Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 658 Another day of envy for Dumbledore

When Kyle found Snape, he was playing with an ancient stone basin on the table in his office.

There is a circle of magic words engraved on the surface of the stone basin, and light blue light flows inside like a fish.


When Kyle was wondering why this thing appeared here, he saw Snape quickly covering the pensieve with a piece of flannel and asked coldly: "What are you doing here!"

"Professor Dumbledore asked me to come," Kyle said. "He asked me to be your assistant to help Harry learn Occlumency."

"You're very proud, aren't you?" Snape said in a long voice: "A sixteen-year-old master of Occlumency, what an amazing achievement, isn't it.

"So you can't wait to tell everyone and use it as a bragging rights? That's stupid."

"You are right, Professor Snape." Kyle nodded in agreement, "I also think this decision is not good, but Principal Dumbledore wants me to come anyway, and I dare not say it clearly. ah."

"Professor, you are still outspoken and dare to tell the truth." Kyle gave a thumbs up, "Don't worry, Professor, I will convey your meaning to the principal."

"The principal asked you to come here?" Snape was stunned for a moment. He just thought it was Kyle who wanted to help on his own initiative.


"I'm going to ask him now." Snape stood up, "If you dare to lie, I don't mind giving you a two-week confinement."

"I also hope I'm lying." Kyle said nonchalantly.

Snape had just taken two steps when he suddenly noticed that Kyle glanced at the table. This glance made him stop immediately and pointed in the direction of the door.

"Get out! If Dumbledore tells me there is no such thing, you will be given notice of confinement before curfew."

"Okay," Kyle said, leaving Snape's office a little disappointed.

If he had known that Snape was so guarded, he should have restrained his curiosity just now.

This night, Kyle naturally did not receive the notice of confinement, but he also did not receive the time to give Harry a make-up lesson.

But Kyle was not anxious at all. It would have been better if Snape kept silent. In this way, he would have an excuse to be lazy openly.

The next day, the vacation began.

Early in the morning, everyone took the boxes they had packed in advance and took a carriage to Hogsmeade Station.

Kyle was also going to London to visit Sirius. Although he signed on the detention list a few days ago and was unable to take the train, this was not a problem.

He went to the principal's office, but luckily Dumbledore was still in the school and had not left.

A few minutes later, Kyle appeared in the living room of No. 12 Grimmauld Place, London.

"Who...Oh Kyle, dear." Mrs. Weasley walked out of a room and asked in surprise: "Today's train arrived so soon?"

"No, Mrs. Weasley, I used the door key that Headmaster Dumbledore gave me." Kyle said, taking out a woolen glove.

"I originally wanted to go directly to St Mungo's, but the principal insisted that I come here first."

"He's right." Mrs. Weasley stepped forward and hugged Kyle, "You should be on the train now, not at St. Mungo's. If you let people from the Ministry of Magic see you, you will be in trouble... Come here quickly. , have you had breakfast? I made beef pie."

"Oh, I've already eaten."

Even so, Mrs. Weasley brought over a large plate of steaming pies.

"Have you not had breakfast yet?" Kyle asked.

"I ate," said Mrs. Weasley.

"What about the rest?"

"No one else, just me." Mrs. Weasley took Kyle to the kitchen and brought back a jug filled with pumpkin juice.

"Everyone has been very busy recently. Arthur has to protect and look after Sirius at St. Mungo's. Lupine hasn't been back for a long time, and everyone else has to work. Chris and Alastor came last night, but they Didn’t even spend the night here.”

"Wait... who came yesterday?" Kyle raised his head and asked.

"You heard that right, it's your dad." Mrs. Weasley said with a smile: "He officially joined the Order of the Phoenix a month ago. He was invited by Dumbledore. He was also the first to discover Sirius and drive away those who tried to Death Eaters breaking into the Ministry of Magic.”

Kyle was not particularly surprised that Chris could join the Order of the Phoenix. In his opinion, it was a matter of time.

He was more concerned about the second half of Mrs. Weasley's words...the Death Eaters trying to break into the Ministry of Magic.

So the Death Eaters were heading to the Ministry of Magic that day?

Mrs. Weasley also realized that she had let something slip and immediately changed the subject.

"Eat quickly, before the pie is cold." After saying that, she hurriedly left the kitchen.

Kyle picked out the smallest looking piece of pie and ate it while thinking about what Mrs. Weasley had just said.

It seems that the Death Eaters originally wanted to go to the Ministry of Magic that night, but on the way they discovered Sirius and the wizard named Stourge who were following them.

Then they followed Voldemort's orders and wanted to kill Sirius... Wait, was Voldemort also there at the time?

Kyle frowned, then shook his head.

It was unlikely that Voldemort would show up at this time, and Harry also said that he had killed someone at the time, but neither Mr. Weasley nor anyone else mentioned this news.

"This proves that Voldemort was in another place at the time. He should have given orders to the Death Eaters through the Dark Mark."

But why are they going to the Ministry of Magic?

Kyle immediately thought of the Department of Mysteries.

This is probably the only place in the entire Ministry of Magic that would interest Voldemort.

Thinking of this, Kyle became inexplicably nervous because Diana was in the Department of Mysteries.

Fortunately they didn't break in this time.

Kyle really lost his appetite, pushed the beef pie aside, then took out the parchment and quill, and wrote a letter to Diana.

By the time he finished writing, Mrs. Weasley happened to be back.

"Kyle, do you want to send a letter?" She looked at the envelope in Kyle's hand and asked, "But I don't seem to have seen your owl."

"I didn't bring it with me this time," Kyle said.

"Then it's troublesome..." Mrs. Weasley put a basket of Christmas decorative ribbons next to her, "There are no owls here, and if you don't bring them, you will have to wait until the children come back from vacation.

"However, if you are in a hurry, I can go to the post office in Diagon Alley to mail the letter for you."

"It's okay Mrs. Weasley, I'm in no rush." ​​Kyle said.

In fact, he had no intention of using an owl to send letters.

Since Voldemort was resurrected, Diana had received an urgent mission. Normally, under such circumstances, the owl would not be able to deliver the letter to the Department of Mysteries.

"That's good." Mrs. Weasley nodded and continued to get other Christmas decorations.

After she left, Kyle opened his suitcase and jumped in, shaking Fox awake from his nap.

Although Kyle deceived Fox...well, the reason for borrowing it was to guard the basilisk, but since it came here, it has been sleeping most of the time and is too lazy to look at the basilisk. It can be said that it is just a fish. To the extreme.

But this is normal. After all, every time Kyle went to the principal's office before, Fox would always sleep on a perch. It looked no different from now, it was just a change of environment.

After being shaken awake, Fox poked his head out of his wings.

"Sorry, but can you help me deliver this letter to the Department of Mysteries?" Kyle asked, holding the letter.

Then he took out a handful of cloak grass and said, "This is the reward. I'll give you an extra meal."

Fox stared at Kyle with his bright eyes, and nodded after a moment.

But it did not eat the cloak grass. Instead, it turned its head to look in the direction of the woods and chirped softly.

"You said you want to eat mandrake?" Kyle nodded and agreed without hesitation, "No problem, I will pick the biggest pot for you when you come back."

This time, Fox was no longer sleepy. He flapped his wings and flew to Kyle's shoulder, taking the envelope from his hand.

"Better leave it to my mother, named Diana..." Kyle continued: If you can find her, I'll give you two more biting kale. "

Fox nuzzled Kyle's neck with his head and disappeared in a burst of fire.

"It's so convenient." Kyle smacked his lips, feeling envious in his heart.

The role of the phoenix is ​​really great. Not only can its tears heal wounds, but it also has its own unique ability to phantom, which is very convenient whether it is delivering letters, warning, or running away.

More importantly, at critical moments, it can rely on its immortality to resist the death curse for its owner. It is simply an all-round magical animal.

Let’s take a look at our own fire dragon...

Kyle glanced at Norbert, who was scaring the Moon Crazy Beast not far away, and curled his lips in disgust.

It's so silly. There really is no harm without comparison...

Norbert seemed to have sensed something. He let go of the Moon Chi Beast in his paws, raised his head to look at Kyle, and snorted happily.

Two small flames were sprayed out and lit the tail of a moon-crazy beast.

Norbert was startled and quickly swallowed the unlucky moon-crazy beast into his mouth, and did not spit it out until the fire was out.

"Okay..." Kyle smacked his lips.

It's a bit silly, but there's nothing wrong with it in other aspects, so it's pretty good.

Kyle waited for a while, and about five minutes later, Fox came back, bringing a brooch with him.

The fire dragon scale brooch was a souvenir they bought when they went to the Romanian fire dragon sanctuary last time, and it was also given to Diana by Chris.

"Did you really find her?" Kyle asked subconsciously.

But he soon realized that he was wasting his time. If he couldn't find anyone, where did the brooch come from?

So Kyle immediately fulfilled his promise, picked a pot of the best-growing mandrake for Fox, dug two more biting cabbages, and placed them in front of Fox along with the previous mandrake.

"Eat, it's not enough..." Kyle touched the feathers on Fox's neck and reluctantly left the box.

Although he really wanted to stay a little longer, his suitcase was still on the kitchen stool, and Mrs. Weasley could come back at any time, and it would be troublesome if she was discovered.

So it’s better to go back as soon as possible.

Fortunately, after Kyle came out of the box, Mrs. Weasley was still busy decorating the Christmas decorations outside.

Kyle put the boxes away and left the kitchen, helping her hang the mistletoe and holly on the walls and ceiling.

At noon, he and Mrs. Weasley were still the only ones here.

It wasn't until 5:30 in the afternoon that anyone came back.

To Kyle's expectation, the visitors turned out to be Bill and Charlie.

"Mom...it's time to pick them up at the station. Do you know where the car keys are?" Bill shouted as soon as he entered the door.

Then he saw Kyle standing in the foyer and was slightly stunned.

"Kyle, when did you come back?"

"It's just me, I didn't take the train." Kyle explained briefly and asked, "What about you, when did you come back."

"Just a week ago," Bill said, "Dad thought the Death Eaters would soon take action, so Charlie and I took a long leave."

At this time, Mrs. Weasley also hurried over and handed a bunch of keys to Bill.

"Honey, you can drive."

"Of course, Mom," Bill said after taking the key, "I almost bought one when I was a curse breaker. This thing is sometimes much more convenient than a broom and a flying carpet.

"Kyle, I'm going to King's Cross Station now, do you want to come with me?"

"No." Kyle shook his head, "I'm going to St. Mungo's."

"That's just right." Charlie also came over, "I have to pick up my father from work at six o'clock. We can be together. You shouldn't be able to use Apparition openly yet."

"No." Kyle sighed, "So I'm going to take the subway. When I get to St. Mungo's, the train should have arrived at the station."

"No need to bother, I'll just take you." Charlie said.

It saves time on taking the subway, so Kyle has no reason to refuse.

So at six o'clock, the two of them appeared in a phone box near St. Mungo's on time.

"This is a place specially provided for wizards to apparate, just like the fireplace of the Floo Network." Charlie explained.

This was the first time Kyle had heard of such a place in St. Mungo's, and he couldn't help but look around.

He felt that this was just an ordinary phone booth, and the space was very small.

"This place doesn't seem very big. What if there are many wizards coming here together?"

"There is a traceless stretching spell." Charlie said, "The more people there are, the bigger this place will be, so there is no need to worry. No matter how many people are standing, it will not feel crowded."

He opened the door and walked out. Not far to the left was the department store with a "Closed for Renovation" sign.

When Kyle came out, he saw a tall woman looking behind him curiously.

"It's strange, when did there be a phone booth here?" She murmured to herself, and walked over to take a look.

But just when the woman's hand was about to touch the phone booth, she suddenly stopped. Then she seemed to think of something important and ran forward quickly.

"Follow up, Kyle." Charlie stood in front of the shop window and said to the dummy inside: "Hello, let's come to visit Sirius Black."

The dummy nodded slightly.

Charlie disappeared straight through the glass, and Kyle quickly followed.

The waiting room at St. Mungo's was still as crowded as before, with rows of witches and wizards sitting on rickety wooden chairs, some looking normal and some with all kinds of weird shapes.

However, Kyle and Charlie did not stop here. After entering St. Mungo's, they went directly to the second floor, where Sirius was in the ward.

"I'm fine now, can't you just let me go home?"

As soon as he reached the door, Kyle heard Sirius's voice coming from inside, "Arthur, Harry has gone on holiday. I want to spend Christmas with him at home, not at St. Mungo's."

"I understand what you mean, but the therapist said that the rune venom has just been removed from your body and you need to observe it for a few days."

Charlie opened the door and interrupted the conversation between the two.

The ward was small and dark, with only a small window on the wall opposite the door.

There were three people inside, Sirius's hospital bed was on the outside, closest to the door.

He looked up as they walked in and smiled happily when he saw who it was.

"Long time no see Kyle, are you guys on vacation?" Then he glanced out the door nervously.

"Don't look, it's just the two of us." Kyle said, "It might take a while for Harry to come."

"Ah, no," said Sirius, "I actually don't want Harry to come and visit me."

"I understand."

Mr. Weasley and Charlie went outside, while Kyle took out the gift he had prepared in advance...a large bag of chocolates in various flavors.

Seeing the chocolate, Sirius's eyes began to light up, and he couldn't wait to open a chocolate frog and throw it into his mouth.

Since his acquittal, he has developed the habit of eating chocolate every day, or every wizard who has come out of Azkaban has this habit.

"Arthur won't let me eat these, saying it's not conducive to the recovery of the wound." He said vaguely: "In fact, I don't care at all. Compared with the dementors, these minor injuries are nothing at all."

"You still have to be careful." Kyle said with a smile, "At least if you recover one day earlier, you can be discharged from the hospital one day earlier."

"Okay, you're right." Sirius smacked his lips, and finally restrained the idea of ​​eating another piece.

"I heard that Hogwarts has a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor..." Sirius said loudly without paying any attention to the other two patients here: "That Fudge yes-man, disgusting toad, she didn't make things difficult for you. Bar."

"It's impossible without embarrassment." Kyle shrugged, "I dare say that if Harry were to write a list of the most hated professors, Snape would be ranked behind her."

He surpassed Snape in just half a semester. This is very telling.

"That damn toad." Sirius pounded the hospital bed angrily, "If she dares to hurt Harry, I will never let her go!"

"Don't get excited." Kyle glanced at the other two people in the room, "I have a way to solve this problem."

"You must not mess around." Sirius frowned, "Although that person is terrible, she represents the Ministry of Magic after all. It will be very troublesome if you do something to her."

"Don't worry, I know." Kyle smiled and said, "And I should say this to you."

"Ha, you're right." Sirius couldn't help but laugh.

The two chatted for a while longer, and then Mr. Weasley and Charlie came in.

"Dean Sacia, why are you here?" Mr. Weasley said, pushing open the door.

Kyle and Sirius also looked over.

"I heard from Dumbledore that you would come to St. Mungo's around this time," she said. "How about a cup of tea? I happen to have something to discuss with you."

"Ah, of course, no problem," Kyle said. He turned to look at Sirius, "I'll come over to see you later."

After the two left, Sirius blinked in confusion, "Arthur, Kyle still knows the dean of St. Mungo's?"

"Well...Kyle defeated a werewolf here during the first-year vacation, and was awarded the Order of Merlin." Mr. Weasley said, "I think they met at that time."

"But this happened several years ago." Sirius said, "Is it worth the special trip of Dean Sacia to invite Kyle to tea?

"I remember the Healer Hippocrates said that the dean of St. Mungo's is very busy, and that woman..."

Sirius pointed to the hospital bed in the middle, "The Flint family, she donated five hundred galleons before she was discharged, and she only met her once."

"Yeah, just a few words." Mr. Weasley nodded.

In fact, he was a little surprised by Kyle's interpersonal relationship, but he didn't pay too much attention to it, just thinking it was because of Dumbledore.

After all, it was this dean who brought them here last time.

"By the way, Sirius." Mr. Weasley said, "I have to go back to work tomorrow. There are so many things to do. Then Charlie will take care of you here instead of me."

"No, let him go back too. Now is the busiest time." Sirius shook his head and said, "I don't need anyone to take care of me here."

"It's better to err on the side of caution," said Mr. Weasley.

Happy New Year, readers, ()

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