Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 251 Fake Wand and Strange Percy

After making a decision in their hearts, the two of them stopped raising topics related to the class schedule.

When Kyle finished eating and the others came to the attic together, Fred also took out a book list with Lockhart's name written all over it.

"They are all Lockhart's books." He said: "The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher must be his admirer... maybe he is a witch like mother."

"I saw..." George pretended to hold an orange, as if holding a crystal ball that could predict the future, "This year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class will definitely be a disaster."

"This doesn't require divination."

Kyle peeled off his "crystal ball", broke off a piece and put it in his mouth, "Is there any other year where the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is not a disaster?"

"Aulen is good." Fred glanced at Kyle subconsciously, "If he is not a dark wizard..."

"You're right." Kyle shrugged.

If you only look at the quality of teaching, Oren can even be said to be the best Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts in the past twenty years.

But it's a pity that he is a dark wizard, and he is also a dark wizard who has evil intentions towards himself... This is a bit less pleasant.

When they thought of the recent Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, several people lost interest in continuing. George put the book list aside and took out a rubber stick from the box in the corner.

Because the research on "quick skipping candy" has been slow to make progress, Fred and George have been playing in the attic recently with another of their joke products...the magic wand. ]|I{}I|[

This was an idea that George came up with in a flash while he was taking Charms class.

In appearance, they are no different from real wands, but if someone attempts to use these wands to release magic, they will randomly turn into some kind of rubber product.

With Kyle's help, they were almost able to successfully do it in the past few days.

The only problem now is how to keep the fake wand stable so that it only changes when you want to cast a spell.

But Kyle didn't help with this problem...after all, we were all in this together, and he couldn't do everything. He had to leave something for Fred and George to do.

And when they are busy, they can be a little cleaner.

Throughout the morning, Fred and George tried different methods to maintain the deformation of the fake wand.

Kyle was studying the new Hogwarts map.

After two years of doing the map business, some people have discovered the business opportunities and started to grab the business.

After all, this thing is not difficult at all, even lower grade students can make it.

Hermione had drawn a similar map last year. If she could do it, so could others.

And unlike other products, the audience for the map is the new little wizards who have no previous knowledge of Hogwarts.

In the case of the same products, even if Kyle and others are "time-honored brands", it will be difficult to gain any advantage.

That’s it for the rest, but Slytherin’s market must not be lost.

Therefore, it is also time for a major update to the map.

What he showed Nico before was the prototype of the new Hogwarts map.

What he has to do now is simplify the production method enough to mass-produce it, and then send it to other people.

It doesn't matter if they have fewer functions, as long as they can move and display the route in real time, they can regain their advantage.

The three of them were busy doing their own thing without disturbing each other, and the scene was very harmonious.

But this harmony only lasted for a short morning.

New 𝘹.𝘤𝘰𝘮

Not long after lunch, there was a sudden loud noise outside.

A few minutes later, Fred, who couldn't concentrate anymore, stuck his head out of the window and saw Ron yelling.

"Can you be quiet!" he yelled.

Outside the room, Ron, who was holding a broomstick, stopped immediately and looked at Fred's face with dull eyes. That look was like seeing Snape dancing ballet, full of shock and disbelief.


Ron shouted and rushed back to the Burrow: "Come and see, Percy has turned into George!"

Apparently, he had mistaken Fred and George again.

"What are you talking about? What happened to me?"

But at this moment, the window on the third floor of the Burrow was suddenly pushed open, and Percy said impatiently: "Also, could you be a little quieter?"

Ron stood stunned on the spot. He looked at Percy and then at Fred across from him. His already confused brain suddenly shut down.

"When will our little brother get smarter?"

Fred sighed and said, "But George, I think I kind of understand how Percy felt before."

"Yeah." George said with a smile: "It's so noisy outside that I really can't concentrate."

"Then we will..."

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, it's Ron who's making the noise, we're usually very quiet!"

"You're right!"

George glanced at Ron outside the window with disgust, then seemed to think of something, and said with a smile:

"I suddenly had a good idea. Do you remember what Ron's wand looks like?"

"Of course I remember, it cost us seven Galleons." Fred raised his eyebrows, "So you mean..."

"Yes, that's what I meant..."

"Where he usually keeps his wand..."

"In the pocket of the robe..."

"But he doesn't wear robes when he plays Quidditch..."


The two looked at each other and showed a wicked smile at the same time.

Kyle shook his head and asked, "Isn't that fake wand not yet successful?"

"That's why we need someone to test it for us." Fred said matter-of-factly.

"Only by knowing where the problem lies can we make better improvements, right?" George also blinked.

Thinking of this, the two of them lost the mood to continue, and pulled Kyle to the open space outside the room.

In front of the Burrow, Mrs. Weasley was scolding Ron, asking him to keep his voice down and not disturb Percy's reading.

"I really want to know what he is doing!" Fred frowned and looked at the closed window on the third floor. "He just got twelve O.W.L. certificates a few days ago, but he is not very proud of it, and he has become worse than It used to be busier.”

"This is very abnormal." George said thoughtfully: "And I saw before that the name on his letter was pink. Although he explained that he ran out of ink, I always felt that something was wrong. "

Several people made their way to the Burrow.

Fred excused himself to get a broomstick and squeezed into the house sideways.

When he came out again, he made a very subtle "get it" gesture to Kyle and George.

In order not to arouse suspicion, they did not go back. Instead, they went to a paddock on the mountain with Harry and played Quidditch for a while.

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