Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 371 Unique potion talent

The first period in the morning was Potions class, with Hufflepuff and Gryffindor taking it together.

From the very beginning of class, Gryffindor students began to be targeted crazily.

Katie from the Quidditch team was docked five points as soon as she entered the classroom for wearing a hat. And McCulloch McLaggen, who also had a three-point deduction for a crease in his book.

Everyone knows the reason.

In the third grade Defense Against the Dark Arts course, when Neville faced the Boggart who had turned into Snape, he put him in a very eye-catching grandma outfit.

Originally, this matter was not big or small, and even if Snape was angry, he would only cause trouble for Neville.

But the problem is, I don't know which evil guy went to the classroom with a camera... and then Snape's photos of women's clothing spread in Hogwarts.

Although this incident was quickly stopped and all the photos were forcibly confiscated... But that was only on the surface.

There are still many behind the scenes.

In order to find the culprit, Snape tried every means, including threats and inducements, follow-up investigations...but all to no avail.

This time the students were unprecedentedly united, and no one who asked me knew anything about it.

Even Professor Lupine himself looked like... I don't know, I didn't see anything. Snape was so angry that his teeth itched.

Therefore, Gryffindor, who was the first to receive the photo, was out of luck.

Let's put it this way, even though Kyle was deducted a hundred points, Hufflepuff's house points were still a long way ahead of Gryffindor.

And this was just Snape's result in one day.

At the beginning of this year, Gryffindor began to dive towards the lowest score record in history.

Even Professor McGonagall couldn't say anything because she had also seen the photo, and to be fair, she really didn't blame Snape for being so angry.

"Vitality Potion!"

It wasn't until Gryffindor had been deducted twenty points that Snape returned to the podium and said in a long voice: "Lovage, ginger root, one-horned buffalo horn...Mr. McLaggen."

He suddenly asked: "When brewing the vitality potion, what kind of treatment needs to be done to the bison horns."

"Roast it and grind it into powder, Professor." McCuller McLagan stood up, glanced at the blackboard, and said confidently.

"Haha, Snape miscalculated this time."

Kyle heard someone whisper behind him: "How lucky you are. These contents are all on the blackboard. You can know them just by looking at them."


Snape on the stage raised his eyebrows, moved a step to block the blackboard, and continued to ask: "How long does it take to bake?"

"Twenty minutes." McLagan said without thinking. "After that, you have to scrape off the surface layer before you can start grinding."

"Do you think you are very smart..." Snape said sadly: "You can remember so much after just one glance."

"I didn't read the blackboard, Professor!" McLaggen said seriously, "I read the book in advance, so I knew it."

"If you had read the book in advance, you should know that the vitality potion requires the horn of a horned beast, not a horned bison..." Snape sneered: "Five points from Gryffindor!"

The expression on McLaggen's face froze and he said unconvinced: "But what you write on the blackboard is the one-horned bison. I can't get it wrong!"

"Oh, this... I made a mistake." Snape turned around and erased that line of writing.

"Didn't you say you didn't read the blackboard?" He said lazily, "You will deduct another five points from Gryffindor for lying to the professor."

Next, they deal with the ingredients.

Lovage and ginger root are easy to talk about, but the horn of the horned horn is very troublesome. It is so hard and very tough that it is difficult to cut it off, let alone grind it.

Grilling in advance is a step given by Snape, not in the book.

"Kyle." Ryan leaned forward and whispered, borrowing the object's name, "Have you read today's Daily Prophet?"

"No." Kyle shook his head, "What happened?"

"Someone saw Sirius Black." Mikel said in a low voice.


"Croft County, just south of Hogsmeade." Mikel seemed very excited, "It was seen by a Muggle... Of course, he didn't know what was going on, he just thought Black was A common criminal, so he called the hotline.

By the time the Ministry of Magic got there, he was gone. "

"That's really not that far. It's less than fifty miles from Hogsmeade." McLaggen, who was next to him, also came over.

"Do you think he will come to Hogwarts?" Connor looked a little nervous.

"it's out of the question."

McLagan said firmly, "Don't forget that there is a dementor at the gate of the school. If he comes, he will be trapped in a trap."

"But I still feel something is wrong." Mikel said thoughtfully, "There are so many places to go, why did he appear in a place so close to Hogsmeade."

"Perhaps he doesn't know there are dementors here." McLaggen let out a low sneer, "I want him to come quickly, because as long as he is discovered by the dementors, he will definitely not be able to escape.

"After he is captured, the dementors will leave the school. To be honest, whenever I think of those monsters guarding the door, I always feel uncomfortable. Even the wind blowing over is chilly."

They didn't dare to say anything more and separated before Snape turned around.

"Kyle, do you think that if Black wants to come to Hogwarts, can those dementors at the door really stop him?" Connor asked in a low voice.

"It's hard to say." Kyle shook his head, "They have already let Black run once, and it was still in their base camp... not to mention there are only two Dementors now.

But don't worry, it'll be fine, I promise. "

After hearing Kyle's words, Kangna finally felt relieved and began to scrape the skin of the ginger root with a knife.

When get out of class was about to end, Snape began to check everyone's potions.

Both Kyle and Connor's cauldrons were bright yellow, which is a normal color and there is nothing wrong with it.

Snape didn't even look at them and walked over.

But others are different, they come in all kinds of colors.

Especially Mikel's... Kyle noticed that his potion was a strange purple color with brown smoke floating on it.

Even the well-informed Snape was stunned for a moment after seeing the pot of potion.

He could at least see what went wrong with other people's potions...such as adding too much of an ingredient, or not stirring enough, but this one was different.

He couldn't see anything.

Lovage, ginger root, and the horn of a horned camel...can you still brew something like this?

What a great experience!

"Ten points from Hufflepuff."

Snape stared at the potion in the crucible, then looked at Mikel, "There is also confinement. Go to the underground classroom at eight o'clock on Saturday morning until you learn the vitality potion."

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