry last time, Gretel has become more and more proficient in using this method.

Approaching Fred's head with ease, Gretel turned into a stream of light invisible to the naked eye and broke into Fred's brain while silently reciting the curse.

It has to be said that Fred is indeed a goblin who has lived for hundreds of years. The sea of ​​memories that brings together his life experiences seems much broader than Harry's.

The moment Gretel broke in, the body's self-protection function sent Fred's soul in.

Seeing Fred again, Gretel found that he was far more excited than the last time they met.

Fred almost rushed in front of Gretel, spitting out words like arrows.

"Mr. Gretel, you must hurry to the bottom of Area 51 and take the time stabilizer out."

Seeing that Grete was confused, Fred quickly continued.

"This is not the first time we have met."

Of course Gretel knew that the last time they met was not yesterday, but it was obvious that Fred didn't mean this.

"You may not believe it, but the first time we met was in the seventeenth century. I was still very young at that time, and you saved me from the hands of a dark wizard.

These memories were sealed by you before you left.

It wasn't until we signed the contract before that it was slowly unlocked again.

I will come to District 51, and all of this was arranged by you yourself.

These things can all be explained slowly, the most urgent thing now is that you need to get a temporal stabilizer. "


Gretel was almost driven out of his prison by Fred.

According to what Fred said, if he did not obtain the temporal stabilizer, there would no longer be wizards and goblins in the world, and the existence of magic would be erased.

Gretel also wanted to ask other questions, but Fred didn't know many questions. He only said that these things were arranged by Gretel himself.

That is to say, he was so sincere when facing Gretel that Gretel couldn't even bring up the idea of ​​doubting him.

But Grete was still suspicious in his heart, but he was not doubting Fred.

But doubt the time.

Is there really a time travel that can span hundreds of years in this world?

But when traveling through the same world, there is a time paradox.

The only thing in the wizarding world that can be related to time is the time turner that Hermione once used.

However, the time converter can travel up to five hours of time. Any more will cause immeasurable damage to time or the traveler himself.

Besides, according to his temperament, if he could travel back hundreds of years, it would be impossible for him not to do other things. As long as it could have a positive effect on the future, he wouldn't mind making some arrangements.

He could really travel back hundreds of years, and he should have solved everything by then.

How could a wizard be forced into this situation?

There were no weapons that could pose a threat to him in that era.

Personal power, in an era when technology had not yet developed, was a cross-generational blow.

With a dubious attitude, Gretel used magic particles to shuttle continuously, going deep into the underground of Area 51 layer by layer.

Fred also didn’t know what the temporal stabilizer looked like, but he only said that Grete would be able to recognize it when he saw it. ,

At the bottom of District 51, there is a whole team of armed soldiers stationed. It is hard to imagine what they thought about arranging a deadly weapon like a rocket launcher hundreds of meters deep underground.

This kind of sealed space and the air fluctuations caused by the explosion can destroy all intelligent creatures.

So, these people are death squads with the belief that they will die?

Fortunately, Grete came here through magic particles, otherwise he would have had to rush to the kingdom of death on the spot if a shuttle came on him.

Obscure magic fluctuations echoed in this secret room, and Gretel passed through the more than two-meter alloy door.

Fred was indeed right. He could easily recognize a temporal stabilizer when he saw it.

In this small secret room, on the table in the center, there is a scale locked by dozens of lasers.

The entire body of the scale is made of gold. In the center of the scale, there is an illusory light blue hourglass timer that flickers on and off.

But Gretel didn't recognize it by its appearance.

Just after Gretel arrived in this secret room, the panel that would never appear without greeting him rushed out of Gretel's field of vision like crazy.

The entire panel flashes together with the light of the time stabilizer, and gradually synchronizes the frequency.

Grete even felt that if he left just like that, the panel would dare to leave him directly and stay with this balance until the world is destroyed.

Yes, the panel guy has always been picky, and something that can make it appear so shamelessly must be a good thing.

Since it is impossible to live in peace with the American government, Gretel will naturally not leave good things to them.

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