The loud voice shook the ceiling around the interrogation room and dust fell from it! All the wizards directly covered their ears, fearing they would be deafened!

"And I'm not a prisoner! You don’t need to ask this question! And who do you think you are? If you want to ask, the ministers and directors should also ask! Is it your turn?"

"Ahem......"Someone accidentally inhaled the dust and kept coughing. The purple Wizengamot robe was full of dust!

Especially Yaxley, who was closest to Peter, was directly shocked by this deafening sound, and his eyes were filled with stars! I couldn't come back to my senses for a long time!

Dumbledore, who had been watching from a distance, sat in the observation seat and looked at this scene with amusement. Only he and Ms. Marchbaan beside him were spared by Dumbledore's magic.

"You are in contempt of court! Yaxley came back to his senses and became angry. He turned to Millicent Barnold and said,"Minister, I suggest that his status as accuser be cancelled!" He is obviously feeling guilty!"

"Oh, this kid just used a silent spell! He cast a silent voice booming spell!"Ms. Marchban shouted in surprise.

"Yes, I saw it too! He is only eleven years old, he has mastered silent spellcasting at such a young age! What a gift!"A member of the jury said in amazement. When he looked at Peter, he was full of curiosity.

"In this way, it is possible for this child to use this magic to defeat Green by surprise. It is not impossible!"A Wizengamot member said swornly, apparently forgetting that he was looking at Peter suspiciously just now.

Yaxley in the audience saw that the members on the seat were showing signs of leaning towards Peter, and quickly raised his voice and said:"Everyone Don't forget that Green is an experienced and experienced Auror. How can you expect a first-year kid who has only been in school for a few months to defeat an Auror? Wake up, everyone!"

"cough!"Dumbledore stood up, coughed slightly, and said,"I can testify that Peter York does have the strength to defeat Green Chance!"

Dumbledore's reputation is indeed unmatched. As soon as he stood up to speak, other voices disappeared and everyone looked at him with concentration.

He looked at everyone and said:"Peter York has excellent grades in all subjects in school. Professors from all subjects speak highly of him! After being certified by Charms Professor Filius Flitwick, he had successfully defeated a seventh grade student in a duel in the Charms Club!

And he also has a phoenix companion. When capturing Green, this phoenix was unfortunately hit by Green's death curse and experienced a nirvana. I think everyone should know the power of magical creatures like the Phoenix! It's not a problem to hold Green down!"

"Phoenix! Really? Does this kid really have a phoenix?"A jury member asked in great surprise,"I mean besides Dumbledore, is there anyone else in the wizarding world who has successfully tamed the Phoenix?"

"A first grader beat a seventh grader head-on, Merlin, that's so impressive!"An old wizard with a red nose looked at Peter below with excitement,"I'm sure he will do great things in the future! Such talent at such a young age!"

Because Field was still very young at this time and his wings had not fully grown, so Peter took Field with him these days. After hearing Dumbledore's words, he took Field out of his pocket and placed it on the table in front of him. Show it to everyone.

Minister Millicent walked up to Peter, pointed at the phoenix, and said angrily:"This phoenix was hit by Green's death curse in order to protect its master! Experienced a nirvana! This is also another crime we have accused Green of. He actually used the Unforgivable Curse on a child so frantically!"

"And the evidence is these two magic wands!"Millicent Barnold took out two dark and shiny wands and cast the"Flashback Spell" directly in front of everyone.

In the dimly lit courtroom, both wands reproduced the last few spells used. Magic, the most frightening one is the evil green light that exudes the aura of death, making everyone in the jury shake uneasily, wanting to stay away from this kind of spell that is just a phantom that makes people scared!

"I think everyone should know what this means! Millicent Barnold held two wands and picked out the darker wand,"We have contacted Ollivander about this wand, and he confirmed that it was the wand Green bought from him!""

"The Ministry of Magic explicitly prohibits the use of dark magic, let alone the three unforgivable curses! Once discovered using it, he will be imprisoned in Azkaban immediately! Minister Millicent looked at everyone very seriously,"For this reason alone, Saro Green should be imprisoned in Azkaban!""

"But now someone is evading the easy task, chasing a child and questioning whether he can defeat an Auror! Minister Millicent looked deeply at Yaxley,"Since you all believe that one-year-old Harry Potter can defeat the Dark Lord, why can't you believe that an eleven-year-old child can defeat an adult wizard?""

Yaxley was a little embarrassed by the minister's eyes. He said in an embarrassed voice:"I am here to ensure the fairness of the Ministry of Magic trial. After all, no one wants to wrongly accuse a good person, right?"

"But we held this trial based on sufficient evidence!"Minister Millicent took advantage of the victory and pursued him, looking at him oppressively,"We have been preparing for this for several days and have collected enough evidence! But because of some people’s reasons, these evidences are treated as if they don’t exist! Just because it was just a child who caught the criminal!"

"So why don't you wonder if Harry Potter defeated the Dark Lord? Or do you believe that the Dark Lord has not disappeared, but is hiding somewhere waiting for a comeback? Millicent asked Yaxley again.

"Ha ha......Minister, this joke is not funny!"Yaxley laughed a few times, and then replied.

Peter on the side raised his eyebrows when he heard the minister's words. Could it be that this minister also has the blood of a prophet, and he actually guessed correctly that Voldemort is indeed still hiding in Albania. In the forest!

Yaxley returned to his position dejectedly, with a gloomy look on his face.

"Okay, now does anyone have any objections to this?"The director of the Legal Enforcement Department looked at the courtroom that was quiet again and asked again,"If not, we will leave as planned!"

This time everyone was silent. They looked down at Green who had been ignored for some time with meticulous expressions.

"Then we will officially open the court this time! The recorded hearing on November 4," said Minister Millicent Barnold in a resounding voice,"will hear Saro Green's allegations of trafficking in magical animals from the Forbidden Forest, the use of the Unforgivable Curse, and the betrayal of Franklon eight years ago. The whereabouts of Barton and Emily Longbottom, leading to three counts of them being tortured by the Death Eater Lestrange with the Cruciatus Curse!"

"Peter York accused Salo Green of using the Unforgivable Curse on him; Augusta Longbottom accused Salo Green of betraying his colleagues, the Longbottoms, and subjecting them to inhumane torture, thus causing them to lose their minds!"

"The accuser, Albus Dumbledore, accused Salo Green of secretly selling magical animals from the Forbidden Forest!"

The last sentence caused the people at the scene to get into discussions. They didn't expect that Dumbledore would be involved!

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