Knocking on the door of the Potions office, Peter walked in and asked,"Professor Snape, what do you want from me?"

Snape was a little surprised to see Peter coming over so quickly. Then he took out a piece of parchment and what looked like an hourglass hanging on a golden necklace, and placed them on the table in front of Peter.

"You applied for all 12 courses last semester, which means some of your courses are in conflict. In order to ensure that you can complete all courses, the school specially applied to the Ministry of Magic for a time turner!"

Snape said slowly, then stared straight at Peter who looked happy, and said:"In view of your excellent results in the past two years and your great reputation in the Ministry of Magic, the Ministry of Magic is happy to lend you the Time Turner. milk!"

"but! The Time-Turner is a very dangerous thing, and in order to ensure that you can use it properly, I signed a guarantee to the Ministry of Magic! So I want you to promise me that you will use it for something other than studying!"

Professor Snape looked at Peter sternly, leaned over the desk and pressed towards Peter, seeking reassurance from him.

"Professor, don't worry, I have never had a credit deducted once in the past two years, but I am very obedient. You won't use Time Turner anywhere else except for studying! I promise!"Peter said sincerely, and then stared straight at the time turner on the table.

"Huh, don't think I don't know that you are behind every stupid thing the Gryffindor twins do! It's just that you will be a little clever and take it off completely! Professor Snape said with a silly smile, looking through Peter's expression.

However, he did not delve into this. Instead, he handed the parchment to him and said,"This is a guarantee. After you sign it, you can get it." Time converter."

When Peter heard this, he quickly took the quill, scanned the content on it, and found that there were a lot of guarantee requirements, and then he signed his name neatly. Then he reached for the time turner, but was interrupted by Snee. Professor Pu's big hand blocked it. Peter looked up at him with confusion.

"Peter York, I know that you are extremely talented and have mastered many advanced magics. But you must remember one thing, that is, time-related magic is unstable. If the rules of time are seriously violated, it will cause catastrophic consequences!

So even if you use the Time Turner during class time, you must remember not to let another person discover you!

Otherwise, a time paradox will occur, and you will fall into a time loop and never get out! What's more serious is that you are killed by your past or future self! Then you probably wouldn’t exist!"

Professor Snape said in a persuasive tone.Looking at Peter, he didn't want a talented student from his college to die like this.

"Don't worry, Professor, but you cherish your life very much!"Peter answered seriously.

After hearing this, Professor Snape finally handed the time turner to Peter, and then told him how to use it,"The maximum backtracking time of the time turner per day is 5 hours, and every time it rotates, , the time will go back one hour. Remember not to exceed 5 hours, otherwise serious time accidents may occur!"

Peter got the time turner, looked at it, and then hung it around his neck with great care. It looked like an exquisite hourglass necklace.

"Professor, I will pay attention. The extra 5 hours a day is enough to learn a lot of things."Peter said happily.

Professor Snape frowned when he heard this and reminded him,"There is never more time, it is just overdrawing your future time! Every extra hour you spend is one less hour in the future! You don’t want your lifespan to be shortened!".

Peter smiled secretly, what he lacked was never time!

After bidding farewell to Professor Snape, Peter returned to the dormitory and met his roommate who was sending out class timetables.

Alan handed him Peter's class timetable with a look on his face. He said in confusion,"Your Divination class, Muggle Studies, and Arithmancy classes are all at 9 a.m. tomorrow! How do you take these three classes at the same time? And in the afternoon, your Magical Conservation Creatures class and Ancient Runes class are also in conflict! Was it a mistake?"

"There is nothing wrong with the class schedule. Since the school allows all classes to be taken, there will always be a way!"Peter said with a smile and put away his class schedule.

The next day, Peter went to the Divination class with Alan. On the way, he met the Weasley twins who happened to be attending class together. They laughed and climbed up the tower. , and finally came to a classroom on the top of the tower.

The classroom was hot and crowded, surrounded by some mysterious things. There were a bunch of small round tables and armchairs in the middle of the classroom, and the students took turns doing

"Welcome to my class, I am Professor Trelawney." Professor Trelawney said in a soft and vague voice,"Since you do not have a 'horizon', I do not expect you to be able to broaden your horizons. Spot the traces of destiny. So there is very little I can teach you!"

Professor Trelawney is very thin, wearing a pair of big glasses, with countless necklaces and beads hanging around his neck, and his behavior is a bit crazy.

"So what exactly is the 'sight' she's talking about?"Alan White asked Peter with a frown.

"‘Vision' should refer to the innate ability of prophecy. The most important thing needed in divination class is talent. If you don't have talent, you can't see anything even if you stare at the crystal ball for a long time!" Peter explained

"This student is right." Professor Trelawney walked up to Peter at some point and asked with a smile,"Can you tell me your name? As soon as you came in, I discovered what was special about you, it was so full ofsex! I think you will definitely achieve something in this course!"

"My name is Peter York, professor," Peter said with a smile towards Professor Trelawney. He looked at this crazy teacher and felt unreliable

"Okay, everyone, please be quiet for now," Trelawney said to the students who were talking quietly around him."This semester we are mainly learning to predict some future events through the most basic divination methods. Next semester I will also learn palmistry and some tower cards.

If you have 'sight', you can see some pictures of the future from the crystal ball. Of course, I don't expect you to have such a rare ability, so most people can only see what's in the crystal ball. A cloud of smoke!"

"In today’s first lesson, I will teach you how to see the future through tea leaves. Please turn to page 1 of the book!"Professor Trelawney said in a confused voice,"Then finish the tea on the table and compare it with the book to see what the residue looks like. thereby deriving corresponding predictions"

"I think I chose the right class. I don’t have to do anything to just drink tea here." Allen drank all the tea on the table leisurely, and then looked at the tea leaves in his cup with interest," Let me see what this residue means?"

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