Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 516 These three levels are quite easy.

After discovering the situation of the Swedish Brachynosaurus, Kyle immediately gave up his plan to hide temporarily. He suddenly turned his broom around, circled in the air, and came directly above the fire dragon.

A ball of dragon flame sprayed over, but Kyle dodged it in time.

"Hey, calm down." He flew next to the fire dragon's head to make sure that the other party could see him.

"We've met before, remember?

"Think about it carefully, I helped you treat your wounds at that time, and you insist that we are nosy..."

The roar of the Swedish Brachysaurus suddenly stopped, and the yellow vertical pupil facing Kyle turned slightly, as if it was sizing him up.

Immediately, the second ball of dragon flame in its mouth gradually extinguished, and finally turned into two flames sprayed out from its nose.

"It seems you still remember." Kyle said, and his tense body relaxed slightly. Fortunately, he recognized the dragon correctly.

"How are you recovering from your injuries... It's rare that we meet again. If you have any scratches or bumps, I can help you deal with them."

While speaking, Kyle controlled the firebolt and came to the left front position of the fire dragon.

He opened some distance slightly, but not too far. From the audience's perspective, he seemed to be in a thrilling chase battle with the fire dragon.

Anyway, the exclamations in the stands were quite loud.

The Brachysaurus snorted again and let out a low whimper. Its speed also slowed down, as if it was bored and wanted to go back to the cliff.

"Don't rush back yet!" Kyle said immediately.

Orange pupils looked over.

"Don't get me wrong." Kyle explained: "I just have something else, and I want to ask you for help. It's a very small thing..."

There was a hint of impatience on the Brachysaurus's face, but he didn't think about going back anymore. Instead, he continued to flap his wings and follow Kyle.

"You probably haven't noticed yet..." Kyle continued: "Your firestone has been mixed with something else. How about I help you pick them out."

The short-nosed dragon looked over with some vigilance and roared at the same time.

A ball of flame flew past the Firebolt's tail... Nervous screams came from the audience in the stands.

"Don't be nervous, I don't mean to take away your treasure." Kyle hurriedly explained: "It's just a few. I can assure you that they are definitely not fire ash stones..."

One person and one dragon were flying as they talked, and even left the stadium. They did not return until they rounded the castle.

However, the audience was surprised to find that the fire dragon seemed to have stumbled on the spire of the castle.

"The distance has been increased!"

In the stands, Fred shouted excitedly. Through the panoramic telescope, he could clearly see Kyle flying towards the cliff at full speed, "The fire dragon is at least fifty feet away from him. He has a chance to get those stones." !”

"No, it's too risky!" Cedric said nervously, "Don't forget there's a dragon there, and it's also the most dangerous tree peak in Hungary!"

"But Kyle's gone!" said George, his eyes glued to the panoramic telescope.

He saw Kyle rushing towards the cliff without hesitation... Then, the tree peak stood up and spit out a ball of flame, but Kyle nimbly dodged it.

"Beautiful!" George couldn't help shouting.

As the Firebolt's speed became faster and faster, the hearts of the audience began to beat violently.

Finally, the Firebolt flew over the cliff... Kyle grabbed the broom handle with one hand, and quickly reached down with the other hand, seeming to pick up something from the ground.

Then he turned to the other side.

And in just this moment of pause, the fire dragon was only a few feet away from Kyle...

"Run..." In the audience, Kangna couldn't help but stood up and wanted to remind Kyle.

However, before she could finish her words, she was drowned out by deafening screams.

People were shouting, screaming, and applauding.

At some point, Kyle had left the field and appeared on the other side of the audience, where the referee was.

In his hand, three red stones were shining.

"What a bold idea!" Bagman shouted, "He showed extraordinary courage... Ah, yes, he succeeded... It's incredible, our youngest warrior passed everything at the fastest speed level."

Kyle raised his head and happened to see Dumbledore looking at him with a smile. Although Karkaroff and Maxim next to him were also smiling, they looked a little reluctantly.

After leaving the field, the surrounding sounds suddenly became louder, and the noise of the crowd kept hitting his eardrums.

"It's so exciting!" Professor McGonagall said loudly as soon as Kyle got off the Firebolt.

She trotted to Kyle's side, "Before the referee scores, you need to find Madam Pomfrey, right there..."

Professor McGonagall pointed to the locker room on the other side of the passage, and Kyle noticed that her hands were still shaking slightly.

"You succeeded, Kyle." Hagrid said in a rough voice, "You dealt with two fire dragons by yourself, and the other two people don't even know what the third level is at this moment..."

"Thank you, Hagrid!" Kyle shouted, interrupting him.

Karkaroff and Maxim were right next to them, their faces already looking ugly at the moment.

"Professor, can I go find Madam Pomfrey later?" Kyle turned to Professor McGonagall and said, "I want to watch the game."

"I understand, but no..." Professor McGonagall insisted.

"Oh well."

Kyle could only walk out of the field. He saw Madam Pomfrey standing at the entrance to the second dressing room, looking anxious.

"Civet, Bludger, Fire Dragon!" She said in a disgusted tone and pulled Kyle into the locker room. The inside was divided into several small cubicles, which looked exactly like the school hospital.

Madam Pomfrey carefully examined Kyle's back and kept talking angrily, "What on earth did they think to allow so many dangerous things to appear in the school at the same time? You are lucky, but your clothes were scratched , not injured... Come on, drink this."

She pulled out a smoking blue potion.

Soothing potions can relieve nervousness and are one of the most popular potions before exams.

But Kyle felt that he didn't need this thing. Although he didn't know what Krum and Fleur thought, but for him, these three levels were quite easy... from the beginning to the end, he only used a flying spell.

However, Madam Pomfrey didn't think so. She stared at Kyle and drank the potion before quickly walking out of the compartment.

Kyle waited for a while, and after making sure that Madam Pomfrey was gone, he stood up and wanted to see what was going on outside.

But before he could reach the door, a group of people rushed in.

"You are the first to pass the level, the first one!" Kangna said excitedly: "You are so awesome!"

"You're right." Fred squeezed in from the outside, "I dare say your rating must be the highest."

"How is the situation now?" Kyle asked curiously.

"Not very good." Cedric said, "Krum was tortured by the civet so much that he used a magic spell to make his skin extremely hard, and then he barely passed the first level.

"And Delacour, she's trapped on the round platform in the second level, trying to destroy all the Bludgers.

"If you ask me, your flying spell is amazing. Delacour didn't think of this."

"It's no use even if you think about it."

Fred smiled and said: "First of all, she must have a Firebolt..."

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