Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 550 Mr. Diggory was promoted

"Kyle, what are you looking at?"

One time while having breakfast, Cedric saw Kyle always staring at a book and couldn't help but asked: "Have you been reading this for many days?"

It wasn't unusual for Kyle to read while eating, but it was a little strange to read just one book for so many days in a row.

This thing only has a few pages, does it take so long to read... Even Kyle can't even play wizard chess these days. No matter where he sees it, he will always hold the booklet in his hand.

"What did you just say?" Kyle raised his head and asked.

"I said, what are you looking at?" Cedric repeated.

"Oh, Professor Dumbledore gave it to me." Kyle rubbed his forehead, without hiding it, he pushed the booklet on the table to Cedric and said, "I thought I could learn it in a few days. But this thing is much more difficult than I thought, and it will probably take a week.”

"It's just a few pieces of parchment. It takes so long to learn. Is there any complicated spell written on it?"

Cedric glanced over curiously, and then he stopped talking.

There is only a small amount of text on the parchment, and the rest are all dizzyingly complex magic texts and symbols.

"Are you studying ancient runes with Professor Dumbledore?" Connor asked from the side.

"You can say that." Kyle took the time to stuff a few slices of fried eggs and ham into his mouth, and took a big sip of pumpkin juice before continuing: "The things he taught me are a bit complicated, and I have to learn this first. OK."

"Could it be that this is the simplest?" Cedric smacked his lips and looked at the parchment with a frown again. "This is the "Extension" symbol, as well as "Overlay" and "Light". Do you want to make it?" What high-end magic items?”

"No, it's a curse." Kyle said, "The curse invented by Professor Dumbledore is powerful, but extremely difficult to master."

"Oh, I understand." Cedric clapped his hands suddenly, "You must be preparing for the third project, so you can make a big move..."

Cedric suddenly closed his mouth and glanced at Fleur not far away with some embarrassment.

"I know what you are thinking." Fleur calmly put some fresh vegetable leaves on the plate, "Actually, you don't need to be so surprised, nor do you need to feel that the secret has been revealed, because before the third project begins, all the warriors all the same.

"In fact, Ms. Maxim has been teaching me some spells recently that would never appear in textbooks under normal circumstances."

"You also learned it?" Cedric blurted out: "Then why have you never mentioned it?"

When he said this, Cedric knew that he had asked a rather stupid question.

Fleur represents the Beauxbatons warriors, so of course she cannot take the initiative to reveal her secret weapon to them.

As expected, Fleur turned her head and looked at Cedric with a strange look, as if she were looking at a running sea cucumber.

Cedric's face turned red and he quickly explained: "I'm sorry you misunderstood. What I meant was, why don't you always hold a book and read it like Kyle does?"

"That's because we have other ways of learning." Fleur said, "In addition to textbooks, the same goes for Krum. Do you think there is anything different between him in the castle and before? "

"Krum..." Cedric thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I guess not."

He didn't pay much attention to Krum, and only met him a few times when eating in the auditorium. In his memory, Krum behaved no differently than usual... He still ate without saying a word. Then leave.

"But I saw the headmaster of Durmstrang on several occasions teaching him a strange wand gesture on the deck of that ship, which he certainly wouldn't let you know."

Fleur said, "Krum would rather have you...or Kyle believe that he has nothing prepared.

After all, Kyle's score advantage was too great. Only by hiding more tricks and trump cards could he have a chance to win the championship in the final event.

"Of course, so do I. Ms. Maxim will definitely not agree with me telling you this."

"If that's the case, why do you still say so much?" Kyle asked curiously.

"That's because you brought up the topic first."

Fleur glanced at the parchment on the table and quickly looked away, "This is only fair, isn't it?"

Kyle smiled and said nothing.

Just at this time, the owls who delivered the letter also arrived.

They rushed into the auditorium, and letters and packages fell like raindrops into everyone's hands.

Kyle first raised his head and glanced at the "Wizard Weekly" that others had received. After confirming that the grinning person on the cover was not him, he breathed a sigh of relief and turned to pick up the "Prophet" in front of him. daily".

Although a long time has passed since the second event of the Triwizard Tournament, it still occupies the front page of newspapers. People seem to have endless topics to talk about what happened under the lake.

The front page this time is about the horse-shaped water monster. I don’t know if it’s because Kyle jumped out of the water on it and scored the highest score in one fell swoop. This magical animal, which wasn’t originally that popular, quickly became popular in a short period of time. It became popular.

Although keeping these dangerous magical animals is prohibited, there are always ways for people to evade Ministry of Magic inspections.

At the bottom of the newspaper is advice from the Ministry of Magic.

"Amos Diggory, Director of the Office of Beasts in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, believes that people now want to keep kelpies out of impulse. He thinks this is a very stupid behavior. kelpies are wild and difficult to tame. It is not suitable for breeding, and once you can't stand it anymore and decide to discard it, it will hold a grudge and wait for revenge...

"We've dealt with five kelpie problems this week and I really hope there won't be a sixth."

"Oh, my dad got promoted." Cedric also saw the content in the newspaper and said with a smile: "He mentioned this to me last week, and I always thought he was joking.

But as a result, his things will probably increase. I don’t know if he can accompany me on a trip to Austria during the holidays this year... We made an agreement at Christmas. "

"Austria?" Kyle asked curiously.

"Yes." Cedric said, "Isn't the last International Wizarding Federation held there? I'm a little curious and want to take a look.

"My dad also agreed and said he would take me there during the holidays this year."

"That's probably unlikely." Kyle said, spreading his hands.

The Beast Office is the busiest place in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. There are six small departments under it, and there are a lot of things to deal with every day.

When Chris was in this position, he only had one day off every two weeks on average.

"That's a shame," Cedric said, but his expression didn't change much.

The trip to Austria was nice, but Mr. Diggory's promotion was equally enjoyable.

Kyle continued to flip through the newspaper, and on the second page, he suddenly saw a familiar name.

[The investigation into the former Director of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, Barty Crouch has ended]

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