Hogwarts: I Really Don't Want to Be a Wizard

Chapter 156 Traces of the Goblin

Today's operation went much smoother than Gretel expected.

Probably because these people have not encountered any major setbacks since they came to this continent.

So much so that they forgot that they should maintain the necessary vigilance inside the camp.

The job of an intelligence dealer is especially to gain the trust of intelligence organizations from all parties.

He had to do almost everything outside of life.

After all, the trust of these people comes from him. Without him to prove it, even if others say that it has blossomed, they can't even hope to gain any trust from others.

His face is equally important as the information in his hand.

If someone else came to the door with information, they would be hanged on a lighthouse offshore.

Similarly, he must also ensure that his information is true. There can be omissions, but there can be no errors.

This squib generalist who wanders around the camp is named Ace Barton.

Despite his plain appearance and short stature, he was able to become the only intelligence dealer trusted by all organizations in such an atmosphere surrounded by wolves.

Just know that he is not simple.

In the past few years, he did everything himself because he was alone and had to take care of everything on his own.

But now, in this huge camp, his status has long been completely different from that of when he was penniless.

However, he still rushes to the stage, and even if it is the smallest business, he has to personally handle it.

Even if others advised him not to be so tired, he would just say that he couldn't take any time off.

It should be said that this is what smart people do.

Gretel understands.

Many people in the Dawn Intelligence Group were recruited from society.

In their words, the most taboo thing about being an intelligence dealer is to throw away everything in hand and leave it to others.

On the surface, it does seem a lot easier.

However, once you study in depth, you will know that this behavior is tantamount to killing the goose that lays the egg.

Let’s not talk about whether the people under my command can be trusted, whether they will go it alone after they get the hang of it, and whether they can pull out the salary from the bottom of the cauldron.

Just saying that if you don't start a business for a long time, you will make yourself stupid.

Afterwards, the sun inevitably sets.

There are only two possibilities to avoid this situation.

One is to join a huge organization and exchange freedom for safety and security. No matter what, the harvest can be guaranteed despite droughts and floods.

However, intelligence dealers rarely do this. First, they are used to being free men. Entering the organization for free, being inferior to others, and being controlled by others is not a comfortable experience.

Furthermore, those who work in intelligence will inevitably offend some people, and the organization is not big enough. Even if they are interested, they dare not include them.

Joining Dawn, it is precisely because of their everlasting dream that they are willing to accept the test of the organization.

The second is to establish your own intelligence organization with yourself as the core.

However, the people under his command can only be used as tools to collect intelligence.

You must do it yourself to identify the authenticity of the information, to sell the information, and to connect the various customers who buy the information.

That's what Ace Barton did.

No one here can understand this group of dark wizards and the true face behind these predators better than him.

So he will always be a businessman, a businessman selling information, rather than joining it.

That would get him attacked by the crowd.

Remaining neutral is his wise way to protect himself.

All organizations that need him will provide him with conveniences, either covertly or covertly.

But even so, he would still be assassinated from time to time.

Some are Muggles who went bankrupt because of his intelligence, and some are dark wizards who took risks.

Therefore, he has always taken his own security issues as extremely important.

During his daily travels, there were at least eight wizards hired with large sums of money to protect him 24 hours a day.

But for Gretel, there is no difference between ten and eight wizards.

For wizards of his level, simple numbers can no longer make up for it.

As long as the number of people does not reach a certain base, this group of people cannot even touch him.

Seeing him complete the recruitment, Shi Shiran stayed away under the protection of everyone.

Grete quietly tightened his hood and dissipated into a ball of magic particles in a corner where no one noticed.

In order to avoid inestimable disasters in the future due to crossing time and space, Gretel can only do this temporarily even if he has the strength.

At least, Grete still had to exercise some control before rescuing the copper ring.

After all, he traveled across time and space because of the reminder of the brass ring, the Fred King of modern society.

In order to complete the time loop, Gretel must be extremely careful now.

Although Ace Barton does everything himself, he must not be harsh on his life.

He actually had a manor in the port, a place where every inch of land was at a premium.

Although the manor is not big, not everyone can own it.

After following Ace Barton in a circle, he finally returned to his manor.

Gretel heard his men running to him, saying that the latest intelligence had been collected.

Everything was written down and sent to the office of his manor.

In order to save enough gold as soon as possible to enable him to become a noble in Muggle society, he has been working hard over the past few years.

Go out early and come back late, forcing yourself to be in a state of 996.

The power is so tight, and it is not a violent organization. In order to win over the loyalty of the subordinates, they will not have any thoughts of rebellion.

Since Ace Barton completely won over the intelligence trading business, he divided most of the rewards he received among his subordinates and the bodyguards who followed him.

After all, one of them is related to the efficiency of the intelligence business, and the other is related to his life.

He couldn't do these two things carelessly.

Grete followed all the way, and those dark wizards who also wore hoods and didn't want to show even a hair were really following closely.

Never more than three steps beyond him.

Gretel wanted to take action several times, but he was afraid that someone would react and expose his whereabouts.

Afraid, Gretel wasn't too afraid, he just considered that his disturbance might cause a butterfly effect.

Therefore, Gretel thought about it again and again and decided to find a time when Ace Barton was alone.

After all, these are the people who follow you when you walk and talk about things.

I can't eat, sleep or go to the bathroom without being separated from each other.

If he wanted to get such treatment, Ace Barton didn't know how much he would have to pay.

Only in this way can these unruly and evil-doing dark wizards be completely obedient.

If this is the case, then what kind of intelligence dealer would Elseparton be?

He just completely turned into working for his subordinates.

Ace Barton, who traveled across the ocean to America in pursuit of wealth in order to achieve a class jump, is obviously not such a person.

After finally receiving the news that he needed to deal with today's intelligence, Espaton finally chose to return.

Before approaching Ace Barton's manor, Gretel noticed the faint magic fluctuations.

It seems that Ace Barton is really cautious.

In addition to the sentries on the outside to stop Muggles, he also placed warning spells here.

The most familiar wave among them is, of course, the anti-disapparation of the wizard's special attack.

Gretel noticed it when he thought it was on the mission wall in the town tavern.

There is an aversion to the assassination of tribal wizards, tribal leaders and others.

Often those who take on such tasks are maverick dark wizards.

On the one hand, they were employed by shipowners to protect their survival in the Americas.

On the other hand, while resting, compress your time, go to the tavern to pick up some tasks, and replenish your small treasury.

Disapparation and assassination are the best spells to use.

Ace Barton, the information dealer, has been here for several years and is already very familiar with the situation here.

When I thought about it, maybe because of my sleep, my soul returned to the God of Death.

Ace Barton just couldn't calm down.

He makes money for a comfortable life, and he doesn't want to be like the captains of those pirate groups.

After the death, the disintegrated men distributed everything, causing a bloody storm.

Therefore, after acquiring this estate, he spent a considerable portion of his gold from his savings.

Ask those powerful wizards to provide all-round magic protection for his manor.

I have to say this is a wise choice. ,

On the one hand, the security level of the manor has indeed increased a lot. On the other hand, he also told everyone that he no longer has much money in his hands.

Those desperadoes who are looking for money, don't come to him for trouble.

The manor is located next to the administrative center of the town.

Compared with the cramped buildings outside, his manor can be said to be grand and spacious.

Before coming to America, he was just a squib placed in the Muggle world by the wizarding world.

It was also him who seized the opportunity and accumulated a considerable fortune in just a few years.

However, after returning to the manor, Gretel noticed that the wizard's bodyguard, who could be said to have followed him, did not enter the room with him to prevent intelligence.

This couldn't help but make Grete feel happy.

Outside, it was difficult for him to do anything, but who would have known that Asparton locked himself in a secret room.

Being on guard has already been engraved in his bones.

So until he has accumulated enough wealth, he will never teach anyone his methods.

Gretel doesn't need to explain which is more important, the golden egg or the hen that lays it.

After watching Asparton walk in and close the door, the shoulders of the bodyguards who had just followed him suddenly slumped.

He was already lawless, but he was trapped in a little money, and now he had to protect a squib.

If these dark wizards knew where Asparton's money was hidden, they would have run away with it long ago.

None of them noticed that an almost inaudible wave quietly passed by them and followed Espaton into the house.

[Petrification] + [Confinement], in Asparton's horrified eyes, Gretel suddenly appeared in front of him.

After further study in Kunlun, Gretel already knew how to completely hide the faint and imperceptible fluctuations of the magic spell when the magic particles were formed into a magic spell.

Gretel listened quietly for a while, making sure that his actions did not attract anyone's attention.

A smile finally appeared on the face under the hood.

He was convinced that when this happened, he would return to modern time and space.

If you study Kunlun's collection of books, his strength will be even more amazing.

This is also second. The point is that all members of Shuguang may receive a period of strength improvement.

It doesn't take many people, but as long as one-third can control the magic particles, Gretel dares to stand up and declare war on the entire magical world.

Of course, Kunlun must be excluded from this magical world.

Let’s not mention that Kunlun’s strength is unfathomable. Let’s just say that he took what he learned from Kunlun and declared war on Kunlun.

That sense of immorality made Gretel feel a little uncomfortable.

After casting a silent spell on the entire room, Gretel quietly removed the spell from Ace Barton.

Surprisingly, Ace Barton calmed down immediately after the initial panic.

Gretel was a little surprised. It seemed that Ace Barton, an intelligence dealer, could stand out in such a highly competitive intelligence industry and become an industry benchmark.

It really can’t be summed up in one word: luck.

Judging from his ability to quickly calm down in unexpected situations, it can be seen that his ability to get out depends entirely on his brains.

Ace Barton has a gift, he can clearly remember all the people he has met.

This is why he decided to join the intelligence industry.

Gretel's figure, combined with his gestures and temperament.

Espaton knew immediately that he had never seen the person in front of him before.

In other words, he is new to this port.

He didn't even consider calling for help.

Since he was able to bypass the guard and be protected by his ever-present bodyguards, he sneaked into his intelligence room.

This proves that Gretel is definitely someone he can't afford to offend.

The few people outside the door are all said to be elites he hired with high salaries.

But even so, none of them noticed anything unusual. He knew without even thinking that Gretel's strength was unfathomable.

At least, it's not something that the few people outside the door can handle.

Rather than calling for help rashly and causing Gretel to have murderous intentions, it would be better for him to cooperate earlier.

According to his past experience, for a person like him, there is no threat, but it is extremely useful.

As long as he doesn't resist, no one will kill him casually.

However, what he couldn't figure out was why this person was obviously new here.

But it happened to focus on him.

You know, he has always been a model of a good guy in this gathering place.

He doesn't have much money now. Even if Grete is a kidnapper, he can't blackmail him for any money.

Of course, the little gold he had left would definitely not be discovered.

From the perspective of popularity and wealth, he shouldn't be Grete's target.

Gretel didn't waste any time.

He asked his question directly.

"Where is the goblin from Great Britain now?"

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