Speaking of which, life is really fair. In this world, wizards have reached the top and occupy areas with good environment.

Alien races that are harmful to human beings are basically driven to inhospitable and harsh areas.

But they have a lifespan that wizards cannot match.

Whether it's a vampire or a goblin, or a house elf that has been completely conquered by wizards.

Their lifespans are several times that of wizards. As long as those longer-lived races don't experience any accidents, it's easy to live for more than a thousand years.

If you are a wizard, even the most powerful among wizards, you will still be unable to escape the consequences of old age and frailty after a hundred years.

As far as Gretel knew, the oldest wizard in the wizarding world was Barry Winkle. He once published an invitation message in the Daily Prophet inviting people to attend his seven hundred and fifty-fifth birthday.

However, Grete declined to comment on the news.

After all, everyone knows the tone of the Daily Prophet. As long as you are willing to spend money, even if you say you are the king of the world, they will dare to publish the news.

Therefore, from Grete's point of view, he felt that this news was probably a prank.

After all, even Nico Flamel, who owned the Philosopher's Stone, only lived to be 665 years old.

There was only one such thing like the Philosopher's Stone in the world when Gretel came into contact with the magical world in 1991.

And in June 1992, under the witness of Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel, it was successfully destroyed.

Nico Flamel, who had fame, wealth and love, chose to accept death calmly after more than six hundred years of life.

According to insiders, on the day of his death, Nicoléme and his wife Perenal dressed themselves up very well.

They intertwined their fingers and closed their eyes calmly in the sunshine.

The last words he left to this world were: I have enjoyed too much, and now I feel that it is time to face the arrival of death calmly.

I never evaluate the value of life by the length of it. Death is the inevitable path for everyone, so there is no need to be afraid or worried.

Finish what you should do, and calmly welcome death, the guest that no one can avoid.

Perhaps, the kingdom of death is not so scary.

Dumbledore said that Nicolas Flamel had lived a long and thorough life.

He and his wife have seen the prosperous and prosperous world, whether it is the magical world or the Muggle world, they have visited it more than once.

They haven't given up taking the magic stone yet because they don't know how to deal with it.

Fortunately, the fact that Dumbledore came to borrow the Sorcerer's Stone to trap Voldemort finally helped him resolve a knot in his mind.

In a long life, after seeing everything clearly, it is difficult to be passionate about life.

Dumbledore's arrival gave him a reason.

So, after the end of the first school year, Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel calmly destroyed this rare treasure.

Human life is precious precisely because it is limited.

Voldemort, who pursued immortality, could never understand this truth.

In the long pursuit of eternal life, he has lost his mind and lives forever simply for the sake of eternal life.

So much so that he chose to tear his soul apart and transformed himself from an outstanding graduate who was loved by thousands of people to someone who was hated by everyone.

It's hard to say whether he will regret it. Those broken souls don't even have a chance to go to the kingdom of death.

Even though Nicoléme was like this, Gretel didn't think that Barry Winkle, a man with only a name, really lived for more than seven hundred years.

If he really had this ability, I believe Voldemort wouldn't have had to plan so hard for the Philosopher's Stone in the first place.

After all, compared with Nico Flamel, a wizard who is famous all over the world, Barry Winkle is really a nobody.

There is no such thing as a sage in the magic world who lives in seclusion and has little reputation, but has the world in mind.

At least, such people do not exist in Europe.


Grete left, in a hurry.

The day after Little Vera's apprenticeship ceremony ended, Grete packed his bags and prepared to go to America to see the miserable hell on earth.

By the way, Fred King, now the Bronze Ring, was saved from the hands of the dark wizard.

He took away a lot of things, including but not limited to Kunlun's collection of books, materials, and unique materials...

He didn't forget to leave something for Kunlun. Of course, these things were mainly reserved for little Vera.

Gretel's original plan was to return to Great Britain, regard himself as a dark wizard, board a gold mining ship, and follow them to America.

However, after Kunlun learned that he had less than a week left, Gretel gave up this unrealistic idea.

After all, even with the help of a wizard and relying on the strong winds summoned by magic to accelerate the entire journey, the gold rush ship would not be able to carry him to America within a week.

Originally, he had thought that relying on his unrivaled black magic, he could experience the rare honeymoon between wizards and Muggles that was unique to this era.

After all, this period of history was not recorded during that time period in modern times.

There has never been a time when the distinction between black wizards and white wizards has been so clear.

The white wizards huddled in remote mountainous areas and were self-sufficient.

The dark wizards and these madmen plundered across the sea, colluded with each other, and killed many people.

White wizards are too shy to record, and black wizards will not choose to leave evidence of their crimes.

In modern times, the wizards who knew the inside story have long since turned into a mass of withered bones and disappeared into thin air.

Naturally, no one mentions this disgraceful history.

Gretel only knew about this after Dawn's power expanded.

In order to find traces of magic particles from history, it helps you to conduct research by analogy.

Grete rarely allowed Dawn to fully activate, collecting all kinds of useful and useless historical records.

Only then can some dust-laden history be unearthed from some fragments of words.

Although Gretel wanted to experience the 'harmonious' relationship between wizards and Muggles, so as to create a new era in the future, balance the relationship between wizards and Muggles, and collect some experience.

But if you think about it carefully, this collusive relationship between gangsters seems really unnecessary.

Whether it is Muggles or wizards, a harmonious and stable society is a must.

So he won't allow anyone to mess up the world.

It would be fine if he was born in this era. After all, chaos has become the norm here.

Even if he tried to change, he would probably end up becoming a Death Eater or a saint.

The day he becomes famous may be when he is forced to take the position.

Adding a yellow robe may sometimes be a last resort.

Therefore, it is better to ignore other business and try to find out where the goblins who came to America are as soon as possible.

After not rescuing Fred for a day, Grete's heart couldn't settle down for a moment.

Although he saw the powerful correction ability of Time Changhe from little Vera, Gretel was still inevitably worried about what might happen.

However, although time is tight, you still need to be well prepared.

After obtaining Kunlun's magic system, Gretel briefly slowed down and studied while rushing, trying to understand Kunlun's secret techniques.

It's like shrinking the ground into an inch. In the world of Xianxia, ​​this is the top ability involving space.

But in such a magical world, a simple spell, paired with the corresponding spell-casting gesture, and the surging magic particles will send the caster to an extremely distant place.

Fortunately, after years of practice, Gretel's own abilities no longer rely so much on the panel.

With a high altitude, Grete's practice was not difficult at all.

If he had really been studying in Kunlun at that time, without the existence of the panel, he might not have been able to come out for more than ten years.

Kunlun's magic can be said to be completely different from European magic.

Even the most basic power composition is the same magic power.

But they cannot be compared at all.

Grete saw the concept of magic particles through observation.

But in Kunlun's system, they use their own spirits to sense the existence in the dark through meditation day after day.

After many years of practice, the concept of magic particles was established.

Only then can Kunlun's secret technique be successfully used.

Otherwise, those ordinary refreshing spells, cleansing spells, and clearing heart spells can still be successfully cast by relying on their own magic power.

However, secret techniques such as those big cloud and rain spells and shrinking the ground into an inch would be impossible to successfully perform without the participation of magic particles.

Gretel has never meditated, nor has he mentally constructed the most basic concept of magic particles.

However, this does not affect him from fully displaying his secret skills.

How can the cognition established in the mind through induction and imagination compare with seeing it with one's own eyes.

What's more, he has been working with Magic Particles for so long, and the tacit understanding between the two is completely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

According to Kunlun's records, it is impossible to successfully use a spell like shrinking the ground into an inch without three to five years of practice.

No matter how talented a person is, it will take him several months to make a move.

Gretel was different. The first time he used it, he successfully used it and almost hit the mountain.

Fortunately, he merged himself into the magic particles in time and escaped.

Speaking of which, the shrinking spell is very similar to apparation, both of which are good ways to travel quickly.

But there is no dizzy feeling like being compressed and thrown into the engine for countless revolutions.

And because Shukchichensheng mainly relies on the response of magic particles in nature to construct spells.

Therefore, the requirements for one's own magic power are not that high.

Even if he fails to shrink to an inch, he will only get a bruise at most, and if he is unlucky, he may break his muscles and bones.

However, compared with the consequences after the Apparition fails, this is not a big problem at all.

In previous years' Apparition classes, there were many people who stuck themselves in walls or cut themselves into several pieces.

That is to say, for an orthodox educational institution like a magic school, the Apparition class will always have life-saving medicines ready, as well as medical staff standing by.

For wizards in the wild, a few would disappear every year.

Then one day in the future, people will find the body tissue of the missing wizard inside a wall, a tree trunk, or something else.

The danger of Apparition is so high that every year Hogwarts hires professional Apparition teachers from the Ministry of Magic.

Watching over students who have applied for the Apparition license exam.

Teach them the tricks, take them to experience apparating a few more times, and then summarize the key points.

If we really want to compare them together, Apparition is somewhat like point-to-point teleportation.

Wizards construct the place they want to go deep in their souls, and use magic to form a passage.

But if the wizard is not familiar enough with apparation or makes a mistake, something unexpected may happen at the landing point.

This could lead to danger for oneself.

Shrinking the ground into an inch is more like folding space. In space, folding where you want to go and where you are.

The advantage is that most of the energy that makes up the spell is provided by the magic particles themselves, which ensures that the wizard retains a certain degree of combat power after traveling long distances and appearing where he wants to go.

He won't be caught off guard by running out of magic power due to frequent trips.

This is also the downside.

European wizards, after clarifying the destination they want to go to, the magic power they provide will only stay within the acceptable fluctuation range.

As long as there are no mistakes, there will be no surprises.

However, shrinking into an inch is different.

Only after a long period of meditation can one form a tacit understanding with the magic particles.

Emotional fluctuations will not cause magic particles to become overactive, supply more energy than required, and collide with other things.

This was the case with Gretel just now.

Because it was the first time that he used Shrunk to move forward, Gretel couldn't help but feel his thoughts drifting.

Then he was pulled over by the crazy surging magic particles.

This problem is naturally not difficult to solve.

Just like Apparition, practice makes perfect with repeated use. No matter what surprises you come up with, it is not something that can happen easily.

Although it can be said that it is phantomed and shrunk, it can be said to be a competing product in terms of functionality.

But the comfort of being shrunk to an inch can never be matched by Apparition.

There are so many ways to move, and if there is anything that can be as comfortable as shrinking, it is the portal that Gretel has not yet fully developed.

These two charms are almost indistinguishable in terms of comfort.

However, shrinking the ground into an inch can only be performed by the wizard himself.

The portal is different, as long as the portal is solidified.

Whether it is a wizard or a Muggle, whether it is a magical alchemy item or an ordinary industrial product, it can be easily transferred through the portal.

Before that, wizards had to rely on messengers to deliver something.

Or the wizards themselves bring the goods.

The significance of the portal is not to provide an additional comfortable and convenient way to travel.

It is more about turning the entire world into a state of mutual exchange.

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