Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 215 The Collapse of Ron

In addition to having difficulty keeping secrets, Hagrid's talent for naming magical creatures is equally difficult to explain.

This time is no exception.

The name Norbert does sound good, but this is a female dragon... What is the difference between this and a little girl calling her Tiedan.

Fortunately it didn't understand, otherwise it might have sprayed Hagrid's beard with dragon flames.

"Hagrid, I think this name is a bit inappropriate. It's called Zhuo... Um, what are you doing..."

When Kyle was about to come up with a new name, he saw Hagrid covering Noble's ears and looking at him nervously.

"Don't say it, Kyle, it's called Norbert..."

Hagrid was really nervous.

He thought of the owl named Raton, who no longer recognized him since Kyle changed his name.

He feared it would be the same this time.

"It's called Norbert..." Hagrid repeated again, covering his hand more tightly.

It's just that his hands were a bit big and almost encompassed Noble's entire head.

The little guy whose head was grabbed was completely stunned. When he realized what he was doing, he started to kick his legs and flap his wings on the table.

In the end, he simply sprayed out a puff of dragon flame, and the flames fell on Hagrid's hand, causing him to take a sharp breath in pain.

There was a burning smell permeating the surroundings, but even so, Hagrid did not let go of his hand and still stared at Kyle nervously.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Kyle also guessed what Hagrid was thinking.

In order not to be kicked out, he wisely said no more.

Noble is just Noble. Anyway, he is still young and can't remember it. At worst, he can change it after a while.

Hagrid couldn't keep it forever anyway.

Hagrid obviously didn't know what Kyle was thinking. After hearing his assurance, Hagrid let go of Norbert and quickly came to a large bucket filled with water and put his hand in it.

Kyle smiled and said: "You are too nervous, and it doesn't understand the meaning of the name now."

But Hagrid didn't speak. Instead, he abruptly changed the subject and said, "I never knew that fire dragons like to eat fish. The book says that their favorite food is sheep."

"The person who wrote that book probably made reference to Australian opaleyes. They like to eat local sheep in Australia very much, and they also like to drink brandy."

Kyle raised his eyebrows and said: "Of course, other fire dragons are the same. Sheep and cattle are their main food."

"But Norwegian Ridgeback is different. Due to their growing environment, they are the only fire dragons that can find food in the water."

Hagrid threw aside the book "Raising Fire Dragons for Fun and Profit" in his hand with some annoyance, "I should really read another book... This one is full of mistakes.

"It's just a small part, most of the content is still fine." Kyle said: "Or you can borrow a copy of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", which has a detailed introduction to the Norwegian Ridgeback."

Hagrid can be said to be doting on Norbert.

In the next few days, all the dead minks on the shelf outside the door of his wooden house disappeared, replaced by whole legs of cattle and pieces of fish that had been carefully processed.

And these fish are all very big, even the smallest ones are as long as a foot.

During this time, in addition to Kyle, Harry and the others would often come over, but most of the time they would stay in the dark cabin, telling Hagrid the truth and persuading him to send the fire dragon away.

"You can't keep it, Hagrid!"

Hermione repeated what she had said countless times before, "In two weeks it will be as big as the house and you won't be able to hide it!"

"I know, but it's still early, isn't it." Hagrid said vaguely and perfunctorily: "It is still too young. I don't worry about what if it is bullied in the wild."

Norbert looked at them, then tilted his head to look at Kyle, and yelped in confusion.

"Oh, they are discussing what to eat for the next meal." Kyle touched the scales on its neck and whispered: "How about Tebbo warthog legs, with some corn and cabbage."

Norbert let out a cry of dissatisfaction and began to roll on the ground.

"No, you must eat all these things. Even if you are a fire dragon, you can't just eat meat."

On the other side, Hagrid was still arguing with Harry and the others over Noble's custody, and no one noticed anything strange about Kyle.

"Malfoy has discovered it." Harry advised: "This is too dangerous, Hagrid."

Hagrid shook his head, "But Kyle said before that the window was very small, so he might not have seen it at all."

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were focused on Kyle in the corner.

"Don't look at me, it has nothing to do with me."

Kyle quickly said: "That's just a possibility. With Malfoy's character, if he really saw the fire dragon, he would have reported it to the professor long ago. There is no way he could have endured it until now.

Of course, it's also possible that he wanted to use this news to threaten Harry... It's all possible. "

"Did you hear that, Hagrid?" Harry raised his voice, "None of us can guarantee that Malfoy didn't see it. He might go to Dumbledore at any time."

"And it's illegal to raise dragons." Hermione said, "If Dumbledore knew about it, how disappointed he would be..."

"Perhaps, I can put it in the Forbidden Forest." Hagrid said with some hesitation: "Just like Lu Wei and Aragog back then, they are both fine now."

"Wait..." Harry seemed to have discovered something and frowned: "Lu Wei, I know it's the three-headed dog in the forbidden forest... but what is Aragog? How many have you raised in the forbidden forest? thing."

"No, no, you heard wrong, it's only Lu Wei."

Although Hagrid tried his best to explain and said that Aragog was just a harmless little cutie, no one believed him.

Harry and the others knew Hagrid too well. It could be seen from the three-headed dog and the fire dragon that he liked those very dangerous magical animals.

"By the way, Hagrid..."

At this time, Kyle suddenly took out a bottle of blue potion and placed it on the table.

"This is the spider tonic you asked for. According to your request, I specially increased the potency. Even if it is given to a spider as big as a car, it will be fine."

"So, Aragog is...a spider?" Harry asked.

"It should be the Acromantula." Hermione thought for a while, "I saw it in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Only they can grow to the size of a car."

Ron didn't speak, his face quickly turned pale, and his body was shaking unconsciously.

The familiar cabin suddenly became unfamiliar. Spiders seemed to be hiding under the bed, in the corners, in the cabinets... everywhere.

"Let's go back quickly..." Ron stood there stiffly and collapsed: "I haven't finished my homework yet!"

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