"I wasn't alone, Field helped too!"Peter took out the sparsely feathered phoenix chick from his pocket and looked at him with some distress,"Field blocked Professor Green's death curse for me and passed into nirvana!"

"Merlin, cast the death curse! Is Professor Green crazy? Allen's eyes widened in horror, and then he looked at his roommate's body carefully,"Are you okay?""

Looking at the little phoenix chick in Peter's hand again, he felt distressed and gritted his teeth and said:"This kind of person should be sent to be kissed by the dementors! How dare you use the Unforgivable Curse on you!"

"I'm fine! It's Green who's in trouble! Peter sneered and said,"I cut off his right hand and fed it to the Acromantula, and then kicked several of his ribs!" Now he has been captured by the Ministry of Magic!"

Listening to Peter's words, Allen, who had never been exposed to such a bloody thing, couldn't help feeling cold. He said tremblingly:"Peter, to be honest, you look pretty scary now! Ha ha! Peter rolled his eyes at him and said,"Where did your courage go when you were eating that realistic and bloody Halloween cake!" Does this scare you out of your wits?"

"The problem is I know it’s fake! And you are really doing this! Did you really cut off Professor Green's hand?"Alan asked in disbelief.

"He used a cutting spell to cut off his right hand holding the wand! Peter explained, then looked scared,"Otherwise you will probably receive news of my death!""

"you are great! He actually defeated an Auror!"Alan looked at Peter with admiration,"When tomorrow starts, many people will know your name!"

"Don't be obsessed with me, he is just a legend!"Peter said with a stinking look on his face, and then he laughed. This made Allen laugh too.

"Peter, there are rumors everywhere in the academy that you came back with Professor Green's body! Is it real?"Prefect Chris Jones ran over and asked.

Peter was speechless. This rumor was getting more and more outrageous. He shook his head and explained:"Professor Green is not dead. Do you remember that when we came back from the club, we found that he was wearing a leather suit? Does the box look sneaky?

What he contains is not a Boggart as he said, but a magical animal captured from the Forbidden Forest! He wants to take these animals out and sell them abroad! Finally I discovered it!"

"So he's an animal dealer! ? Isn't he an Auror? Why would he do this kind of thing?"Chris said in surprise

"Not only that, after being discovered by Peter, he actually used the Death Curse on Peter and wanted to kill Peter!"Alan interrupted, saying with anger and fear.

"What! How dare he do this? Chris' eyes widened and he asked in confusion,"Is he crazy?" If you are selling animals, you will only be imprisoned for a few years. But if you use the Unforgivable Curse, you will have to stay in Azkaban for the rest of your life! Why did he do this?"

"Because he's still a Death Eater!"Peter's words were shocking. He said thoughtfully,"And it seems that the goblins knew about it, so the goblins threatened to expose this secret if he didn't pay back the money as soon as possible!"

"So in order to pay back the money, Green set his sights on the magical animals in the Forbidden Forest! But I happened to discover it, so to be on the safe side, he decided to kill me and silence me!"

"You also know that goblins only recognize gold and not people. As long as you pay back the money, the goblins don't care whether you are a Death Eater or not! Then no one will know that he is a Death Eater!"

Hearing the reputation of Death Eaters, the two of them fell silent, but the shock in their eyes could not be concealed. Chris could not calm down for a long time,"I didn't expect Professor Green, an Auror, to be a Death Eater! This is amazing! What exactly is going on?"

"The matter is very complicated. In short, the Ministry of Magic will hold a public trial in a few days. I will go as a witness at that time, and the result will be known by then."Peter shook his head and had no more explanation.

The next day, as Alan said, the news spread throughout the school: Peter York discovered the identity of Professor Green's dark wizard and defeated him.

Finally, the news spread It has been passed around and turned into various versions.

In most of them, he is in a positive image, defeating the dark wizard Green!

But some of them become the grievances between Peter and Green!

What's more, Peter is the dark wizard who killed poor Professor Green and framed him as the dark wizard!

Especially the last rumor actually has some audience students! Especially Gryffindors account for the vast majority of the people, and others It was actually Slytherin who came in second!

When Allen, the gossip, told Peter these versions of the rumors excitedly, Peter couldn't laugh or cry.

He asked Allen:"Gryffindor and us are not the same." Deal, I can understand believing this last rumor. But the question is, why are there more people in Slytherin who believe that I am a dark wizard than Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff?"

"Believe me, in Slytherin's perception, dark wizard is a complimentary word. This is the praise given to you by your classmates in the academy!"Alan said with a smile.

"Thank you, I still can’t bear it!"Peter rolled his eyes at him and rejected this so-called compliment.

There were many rumors about Peter and Professor Green, but no professor came out to refute the rumors, so the rumors became more and more outrageous. During lunch time, Peter came to the auditorium to eat, and saw At the long Gryffindor table, the Weasley twins were telling exaggerated stories. If you listened carefully, it was still about Peter and Professor Green.

Peter listened for a while and was speechless for a moment. The two guys sang in harmony, as if they had seen each other. , describing the dangerous situation of the showdown between Peter and Professor Green, with exaggerated expressions, attracted a large number of listeners.

Especially many people knew that they played well with Peter, so they felt that their version was more realistic. But in fact Above, except for the fact that the names of the protagonists are true, the stories about these two guys are basically nonsense!

But Peter is too lazy to expose these two guys, just treat them as entertainment students. After all, there are too few entertainment projects in Hogwarts, except for one Apart from Quidditch, there were basically no other entertainment projects.

In the afternoon, a group of Ministry of Magic personnel came to the castle and were personally received by Professor McGonagall.

A group of people went directly to Peter, headed by a figure A tall, ruddy-faced, middle-aged wizard with a short brown beard.

The middle-aged wizard extended his hand in a friendly manner and introduced himself:"You are Peter York, right? I am Amos Digo from the Department for the Management and Control of Magical Creatures of the Ministry of Magic." Here, he is responsible for collecting evidence of this animal trafficking in Saro Green!"

"Hello, Mr. Diggory!"Peter stretched out his hand to shake hands with him, then looked at the several uniformed staff behind him and said,"Are you here to see me, do you want to take you to the site?"

"Yes, Mr. York, we are pressed for time, so we need to trouble you!"Amos Diggory said politely.

Looking at this student who was in the same grade as his son, especially after hearing that this child captured Green and brought him back to the castle. He always thought that his son was the best in the world. , and also gave rise to a feeling of being bright when there is beauty.

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