Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 585 The Professor Unscathed

After thinking of this, Kyle shook his head and said, "Sorry Harry, it's not that I don't want to tell you, it's just that I can't help it.

"Sirius's home is protected by the Loyalty Charm. If it's not the secret keeper, even if someone else reveals the address, you won't be able to find the location."

Harry looked disappointed after receiving Kyle's answer. He had been looking forward to it for a year, getting away from the Dursleys and living with Sirius.

As a result, a year later, he still wanted to return to Privet Drive, as if nothing had changed.

"Don't be so sad, Harry, think of something happy." Fred said from the side: "At least Sirius is okay, right?"

"And Professor Moody..." George said, "The school year has ended, but they are all fine. They are not injured, have no dementors, and have not been captured by Aurors. They are intact."

"Yes." Cedric suddenly said: "No wonder I always feel that something is missing this year. In previous years, no Defense Against the Dark Arts professor could be retained until this time."

At this time, everyone seemed to be in high spirits, and even Harry temporarily forgot about Sirius.

"Do you think it's because there are two professors this year?" Ron said excitedly: "Maybe the curse can only target one person, and it will have no effect when there are more people."

"I don't think it's possible." Hermione said thoughtfully, "I read from the book that Hogwarts has replaced more than fifty Defense Against the Dark Arts professors. If the problem can be solved so easily, then... It’s impossible for Principal Bullydo not to know.”

"Is there a possibility that he really doesn't know." Fred said: "I mean, he may not be able to find two professors at all. One per year is the limit."

"Yes." George nodded, "I remember Bill said before that when he was in second grade, he found a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor one month after school started."

"I remember it too." Fred couldn't help but laugh: "Then at Christmas, the professor was sent to St. Mungo's because he was drunk and caused the spell to go wrong."

“Then they never have new professors.”

At this point, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Indeed, Dumbledore's biggest worry every year was finding a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for the school.

And every year during the holidays, he became "Unpopular Dumbledore".

If this is the case, he really may not be able to find two people.

Harry also smiled. If he had to choose, he would definitely choose to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor or Sirius next year instead of living with him during the holidays.

After all, the vacation only lasts for two months, but being a professor can accompany him for a whole school year. After all, the latter is definitely more cost-effective.

Of course, it would be better if you could choose both.

"Don't worry, Harry." Ron patted his shoulder, "Mum will definitely be able to convince Dumbledore to let you come and stay at our house this summer, just like the Quidditch World Cup."

"I hope so," said Harry.

Can't live with Sirius, the Burrow is a great place, I just don't know if they will have time this year.

After all, the Weasley family should also help prevent Voldemort from resurrecting... This is not an easy task, and Harry doesn't want to cause trouble for them because of himself.

As he spoke, the speed of the train gradually slowed down.

"We're here." Kangna glanced out the window.

Soon, the Hogwarts Express stopped at platform 9, and everyone began to get off the train. There was chaos and noise in the aisle again.


When they lined up and were about to pass the partition wall, Kyle suddenly said to Harry in front of him: "You'd better be careful this year and be more vigilant."

"I know." Harry nodded, "Because of Voldemort? Sirius also told me the same thing. He also said that Voldemort might come to me and inform Professor Dumbledore as soon as he finds anything wrong. "

"This is just one aspect." Kyle glanced at the team in front, "The other thing you have to be wary of is the Ministry of Magic."

"Ministry of Magic?" Harry was a little confused, "Why."

"Because they might cause trouble for you," Kyle said. "Remember that article in the Daily Prophet, the one that said you wanted to get attention?"

Harry nodded, of course he couldn't forget.

"That's just the beginning...if you still insist that Voldemort has been resurrected."

Kyle lowered his voice, “They don’t want to believe that the mysterious man has been resurrected, and they don’t want others to believe it either.

"So if you insist on saying this, you are going against the Ministry of Magic. They will try every means to cause trouble for you and turn you into a madman who can only imagine in everyone's eyes. Only in this way, they will not believe what you say."

"But it's a fact!" Harry's face turned red and he frowned, "You saw it at the time."

"But Cornelius Fudge didn't see it." Kyle said calmly, "Unless you can drag the mysterious man to the Ministry of Magic and expose him to everyone, Fudge will not believe it.

"I think you should have known this clearly when you were in the school hospital."

Harry remained silent.

Kyle was right. When Voldemort was mentioned, Fudge reacted so violently that he even quarreled with Professor Dumbledore and even parted ways.

"But why me." Harry still couldn't figure it out.

"It's simple, because they can't deal with Professor Dumbledore, or they dare not." Kyle said, "But you are different, you are just a student, and at best you are only a more famous student.

"But fame does not equal strength. They have many ways to deal with you...such as throwing a magical animal or something else to Privet Drive, so that you have to use magic to protect yourself.

"And once you use magic outside of school, it will violate the rule that "students are not allowed to use magic outside of school", and they can even expel you directly."

"What did you say? Fired!" Harry suddenly became nervous.

"You must be kidding, right? Professor Dumbledore is the principal, they can't fire me."

"Yes, but the premise is that you have not made any mistakes." Kyle said: "The notice before the holiday made it very clear that if a student is found to be using magic outside of school, he may be expelled.

"Of course, you don't need to be too nervous. After all, the Ministry of Magic still wants to face it. Even if they really have this idea, they can't do it too blatantly. As long as you are more careful."

"What should I do?" Harry asked.

"Stay in a crowded place or neighborhood as much as possible." Kyle thought for a while and said, "This is the easiest way. As long as there are other people around you, you will be safe.

“Or you can buy a camera and take it with you, and you can take pictures of any strange things you encounter and use them as evidence in the future.

"It might be a little more troublesome, and it might also delay your escape."

"Thank you, I understand." Harry lowered his head and seriously considered the feasibility of these two methods.

Before they knew it, they had passed through the dividing wall and arrived at King's Cross Station.

Mrs. Weasley was waiting for them.

"Goodbye, Harry." Kyle said, "Remember what I said before, no matter what, it's always right to be careful."

"I see." Harry said, "Yes, thank you."

"You're welcome."

They parted in front of the station, and Mr. Weasley appeared in front of everyone in a brand new car.

This was obviously not a Ministry of Magic car. He must have borrowed it from someone else.

After everyone got on board, the car turned in a circle and drove towards the village of Saint Cachipol.

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