Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 257 Riddle’s Diary

After returning to the Leaky Cauldron, Hagrid suggested that everyone have a drink before leaving, and everyone agreed...even the most angry Mrs. Weasley.

She felt that she needed to explain what had just happened to the Grangers to prevent them from having any bad ideas about the wizard.

While the adults were chatting, Kyle came to Ginny's side.

The little girl was lowering her head and drinking the hot chocolate in her hand without saying a word... In the Leaky Cauldron, besides all kinds of wine, this was the only one.

Kyle's sudden appearance startled her.

"That throw just now was so beautiful."

"You, you saw everything?"

"I wasn't sure before..." Kyle shrugged and said, "But normal Ginny wouldn't be so quiet."

"I...I'm just too angry." Ginny pinched the cup, "Why does he say that about Dad!"

But immediately she changed her expression and asked nervously: "Kyle, will they fire Dad?"

"Don't worry, it won't happen." Kyle thought for a moment and said, "The Ministry of Magic has just passed the latest Muggle Protection Act, and Mr. Weasley is the initiator and main executor of this law.

If he were to be fired at this time, it would have a great impact on the prestige of the Ministry of Magic, and Fudge would not agree to it. "

Ginny blinked...she didn't understand.

"Okay, let me put it another way."

Kyle smiled and said: "Mr. Weasley has many friends, including many division directors, deputy directors, and members of the Wizengamot. They will help support us."

Now, Ginny understood.

She breathed a long sigh of relief, and her whole body became visibly cheerful.

"Thank you, Kyle!"

"No need, I'm just telling the truth." Kyle waved his hand and said:

"But the cauldron you just threw was quite accurate. If there weren't so many books in it, it should have hit Malfoy's head.

Seriously, Ginny, you have what it takes to be a Chaser. "

"It's a pity that first years are not allowed to participate in Quidditch." Ginny laughed.

"You can try too, after all, Harry is an exception."

"But I heard that Gryffindor has no shortage of chasers now..."

"That's right. Let's wait until you reach second grade."

"Hey, you just said you would let me try." Ginny said dissatisfied: "Can't I be selected like Harry?"

"I'm just being polite...it's really your fault." Kyle said calmly: "If it were me, I would definitely not be empty just now."

Ginny gritted her teeth and seemed to want to throw the cauldron at Kyle's face to let him see if she was throwing it accurately.

But when she turned around, she found that her crucible had been taken away by Kyle at some point.

"I was still worrying about what gift to give you as an entrance gift..."

Kyle took the old books out of the crucible, "How about a brand new set of textbooks."

Ginny quickly shook her head and refused, "No, no, it's too expensive. I can just use second-hand ones..."

"That `s a deal."

Before she could finish speaking, Kyle put away the old books, "But you have to wait two days. Flourish and Blott Bookstore probably won't welcome us now."

Ginny couldn't help but laugh.

Because of them, several bookshelves at Flourish and Blotts were knocked down, and the books on them were scattered all over the floor.

If it weren't for the man named Hagrid, they certainly wouldn't have been able to leave so easily.

New ℴ𝓂

After drinking butterbeer, everyone was much calmer. Mr. and Mrs. Granger also put aside what they had just done and said goodbye to Mrs. Weasley while laughing.

They were going back to the Muggle street on the other side of the pub.

Before leaving, Kyle also gave Mr. Granger a large bottle of Porter Express Shampoo.

He has a lot of this stuff in his bag, all for a certain professor, so it doesn't matter if he takes out a bottle.

After saying goodbye in the bar, Kyle and the Weasleys went to the fireplace and flooed back to the Burrow.

"Fortunately you didn't pronounce the name wrong this time, dear."

At the door of the kitchen of the Burrow, Mrs. Weasley took a coat brush and began to dust the ashes on them, "Good, everyone is here...wait, why are there only eight people, Percy!"

Only then did everyone realize that Percy had not returned.

"I remember him reading in a junk shop," Ron said:

Harry nodded, "It seems like "How Prefects Gain Power""

Everything in the thrift store was in shabby condition, but the book was like new.

"Ha, that's very Percy indeed," Fred said with a smile.

"He wants to be the student union president..."

"Maybe the Minister for Magic!"

Mrs. Weasley ignored Fred and George, put down the coat brush in her hand,

"Oh my gosh, Percy must have lost track of time...didn't you call him when you got back?"

"Who cared about Percy at that time?" Ron whispered: "We thought you had called him..."

Mrs. Weasley said nothing, just silently grabbed a handful of Floo powder and threw it into the fireplace.

In fact she forgot too.

Mrs. Weasley went back to pick up Percy.

Kyle declined Fred's invitation to play Quidditch in the woods and quickly returned home after leaving the Burrow.

He went back to his room, locked the door, and took out Ginny's pile of old textbooks.

Inside the "Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration", there was a worn black notebook.

The faded date on the cover showed that it was from fifty years ago, and it was inconspicuous among these old books.

Even if someone saw it, they would mistakenly think that someone in the thrift store accidentally forgot it while sorting things out.

Kyle took a deep breath and carefully opened the notebook... On the first page, there was only a vague name.

"T.M. Riddle."

Sure enough, Lucius Malfoy secretly gave Ginny the diary.

He probably wanted to use this method to take revenge on the Weasley family.

Kyle knocked on the table...Lucius Malfoy may not know the true purpose of the diary, but he must know how dangerous Voldemort's things are.

In other words, he didn't care about Ginny's life or death at all.

Hagrid was right, Lucius Malfoy was indeed evil.

Although he also paid a price for it.

After Voldemort was resurrected, he immediately discovered that something had happened to the Horcrux he had hidden in Malfoy.

Although Lucius Malfoy gave up all his family property and barely saved his family's lives, Draco was still forcibly sent to assassinate Dumbledore.

A student who had not yet graduated went to assassinate Dumbledore...Obviously, Voldemort did not want him to live at all.

But that’s all for the future.

Now that the diary is in his hands, Ginny should be able to have a normal school year.

Moreover, he happened to have some questions and wanted to ask the young Riddle.

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