Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 479 The real invisibility spell

During lunch, Cedric eagerly asked about Professor Moody's teaching level.

"It's exciting!" Mikel couldn't wait to say: "I have a hunch that this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class will be much better than previous years. Even Lupin... Of course, I'm not saying that Professor Luping is not good, but Professor Compared with the methods of dealing with curses, those dark magic animals are indeed a bit boring."

"Oh...I really want to go and see it right away..."

Listening to his description, Cedric felt itchy in his heart, but no, they had to wait until Friday for Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and now he had to go to herbal medicine class outside.

Cedric hurried downstairs and left, and Kyle also walked into the classroom and began to sort out the textbooks he would use next.

When class started, Professor McGonagall hurried in.

Instead of starting the class directly, she spent nearly fifteen minutes emphasizing the importance of the O.W.L. exam to the entire class.

"You must remember that this exam may affect your future for many years to come!" Professor McGonagall stood on the podium and said with a serious face: "But I think that as long as you invest time and energy, the students in this class will be successful." There is no reason why any student should not receive an O.W.L. certificate in Transfiguration..."

First emphasizing the importance of exams, and then affirming students' abilities...well, this is very Professor McGonagall.

After fifteen minutes, she finally stopped, picked up the textbook and said.

"Today's lesson is very important. I hope that each of you can work hard, because what we are going to learn is the most difficult magic in the O.W.L. exam, the disappearing spell..."

Then, she demonstrated and successfully made a snail disappear on the podium.


Before Professor McGonagall had time to speak, Mikel suddenly let out a weird laugh as if he had taken the wrong magic potion.

"Mr. Drake!"

Professor McGonagall said in a stern tone: "If you think what I said is ridiculous..."

"Sorry, Professor McGonagall, I'm sorry..." Mikel said quickly, but his face was still a little smug.

"It was last class. Professor Moody asked us to enumerate the black magic. I said the disappearing spell, but he told me that there is no such magic... This is obviously his mistake, right?"

For the first time, he was better than a professor in some aspects, and it was a very famous professor. This made Mikel excited beyond words.

Professor McGonagall was a little confused, so she walked to Kyle who was closest to her and asked about what happened in the last class.

A few minutes later, she stood up again, looked at Mikel and said:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Drake, but I think Alastor is right. The Vanishing Curse is indeed not part of the dark arts."

"What?" Mikel said subconsciously: "But that snail just now..."

Before he could say anything, Professor McGonagall waved her magic wand again, and the snail that disappeared before magically appeared on the podium again.

"First of all, you must understand why the Vanishing Curse is a transformation spell..."

Professor McGonagall explained: "It does not directly make the object disappear like the cleaning spell, but changes it into a state of nothingness. You can also understand it as an invisible ghost or air.

But in essence, the object itself still exists, and as long as the corresponding counter-spell, such as a reduction spell or a restoration spell, can be made invalid. "

"Ah?" Mikel stood there blankly with his mouth open.

"Okay, sit down." Professor McGonagall waved her hand, "I won't deduct points this time, but next time I hope you can be more rigorous and understand what the definition of black magic is.

Of course, you need to do this work in your free time, and don't ask me. Don't forget that it's Transfiguration class time. "

Afterwards, Professor McGonagall gave each person a snail to use as a practice prop.

Kyle looked at the snails on the table and fell into thinking.

To be honest, his attention had been on cross-species transformation and multiple transformations some time ago, and there were too many things happening during the holidays. For a while, he really didn't remember that there was a disappearing spell in the transformation technique.

Everyone started to try, and Kyle also picked up his wand and pointed at the snail like Professor McGonagall had done before.

However, the snail did not disappear directly. Instead, it changed from gray-brown to gray-white. When Kyle waved the wand again, he successfully made the snail disappear.

After succeeding twice in a row, Kyle felt that the disappearing spell was almost as difficult as it was after five transformations.

Professor McGonagall, who had been standing beside the students since they started practicing, couldn't help but nod when he saw this.

"Great, someone has already finished it!"

she said loudly, getting everyone's attention.

"As a bonus, ten points for Hufflepuff!"

There was no sound of surprise in the classroom. When everyone heard that it was Hufflepuff and saw Kyle next to her, they all lowered their heads again in surprise.

Having been classmates with Kyle for five years, they have long been used to this kind of situation.

Professor McGonagall didn't say anything else. After adding the points, she was ready to go see other people.

"Professor McGonagall, I have a question!" Kyle suddenly stopped her.

"What?" Professor McGonagall turned around.

Kyle thought for a moment and asked, "Can the disappearing spell be used on myself?"

He has been thinking about this issue since Professor McGonagall explained the principle of the Vanishing Curse.

Turning an object into nothingness, but not completely disappearing, is the real invisibility spell.

In other words, if he uses the disappearing spell on himself, he can come and go anywhere freely.

Unless the opponent uses a wide range of all-curses, no killing curse, fire curse...or dementors or fire dragons will have any impact on him.

What's more important is that this spell has no time limit. You can stay on it for as long as you want.

This was simply another form of invincibility, and Kyle couldn't help but be moved.

"Oh?" Professor McGonagall glanced at him and his eyes flickered.

"When I first came into contact with the disappearing spell, I had the same idea as you." She said: "Theoretically... it's possible, but it's difficult, and it's far beyond your imagination. Even I don't know how to do it now. It can’t be done.”

"You can't do it either?" Kyle frowned and asked, "Is it so difficult?"

"Because depending on the complexity of the object, the disappearing spell will become more and more difficult."

Professor McGonagall said softly: "Snails and caterpillars are the easiest, but even so, most people need a long time to learn, and they don't get to mice until Christmas or even after the Easter holidays.

And by the seventh grade, as long as you can make an iguana disappear, you can easily get the N.E.W.T. certificate in transfiguration.

In addition, the wizard's magic power will also have a great impact on the disappearing spell, especially when used on oneself. The stronger the magic power, the greater the impact.

Because our bodies will subconsciously reject this deformation, which is uncontrollable. "

"So, we can't use the disappearing spell on ourselves anywhere?" Kyle frowned.

Humans are much more complicated than iguanas. It can be imagined that if you want to use the disappearing spell on yourself, you must have enough magic power as a basis.

But correspondingly, these magic powers will affect the disappearing spell, which will then require more magic power... There seems to be an unsolvable cycle between the two.

"No, it's still possible, but I didn't succeed." Professor McGonagall said with a smile, "But I really hope you can do it."

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