It was already afternoon when Peter York walked out of Ollivander's Wand Shop, cursing and holding his butt.

This old guy! Peter cursed in his mind. They agreed to only pluck one feather, but when they weren't paying attention, they plucked two tail feathers from their own tail. They even called it an extra feather for insurance.

You must know that even if you turn into a phoenix, you will still feel pain, not to mention that the tail is where the nerves are most concentrated.

After leaving the wand shop, Peter first went to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore to buy books.

"Please help me prepare a copy of all third grade textbooks and mail them to York Manor."Peter said to the store manager

"It's Mr. York, long time no see!"The store manager was very happy when he saw Peter. Last time Peter bought all the books in his store! It created the highest revenue day in the history of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore.

"You want to buy all the textbooks for third grade. Have you signed up for all the courses?!"The bookstore owner asked in surprise.

Peter handed the list of textbooks he received to the bookstore owner.

The bookstore owner took the list and looked at the 12 courses and densely packed book lists. He couldn't help but sigh."Mr. York , I think you should go to Ravenclaw House. Not many people can choose all 12 courses!"

Peter smiled and said nothing. In fact, the reason why he checked all the courses was mainly for the time turner. Otherwise, he would not have chosen the Muggle Studies class at all! When choosing courses last semester, he specially went to the upper class After sitting in for a while, I was completely disappointed with this course.

Professor of Muggle Studies, Carridib Badge, although he is a wizard close to Muggles, he obviously does not know much about Muggles. His description of Muggles , making Peter, a person from the Muggle world, feel like she was talking about another world.

And in this professor's perception, Muggles are fragile and need our protection! When Professor Bubbaji said this argument Peter almost died laughing.

However, in order to apply for a time turner, he could only hold his nose and check the Muggle Studies course

"But Mr. York, didn’t the book you bought earlier include a third-grade textbook?"The bookstore owner asked curiously.

"Keep one copy as a collection, and of course buy a new one for class!"Peter said matter-of-factly.

Well, rich man! The bookstore owner was a little speechless, but he was still very happy to prepare all the books for him.

Then he recommended,"Mr. York, I didn't give you the book"Invisibility" earlier. We found the"Invisible Book", do you need a copy?"

Found it? Peter was surprised.

You must know that the books in Flourish and Blotts Bookstore are all kinds of strange, including leather-bound books as huge as paving stones, small silver-covered books as compact as stamps, books with countless strange symbols printed on them, and Wordless heavenly books with nothing written in them.

Some books are even weirder, like"The Monster Book of Monsters", which will make people scream and bite each other.

When Peter ordered a batch of magic books from Flourish Blossom Bookstore before, one of them was"The Monster Book of Monsters". I couldn't find a single"Invisibility Book of Invisibility" because they all became invisible!

"Then add this book to the list!"Peter nodded in agreement. He was very interested in collecting these strange books.

Upon hearing this, the bookstore manager happily picked up a ball of air from the bookshelf on the side, hugged it to Peter, and reminded him," This book likes to be invisible and like to run around, so when putting it on the bookshelf, be sure to limit its ability to move, otherwise you will not be able to find it in the future!"

"Can't it be made manifest using a manifestation spell?"Peter asked puzzledly.

"The invisibility ability of these books is given by the mysterious runes on the books and is not the effect of the magic spell, so the Revealing Spell has no effect on them!"The bookstore owner shook his head and complained,"I don't know what the producer thought. Except for the one in front of you, I have not found any of the dozen invisible books I purchased!".

With the gift of the bookstore owner, Peter left the bookstore, and then bought other things one after another.

After buying all the things, Peter's feet were a little sore. Fortunately, he also had a dragon who cast the Traceless Stretching Charm. The leather wallet could hold all the things he bought, otherwise he would be exhausted.

After buying everything, Peter immediately summoned the phoenix and left Diagon Alley amidst everyone's exclamations.

The time came soon. On September 1st,

Peter arrived at King's Cross Station under the escort of Butler Wales, and then walked straight through the wall to platform nine and three-quarters.

Peter came earlier, and there were still few people on the platform at this time. He directly found a carriage near the front, then sat in, took out the book"Pull Through the Fog and See the Future" from the dragon skin bag, and read it with relish.

Until the noise outside became more and more noisy, pulling him away from the book He woke up from the noise inside. He looked at the mechanical watch in his hand. It was already 10:30, and the train was only half an hour away from departure.

"George Fred, come and take a look at my new wolfsbane spider!"Li Jordan from Gryffindor shouted outside with a loud voice.

Peter followed the voice and saw the Weasley twins, whom he hadn't seen all summer, surrounding Li Jordan with great interest and teasing the fingers on his hands. That big brightly colored spider.

The corner of Peter's mouth twitched. These bold Gryffindor students, judging from the color of the spider, it was definitely a poisonous spider. If they were bitten, they would not be able to attend the start of term tonight. The party was over.

He opened the window and shouted to his friends outside,"Fred George, I'm here!""

All three of them noticed Peter, so they waved to him happily, and then quickly came to the car where Peter was.

"Peter, we have big news for you!"George Weasley looked like he was hiding a big secret.

"Very big news, I guarantee you will be very interested in hearing it!"Fred Weiss echoed from the side, with an expression of 'Ask me quickly' on his face.

"oh? What's the big news? Tell me!"Peter asked with an interested look on his face.

"It's Harry Potter, and he's coming to Hogwarts this year!"The twins said in unison, as if they were meeting a big star.

"Just now we helped him move the box onto the train and discovered the scar on his forehead. It was a lightning-shaped scar!"George described with an exaggerated expression.

"He also expressed his gratitude to us! Savior Oh, what an interesting experience!"Fred said with a dreamy look on his face.

"Maybe he will even enter Gryffindor! When we were punished by Filch to clean the wall of honor, we discovered that Harry Potter's father was the Seeker of our college!"George looked forward to it

"As you wish, Harry Potter is destined to be a Gryffindor student."Peter said affirmatively

"Peter, do you want to see my spider? I got it from an old wizard, what a beautiful color!"Dark-skinned Li Qiaodan excitedly showed Peter the spider on his hand.

"She is quite beautiful. If you get bitten by him, then you should go to the infirmary and lie down tonight!"Peter said speechlessly.

"poisonous?!"Li Qiaodan almost threw the spider out of his hand. He looked at the spider crawling on his hand with tears in his eyes, and said tremblingly,"The old wizard said it was not poisonous, so I spent 10 seconds. A gold galleon bought him! How could he lie to me!".

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