Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 499 The Surprise of the Weasley Brothers (Far-reaching and Endless Alliance)

Chapter 499 The Surprise of the Weasley Brothers (Profound and Endless Alliance Leader, plus update 55)

Crouch can't come, which is really good news, Kyle thought to himself.

At this time, Dumbledore and Bagman also walked out of the side door.

"Oh, Kyle, why haven't you gone back to rest yet?" He said with a smile: "As I said just now, the Triwizard Tournament is not a child's play. I suggest you think about it carefully and come back tomorrow morning."

"Then Albus, I'll leave first..." Bagman said sadly, "I worked overtime all night, and I don't know if there is any extra salary."

"Goodbye Ludo, thank you for your hard work." Dumbledore said.

After Bagman left, Kyle was about to go back to the dormitory, but after taking two steps, he suddenly stopped, turned around and said to Dumbledore.

"Professor, I think you'd better ask the professors to pay more attention to the Goblet of Fire."

"Oh?" Dumbledore looked at him doubtfully.

"Well... that's it." Kyle said, "You should also know that during the Quidditch World Cup, someone wanted to kill Harry."

Dumbledore's expression gradually became serious, "What do you want to say?"

"It's just that... the person who cast the Dark Mark hasn't been caught yet, has he? In addition, you also said that the lives of warriors participating in the Triwizard Tournament are in danger at any time."

Kyle didn't say it clearly, but Dumbledore obviously understood.

"I will consider your suggestion." He looked at Kyle and said, "But I don't think this possibility is high."

"I just said it casually, Professor. Maybe I just thought too much." Kyle shrugged.

He still felt that it would be better to remind Dumbledore before he was not sure whether little Barty Crouch had sneaked into Hogwarts.

Filch's footsteps could be heard in the distance. Kyle touched the Marauder's Map in his pocket, said goodbye to the headmaster, and returned to the Hufflepuff common room.

The next day is Saturday, and usually everyone goes to have breakfast very late, but today is an exception.

Early in the morning, Kyle was woken up by his two roommates.

"Wake up, Kyle, everyone has gone to the auditorium, how can you sleep!" Mikel opened the window directly, and the cold wind from outside blew in.

Kyle sat up from the bed and said, "Don't be so anxious. The Warriors candidates won't be announced until tonight."

But Mikel and Ryan didn't listen at all. They seemed to firmly believe that if they put their names in earlier, their chances of being selected would increase.

In desperation, Kyle could only sit up and put on a thick robe.

When they arrived at the auditorium, they saw dozens of people surrounding it. Everyone was carefully looking at the Goblet of Fire placed in the middle of the auditorium.

A thin golden line was drawn on the floor around the Goblet of Fire, with a radius of about ten feet.

Connor stood at the door, with Fleur, Ms. Maxim, and Professor Sprout beside her.

"Originally this was not in compliance with the regulations."

Kyle heard Ms. Maxim say in a deep voice, "But Fleur...well, if you all think it's okay, I totally agree."

After the two professors left, Kyle approached and asked curiously: "What did you just say?"

"It's nothing." Kangna said with a smile: "It's just that Fleur said she would stay here until the end of the school year. She can't sleep in the carriage all the time. I just wanted to try to see if I could let her live in our dormitory temporarily.

We discussed it last night and everyone agreed. "

"So, Fleur can move into the Hufflepuff dormitory today?" Kyle asked.

"There is also Gabrielle." Fleur explained: "But it's not a long-term stay. You still have to return to the carriage when the competition is approaching. This is Ms. Maxim's bottom line."

Kyle nodded. The principal seemed to have acquiesced that Fleur would become Beauxbatons' champion.

"Where are the other people in Beauxbatons?" Kyle said, "Would they have any objection if you live here? After all, you came here together."

"It's okay if they want to," Fleur said nonchalantly.

Seeing her look, Kyle didn't say anything more.

At this time, Fred and George also came down from upstairs. After noticing Fleur, their running steps suddenly stopped, and then they walked over in a contrived and unhurried manner.

"Good morning, my dear friend," said Fred in a strange accent.

"It's nice to see you here..." George said seriously, looking like Percy was talking about work.

"Can you guys be normal?" Kyle said with disgust.

"We're normal," Fred said, and pinned a homemade prefect badge on his chest, but it read "Big Head Boy."

"They are Fred Weasley and George Weasley." Kyle introduced.

"Weasley?" Fleur looked at the two identical people and blinked.

"Yes, they are the younger Weasley children," Kyle said.

He noticed that Fleur looked like she wanted to say hello, but was a little confused.

"Oh, you don't have to tell who they are, just call them by name... they will help correct it when the time comes."

"Hey, you're going too far!" Fred frowned dissatisfied.

"It's just that we are obviously completely different. Everyone says I'm more handsome."

"Nonsense, they are talking about me..."

The two started to quarrel as they talked, and in the end it even escalated to grabbing each other's necks, with the possibility of a fight at any time.

"Sorry, we have to excuse you." Kyle said to Connor and Fleur, then took Fred and George and dragged them out of the auditorium.

Miraculously, after losing sight of Furong, the two of them suddenly woke up.

"No!" Fred let go of George's hand and shook his head, "Kyle, there's something wrong with that girl!"

"We can't usually be like this." George frowned, "But just now I couldn't help but want to show it. This feeling is very familiar, as if..."

"Quidditch World Cup," Fred said. "Bulgaria's mascots... those Veela!"

"She is a Veela!" George's voice was hoarse.

Kyle shook his head, "Stop talking nonsense. Veela cannot use wands, no matter which country they are in."

"Then she must also have Veela blood." George said firmly.

This time Kyle didn't say anything, he just waved his hand and said: "Don't make such a fuss. If others see it, they will think that none of us at Hogwarts have seen the world."

"That's amazing." Fred opened his mouth in surprise and instantly forgot about the embarrassing appearance he had just made.

George couldn't help but lay down at the door and took a look, then quickly looked away, "There is no such character in Hogwarts, right? I dare say she will become a warrior."

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