Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 276 Writing a Book for Snape

Snape's erratic behavior continued into the next day and showed no signs of subside. ░░x░.░c░o░m░

And as more and more people knew about it, this matter even replaced the upcoming Quidditch selection and became the focus of everyone's discussion.

People are speculating why this is the case.

“It’s Points Addiction Syndrome!”

A second-year Ravenclaw wizard said confidently: "My uncle works at St. Mungo's, and he told me that there is an old professor who treats people there like this.

He could feel satisfied and happy from the process of deducting points. Even after entering St. Mungo's, he still continued this habit, and he also assigned colleges to everyone he met.

When others meet, they say hello first, but when they meet him, points are deducted first. "

Seeing what he said about having noses and eyes, many people came over and listened with interest. They looked more serious than taking Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class.

As more people were around, the little wizard spoke more enthusiastically.

"My uncle also said that he only took care of the old professor for two days and was deducted three hundred points. This is more points than the seven years of Hogwarts combined."

"Oh! Three hundred points!" There was a burst of exclamation from all around.

"Is that old professor also from Hogwarts?" someone asked.

"Of course, the serious Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts... has lived in St. Mungo's for six years."

"I just lived in St. Mungo's for six years because I like to deduct points..." A little witch covered her mouth in surprise, "So, Professor Snape also..."

"You're right."

The little wizard from Ravenclaw said solemnly: "The fact that he deducted points from Slytherin is a sign, because it means that the other three houses can no longer satisfy him.

Poor Professor Snape, judging from this situation, he will probably leave Hogwarts in four years at most. "

"But I plan to go to St. Mungo's to be a therapist after graduation... I think I should be able to take care of him by then."

When he said this, his eyes were extremely firm, as if taking care of Snape was his unshirkable responsibility.

This also attracted admiration and affirmation from people around him, and at the same time, his sense of mission was greatly satisfied.

But his happiness only lasted until the end of breakfast.

Because their first period was Potions class.

And Snape didn't know where he knew what he said before. In just one morning, he deducted fifty points from Ravenclaw.

That's not the worst part. Snape also found a reason to lock him up for three days and let him and the third-year students handle the potion materials in the vat.

The poor little Ravenclaw wizard just glanced into the bucket, his face instantly lost all color, and his stomach was churning.

When get out of class ended at noon, he seemed to be a different person. His eyes were dull and his face was pale. He staggered out of the Potions classroom and knocked over a pair of armor in the corridor.

It is worth mentioning that the people who took Potions class with Ravenclaw were Slytherins, but this time they not only did not deduct a single point, but also gained a lot. ♞♢

Well, it was a familiar smell... Snape seemed to have returned to his previous self overnight.

Coupled with Ravenclaw's "lessons from the past", by the time of lunch, there were obviously fewer people discussing this matter in the auditorium.

This made Kyle somewhat disappointed. After all, the guesses of the little wizards were quite interesting.

In addition to being "addicted to deducting points", there are also reports that he was hit by a Tebbo warthog, drank a fake magic potion, and drank a real magic potion...

In short, there are all kinds of things, everything is covered.

From yesterday afternoon to now, he worked tirelessly between each table and wrote down everything related to Snape.

Originally, he planned to go to Lockhart and ask him to help him publish a book after filling ten pieces of parchment.

I've already thought of a title for the book, and it's called "To All Potions Masters, A Guide to Surviving Hogwarts"

And he also planned to pay a sum of money to get Lockhart to work overtime and finish it before Christmas, and then give the book as a gift to Snape.

I believe he will be very happy.

It's a pity that the little wizards are timid...

He only filled up three pieces of parchment, which was obviously not enough material for a book.

"What class is this afternoon?" Kyle sighed regretfully and asked casually.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts." Kangna glanced at the class schedule and said, "But you still have to take Divination classes and Muggle Studies."

"I won't go to those two classes." Kyle shook his head.

Professor Crelawny's divination class had nothing to say, it was just a test of imagination.

Muggle Studies was similar. He flipped through the textbook twice and found the most basic things in it. Even Mikel could easily get an "O".

If those little Muggle-born wizards want to make their transcripts look better, this is the right course to take.

After finishing their meal, the two left the auditorium and headed towards the common room.

On the way they also met a thin, gray-haired boy.

He was standing at the door of the auditorium holding a camera, as if waiting for someone.

"Is it him?" Kyle walked over quickly and asked in a low voice: "The one who asked Potter for an autograph and photo yesterday."

Connor nodded calmly.

"Harry Potter sending out signed photos" is another hot topic, and the initiator is the little boy just now.

Yesterday at noon, he asked Harry for an autographed photo in front of half the auditorium. Coupled with Malfoy's heckles and Lockhart's disruption, it almost made Harry depressed.

Whenever he goes out during this period, people who are not too concerned about the fun come to him and ask for autographs and photos.

The child is almost depressed.

But think about it, no one can stand having such a fanatical admirer following him around every day.

Oh, except Lockhart... he'd probably be happy.

...But it’s just him.

Thinking of this, Kyle subconsciously speeded up his pace.

When they returned to the common room, a group of fourth year Hufflepuffs happened to be walking over from the other side.

Cedric walked in the front. He looked a little embarrassed, his body was covered with mud, and his robe was in tatters.

The same goes for everyone else.

"What happened to you?" Kyle asked, "Who did you fight with?"

"I would rather fight with him." Cedric adjusted his robe randomly, and then said angrily:

"We were having a good time in herbal medicine class, but right after class, Gilderoy Lockhart suddenly came over."

"What is he doing in the greenhouse?" Kangna asked curiously.

"Teach Professor Sprout how to prune excess buds from poisonous tentacles!"

Cedric looked a little angry.

"But when he first entered the greenhouse, he knocked over the table and knocked over more than a dozen pots of jumping bulbs."

"Then he actually ran away!" Someone said angrily: "Damn it, he ran away!"

"That's it." Cedric shrugged, "Professor Sprout and we have been busy until now, catching all those jumping bulbs that are running around."

"Thank you." Kyle gave them a sympathetic look.

Many plants in the greenhouse are fragile and very sensitive to the outside environment, so under normal circumstances, magic is not allowed there.

Cedric and the others probably spent a lot of effort to catch all the jumping bulbs... This can also be seen from their embarrassed appearance.

Thanks to FYZ331fot for the reward!

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