Hogwarts: I Really Don't Want to Be a Wizard

Chapter 158 Return to Modern Times

Gretel met Bronze Huan in a hurry, and after rescuing him, Grete left in a hurry.

I don’t know if it’s because he crossed time and space because of the Fred King of modern time and space, this copper ring of time and space.

As a result, after he officially met the copper ring, he felt the repulsive force from time and space.

The time and space anchor point was retracted, time completed its closed loop, and Grete brought a suffocating feeling of being squeezed by time and space.

Feeling that if he didn't leave, he would be completely swallowed up by this time and space, Gretel had no choice but to arrange all the things that needed to be done, and then turned into a stream of light and completely disappeared from the seventeenth century.

I don’t know if it’s because I traveled through time and space before that I have resistance now.

In other words, there is not so much pressure to return to one's own time.

Gretel was not hurt this time, and even recovered from the dizziness in a daze.

At this time, District 51 has not yet calmed down from the chaos.

However, Gretel did not help them clear up the chaos. On the contrary, having known the moral level of the American authorities for a long time, Gretel wished that the riots here would become bigger and better.

When the water is clear, there are no fish. Only when the water is muddy can he do more things.

Like, get Fred out of here.

Grete, who had seen what his ancestors were like when they founded American countries, had long given up on the idea of ​​a peaceful solution.

Kunlun has a 90% chance of standing on the same front as him.

Moreover, the relationship between Kunlun and the Central Kingdom has always been close.

To a certain extent, Kunlun’s attitude is that of the Middle Kingdom.

The Middle Kingdom has never minded allowing wizards to reintegrate into Muggle society.

They have even been actively exploring how to avoid the pain caused by the friction between the wizarding world and the Muggle world.

It should be said that Gretel is indeed a native oriental from another world.

His thoughts are almost the same as the ancient Eastern way of looking at things in this world.

Separating two groups is never the best way to solve a problem.

Only by integrating as much as possible can the unstable factor of the wizard be completely dissolved.

Wizards are immortal, at least, as we enter the twenty-first century.

There are not a few wizards who awaken every year.

Calculated based on a probability of one in a thousand, there are nearly ten million wizards in the world.

But in fact, there are far more wizards than these numbers.

If we really wanted to completely wipe out the magical world, even the most ferocious executioner at that time would think that this was an anti-human extermination plan.

Regardless of whether they are wizards or Muggles, before they are divided into two groups, they first have a unified identity, human beings.

The Middle Kingdom never thought that the talents of wizards would be a troublesome matter.

On the contrary, in their daily lives, they more or less reveal limited information about wizards.

Compared to the East hundreds of years ago, in the Cold Weapon Age, wizards almost controlled absolute force.

But they never felt like a threat.

Now in the Middle Kingdom, with the development of civilization, the magic power of wizards has long been thrown away by thousands of miles in front of various mechanical weapons.

In that feudal era, wizards were not rejected by the people of the Central Kingdom. Now that civilization is highly developed, such a thing is even less likely to happen.

A perverted plan of genocide like this kind of race could only be possible in America, a country founded by wanted criminals, pirates, and criminals.

Gretel remembered that he was swallowed by a black hole in this secret room hidden deep underground.

But looking around, there were only unbalanced machine guns firing, like a frozen explosion, slowly expanding in front of Grete.

The flames were accompanied by shrapnel, hitting every corner of the entire secret room indiscriminately.

Apart from this, there is no trace of a black hole at all.

Grete had some doubts, had he really traveled through time and space, or was everything just his imagination?

After all, if there really is a black hole, even if it doesn't swallow up everything here, it should at least leave some clues.

However, being in the magic particles, Grete observed it carefully and found nothing out of the ordinary.

Finally, the explosion completely covered the entire chamber.

Grete had already passed by the people who came after hearing the news.

He didn't have time to delay here. He needed to confirm whether he had really traveled through time and space and whether Fred King still existed in this world.

How much of a butterfly effect has he brought to the world this time through time and space?

When facing the passage of time, you can never be too cautious.

Seeing Fred again, Gretel was sure that he had indeed traveled through time and space.

Because this time, Fred looked at him differently.

The memories that came across time and space in a trance made Fred seem to be back in that difficult situation with no way to heaven and no door to earth.

The kindness that had been brewing for hundreds of years, and the trust in Fred's eyes once again added a bit of fanaticism.

Just like hundreds of years ago, he was rescued by a group of dark wizards when his magic weapon descended from heaven.

That was the look Fred had at that time.

However, before Grete could ask, he was shocked by the sudden pop-up of the panel.

[Time and Space Maintainer: Control the balance of time and swim in the long river of time. Your actions will not cause harm to time. People and things related to you will be solidified by time.

The dwell time is related to the space-time energy provided. 】

While in Kunlun, Gretel learned from the words of the Kunlun Elders that he might travel through time and space again in the future, perhaps even multiple times.

But he never expected that after the panel swallowed up the time balancer, it would give him such a powerful entry.

To be honest, he knew that the panel was very powerful, but he didn't know that it would be so powerful.

Time is the greatest force in the world, and no one can resist the invasion of time.

But this entry clearly states that he is not a simple time traveler, but the controller of time, maintaining the stability of time.

If he doesn't care, there will be some butterfly effect.

Just saying this entry makes him invincible.

No matter how powerful the enemy was, when he was still a cub, he still had no way to deal with the cross-time and space blow brought to him by Gretel.

It's just that this approach may lead to some not-so-good consequences.

For this world, any change in history may cause the entire modern civilization to disappear.

Grete himself does not have the energy of time and space, and there is no time spell in this world.

However, there is something in this world that contains space-time energy.

That is the Time-Turner sealed underground by the Ministry of Magic.

Gretel felt a little itchy when he thought of the endless time turners floating underground in the Ministry of Magic that Seni had heard from him.

Initially, it was because of the consideration that the time turner could only span a safe period of five hours, plus the possible dangers of traveling through time.

Grete and the others did not choose to transfer this strategic material hastily.

Only a small part was taken away for research.

It's different now. For Gretel, the Ministry of Magic's time turner is his battery for traveling through time and space.

With the guarantee of the term "Time Maintainer", he does not have to worry that his actions in the long river of time will cause the butterfly effect to appear and wipe out modern society.

The first thing that Grete thought of was to cross time and space and go back to the seventeenth century.

In that era, create the dawn of that era.

Relying on his absolute force, a new era of complete integration of Muggles and wizards was established.

With his force and Kunlun's help, he will surely be able to fulfill his long-cherished wish of allowing wizards to walk freely in the sun at that time.

In the end, Grete thought about it and gave up the idea.

After all, what he wants to change is modern society, not opportunistically taking advantage of past history.

From Fred's eyes that stared straight at him, Gretel could read his heart.

Time and space will only guarantee that people related to him will definitely appear in this world under the influence of the long river of time.

But the passage of time only guarantees their relationship with Gretel, but it cannot guarantee that their personalities will not change.

Just like the current dawn, how many people have resolutely joined in because they have the heart to liberate everyone.

What they want to see is the new era they have built with their own hands.

Rather than the legacy of the glorious past created by the ‘predecessors’.

Maybe they will be happy and their living environment will become free and comfortable.

However, when I think about the fact that they have been working together for so long, they have been traveling through time and space, and in order to save trouble, the entire time and space has undergone tremendous changes.

The butler Penelope would become mediocre, and after graduating from Hogwarts, become an Auror working 9 to 5.

Sene Dilgo will go to the small town after graduation, follow his grandfather, and accompany Grindelwald until the end of his life.

There are many, many other people who have worked hard with Gretel for so long.

But just when everything was on track and he was trying his best to build a new era, he was suddenly cut off by himself in the long river of time.

From being a Medal of Merit recipient who established a new era, he has become a remembrancer who inherits the mantle of his predecessors and picks up the glory left by his predecessors.

Gretel felt it was unfair when he thought about this hugely different comparison.

Even if he is the leader, he is not qualified to rely on his own selfishness to deny everyone's efforts.

However, after thinking about it later, since there has been no change now, it means that the self who traveled through time and space did not really do anything extraordinary.

At most, in the process of traveling through time and space, some hidden hands are left behind, so that the dawn of modern society can move faster and more smoothly.

Fred King did not leave Area 51.

In other words, he was willing to be a prisoner here for the sake of what Gretel had promised.

As long as he can confuse the American authorities for a few more days, he is willing to serve as experimental material here.

Anyway, they didn't really use any harmful means to themselves.

At most, they would draw some blood to study the differences between fairies and humans.

Or, in other words, send those guys who can only use words to negotiate and brainwash, trying to join themselves in the organization of the American authorities and become their subordinates.

To contribute to their goal of dominating the world, they shed blood and sacrificed their lives.

They never knew that they, under the pseudonym Fred and King, were once the Bronze Ring who was besieged by dark wizards and Muggles in America for a long time.

He has lived for hundreds of years and has witnessed their ferocity and brutality with his own eyes, and witnessed them stepping on the blood of others to ascend to that throne.

In this case, how could it be possible to be brainwashed by a few guys who only talk?

If he hadn't been worried about Gretel's fate, which had disturbed modern society, he would have definitely found a way to make these guys suffer in the past hundreds of years.


Gretel left alone.

The first place he went to was the Banshee Bar. He couldn't wait to meet the little guy who had grown up.

No wonder, when he came here, he did nothing else but was forced to drink a bowl of tea.

It must be because when he was drinking tea in Kunlun, he looked too intoxicated.

So much so that the little guy has never forgotten it for so many years.

Tea of ​​this level is widely available even in Kunlun.

She didn't know what she had done to get a cup of tea to expand her magic power before she could travel through time and space.

In the past time and space, at that time, he drank for the second time.

Coupled with the help of the futon, I digested it smoothly.

However, at that time on the second floor of Banshee Bar, he was completely confused.

He almost exploded, but luckily Vera jumped out in time and helped him calm down the almost exploded ability.

When Grete walked into the Banshee Bar, Florin was cleaning the glass out of boredom.

But this time, it was obvious that Vera had given him a pass.

So the resentment on his face has long been forgotten.

Everyone who was born in Kunlun knows that time travelers have a very high status in Kunlun.

So let alone a small sword, even if Kunlun is moved away, Kunlun will be happy with it.

"Elder Vera is no longer in America. She said that if you come again, go to Kunlun to find her.

She will wait for you in Kunlun until you go. "

Grete was not very surprised, just blinked slightly.

It's hard to imagine that she was such a frail little girl and couldn't tell her gender.

They all became elders.

But if you think about it carefully, considering Kunlun's attitude towards him and Aiwujiwu, the little guy's care is absolutely indispensable.

In addition, as a closed disciple of the Third Elder, she was born a different species.

After hundreds of years, no matter how hard it is, it’s time to earn your own status.

The research manuscript on magic particles that Grete also left for her can also help her grow rapidly.

If so many conditions are piled together, she can't become an elder.

That only proves that Kunlun's genius is unfathomable and endless.

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