Bill slept until night before he was woken up.

It's just that the process is a little more complicated.

Fred and George came up with the idea, Ron received the water, Ginny handed him the bucket, and finally Charlie poured the full bucket of cold water directly on his face.

Even if Bill wanted to get angry, he didn't know who to hit.

It was a rare occasion for Bill and Charlie to come back together, and since it was Kyle's birthday, Mrs. Weasley had been busy in the kitchen since noon, preparing a large table of sumptuous dinner.

Just as Kyle thought, Chris came with his bottle of 150-year-old fire whiskey.

Looking at the big number on the bottle, Mr. Weasley's eyes lit up.

Bill couldn't resist the temptation and ordered another small glass, but he learned the lesson from last time and sipped it like Mr. Weasley.

So this time he didn't get drunk on the spot, but didn't lie down on the dining table until the end of the dinner.

The soup on the plate splashed all over Percy, which made him very dissatisfied and said that this was what he would wear to work tomorrow.

Even though Mrs. Weasley used magic to clean up the soup, he still muttered under his breath and went back to his room.

"If you're afraid of getting dirty, don't wear it for dinner." Fred couldn't help but say. ░▒▓██▓▒░

"Maybe I thought Mr. Crouch would come as a guest suddenly." George said with a smile.

Mrs. Weasley slapped them, and they both shut up.

However, this episode did not affect everyone's good mood.

After the meal, several children who had not drunk were responsible for helping the drunk Bill to the room upstairs.

As for Charlie, he was also lying on the table, facing Bill on the left and right, face to face.

Ron and Ginny dragged him for a long time without moving, and finally just moved him from the chair to the ground.

Several goblins came over curiously and poked his face with their slender fingers.

"Go!" Ron waved his hand to drive away those annoying goblins, and then he and Ginny grabbed his arms and dragged him back to the Burrow.

This also caused Charlie to feel a dull pain in his body after he woke up the next day, as if he had been stepped on by a fire dragon.

Another two weeks passed like this.

One night in mid-August, Mr. Weasley came back from get off work at the Ministry of Magic and suddenly called everyone excitedly.

"Did you get the tickets, Dad?" Fred asked expectantly.

"Oh, I want to give you a surprise." Mr. Weasley said pretending to be disappointed, but he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

"a big surprise!"

He took out a stack of colorful tickets, "There are thirteen tickets in total, all of them are for the best seats. ↤↤↤↤↤↦↦↦↦↦"

Fred asked softly: "The best position is..."

"Top box," said Mr. Weasley. "We have the Minister of Magic in the front row."

"Oh! Great!"

Fred and George flushed with excitement and slapped each other hard on the shoulders.

They had always thought that Mr. Weasley would be able to get tickets to the general stands at most, but they didn't expect that he would get a ticket to the top box.

It can be said to be the place with the best view, and you can clearly see the entire stadium.

"Dad, how did you do it?" Ron asked with admiration.

"Due to some special reasons, many people in the ministry were unable to watch the game. The people from the Sports Department simply gave the tickets to me and Chris, saying that this would not make the top box appear too empty."

"How lucky..." Ron couldn't help but say.


"But, thirteen votes are not enough."

After getting excited, Fred quickly thought of another thing and frowned:

"There are nine people in our family, plus the Kyle family, Harry, Hermione, Qiu, Connor, Cedric... there is still a lot to go."

"Don't worry, dear." Mrs. Weasley said with a smile: "I don't like that kind of messy activities. I can just give the tickets to Harry and Hermione."

"The same goes for us." Chris said with a smile, "We have more important things to deal with than going to the World Cup, which is why the top box is empty.

In addition, Diggory should already have a ticket. When we left, we happened to meet him on the floor of the Sports Department. "

"In this case... then only eleven tickets are enough." Fred calculated, "The remaining two can be reserved for Qiu and Kangna."

"Awesome!" Fred and George high-fived again.

Then several people came to the Burrow.

Mrs. Weasley is about to write a letter to Harry and Hermione.

Hermione was fine, she could just let the owl deliver the letter after she finished writing it, but when it was Harry's turn, Mrs. Weasley was in trouble.

She remembered that Harry's aunt and uncle hated wizards so much that using an owl would definitely turn them off.

"Leave it to me, Molly." At this time, Mr. Weasley stood up and said confidently: "I completely know how Muggles send letters... They need this."

As he spoke, Mr. Weasley took out a large handful of colorful stamps from his pocket.

"Just put these stamps on the envelope and throw it into the mailbox. It just so happens that there is a mailbox at the entrance of the Ministry of Magic... I have wanted to try it for a long time."

"Are you sure? Arthur." Mrs. Weasley asked, "Just put it in that tube or something?"

"You should trust me...I'm a professional."

"Okay then..." Mrs. Weasley picked up the stamps, "How many do I want to put on them?"

Mr. Weasley was suddenly stunned. After thinking for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said, "If there are not enough stamps, the letter will be returned."


Then, Kyle watched Mrs. Weasley put all the stamps on the envelope, leaving only a small area of ​​about an inch square for filling in the Dursleys' address.

"Actually..." Kyle couldn't help but said, "One stamp is enough. If you put too many stamps, it will arouse suspicion."

"Oh, so one is enough?" Mr. Weasley said in surprise.

"That's right." Kyle nodded and picked out a stamp with a face value of ten pence. "This one will do. Take off the others."

Mr. Weasley was the fastest and collected all the stamps in a few seconds.

These are all his treasures. He felt a lot of pain when he posted them just now, but now they are lost and recovered.

After settling the matter with the letter, Mrs. Weasley clapped her hands.

"Okay, the game is on the weekend, we just have to wait until Friday to pick up Harry, just in time."

"Then what if his aunt and uncle don't agree." Ron asked: "He can't miss this competition."

"Of course he can't miss it."

Mrs. Weasley said, "Whether that family wants it or not, we are going to pick him up, but out of courtesy, it's better to pretend to ask for their advice."

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