Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 227 Cunning Dumbledore

school clinic.

After ordering the basilisk to return to sleep, Kyle rushed here as quickly as possible.

Harry was lying on one of the beds, sleeping quietly, while Dumbledore was talking to Madam Pomfrey next to him.

Madam Pomfrey looked unhappy.

"Last year it was a dark wizard, this year it is a Death Eater, so what will be the identity of our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor next year...a mysterious man?"

Madam Pomfrey glanced sideways at Dumbledore, "If that's the case, I wouldn't be surprised at all."

Dumbledore just smiled without refuting or defending.

Whether it was Oren or Quirrell, he was the one who found them. He did have a big responsibility and he couldn't get rid of this responsibility.

Fortunately, at this time, Kyle came in.

"Oh, you came just in time, Kyle, we just talked about you..."

Dumbledore quickly ended his conversation with Madam Pomfrey and walked towards Kyle, but a second later, he was squeezed aside by Madam Pomfrey.

"You should come to the campus hospital immediately!" Madam Pomfrey looked at Kyle angrily.

At this time, she looked more like a villain than Voldemort.

Kyle glanced at Dumbledore pleadingly, asking him to help him out.

But their principal suddenly became interested in the potion bottle next to him. He lowered his head and kept looking at it without looking over at all.

Fortunately, Madam Pomfrey didn't say anything more.

"Okay, just stand still!" She took out her wand and waved it twice in front of Kyle.

The tip of the wand shed soft white light, and finally formed a cloud-like thing that enveloped Kyle.

Madam Pomfrey stared at the "clouds" for a while and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good, no sign of dark magic."

"You should really feel lucky..." Madam Pomfrey said with a straight face: "When Harry Potter was sent here, he couldn't even speak a complete sentence."

She took out a bottle of potion and then rushed Kyle to the hospital bed.

"Um...Bobby, can I say a few words to him?" Dumbledore whispered: "Just a few words, it won't waste too much time."

"Even if you say so, Headmaster." Madam Pomfrey frowned: "But the child has just experienced a severe fire... He needs to rest now."

Dumbledore nodded and did not insist.

After drinking the potion, Kyle felt his brain was dizzy and fell asleep quickly.

When he woke up again, it was already the next morning.

Kyle was woken up.

He heard Madam Pomfrey roaring angrily, seemingly trying to drive Fred and George away?

"Good morning, Kyle.

Kyle opened his eyes and saw a smiling Dumbledore next to the hospital bed.

He always felt that this scene looked familiar.

Oh, by the way, it was the same last year... and it was about the same time.

"Good morning, Professor." Kyle sat up and asked, "How is Potter."

"I'm glad you can ask that." Dumbledore said, "He is fine. He will probably wake up at noon... Do you want to eat something? There is fried pork chop in the kitchen this morning."

"No, I have no appetite." Kyle shook his head.

"That's a shame, the tonkatsu today tasted great."

Kyle thought Dumbledore would ask him why he went to the restricted area, but he didn't. After a brief chat, Dumbledore just said calmly: "By the way, please remember to return Lu Wei to Hagrid later. He was so anxious last night.

It's strange...why I thought Quirrell hid it yesterday.

It wasn't until an hour later that I realized he didn't have to do that if he just wanted to get through the trap door. And it is not easy to hide such a big three-headed dog. "

"Unless there is some kind of magical prop...such as a box or bag."

"Uh..." Kyle was a little embarrassed.

In fact, the little blessing elixir he drank only lasted about an hour.

"Sorry, Professor."

"It's okay, Kyle. I don't mean to blame you. In fact, even if you didn't take Lu Wei away, Quirrell would have found other ways to get through the trap door."

Kyle nodded, he had already guessed Dumbledore's purpose.

Subconsciously, Kyle glanced around.

There were only him, Dumbledore, and Harry, who was sleeping soundly.

But Madam Pomfrey, who he most wanted to see, was not here. He really missed her... the way she looked when she was driving people away yesterday.

Kyle began to change the topic, from Quidditch to exams, and finally to the Academy Cup...

Dumbledore was also very patiently chatting with him, and he seemed to be enjoying it.

But what is supposed to come will eventually come. Just when Kyle finished talking about the Academy Cup and was about to turn to the next topic, Dumbledore said first: "Speaking of the Academy Cup...I suddenly remembered, Kyle, Did you see a bright red stone yesterday?"

"So what does the Academy Cup have to do with the Philosopher's Stone... This topic is too harsh." Kyle cursed.

But when faced with Dumbledore's inquiry, he still nodded and said, "I saw it. Potter had been holding it, but then it fell into the fire."

"Yes, that's what Harry said." Dumbledore said thoughtfully: "But the interesting thing is that the Sorcerer's Stone is a very magical stone, and it is difficult to burn it even with strong fire.

I later went back and looked, and there was no trace there at all... It was impossible. "

"Have you searched carefully?" Kyle whispered: "Maybe it went to other rooms..."

"I searched very carefully." Dumbledore said with a smile: "It seems that you already know that the Philosopher's Stone is hidden there."

"Uh...I heard it from Potter."

Kyle said: "While having breakfast, he and Ron were discussing how to prevent Professor Snape from stealing the Philosopher's Stone from the restricted area."

Kyle wasn't really lying when he said this, because he did hear the word "Philosopher's Stone" from Harry and Ron more than once.

Sometimes in the auditorium, sometimes in the corridor, they didn't pay attention to anyone else around them while "conspiring loudly."

It's just that most people think they are talking nonsense and don't care at all.

"It seems they got a lot of information from Hagrid." Dumbledore smiled and shook his head.

He looked at Kyle again, "So you don't know where the Philosopher's Stone is?"

Kyle said nothing.

"It seems... the magic stone should have been taken away by that sniffer."

"I checked the image captured by the Mirror of Erised yesterday..." Dumbledore blinked, "Maybe I can ask Newt, he should be able to recognize the Niffler."

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