"Okay, I think Peter has 'vision' and he successfully made a prophecy!"Professor Trelawney was a little less drunk. He looked at Peter with a complicated expression, a look of envy flashed in his eyes, and then said,"10 points for Peter York! For his gift of prophecy!".

Peter's successful prediction made all the students instantly interested in the divination class. Holding a thick copy of"Pull Through the Fog to See the Future", he followed the explanations in the book and looked for patterns similar to the residue in his tea cup. Use this to see if you have the gift of prophecy

"Peter, you are so amazing. You actually have the gift of prophecy. No wonder you were able to guess that Cornelius Fudge was elected Minister of Magic!"The twins had a look of realization on their faces, and then asked Peter scornfully,"If you have any money-making predictions in the future, please tell us both! Then the profit will be 50/50, how about it?"

"You think too much, prophecies are all accidental, and who would make predictions about getting rich? Your brain is broken!"Peter looked at them with contempt.

The divination class that came down seemed very boring. Everyone was racking their brains and guessing the meaning of the image of the residue in the tea cup.

And Professor Trelawney returned to his crazy appearance, always shaking his head and sighing when looking at the students' teacups, and staring at the uneasy students with sympathy, as if he was going to die tomorrow!

After finally waiting until the class was over, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and ran away in a hurry.

Going down the stairs, everyone was discussing the Divination class and Professor Trelawney.

Peter looked at the time, and then said to his companions,"You go first, I will follow immediately."

Then he went to the bathroom, took out the time converter from his clothes, and turned it around. Then Peter felt himself flying backward very quickly, various blurry cloud shapes passed before his eyes, something was pounding in his ears, and he couldn't hear his own voice!

When the movement stopped, Peter walked out of the bathroom. He looked at the time and saw that it had gone back to an hour ago! Then he quickly ran to the arithmetic and divination classroom, and finally found a seat and sat down before Professor Victor arrived.

"Peter, didn't you go to the divination class with George and the others? Why did you come to the arithmetic divination class?"Angelina Johnson from Gryffindor asked in surprise.

"No, this is my class on arithmetic divination," Peter concealed.

It is different from the divination class that uses crystal balls, tea leaves or palmistry to predict. Numerology is a method of using numbers to explain fate or predict the future. It is based on a series of rules and rigorous mathematical operations.

So when Peter listened to Professor Victor's explanation of arithmetic divination, he suddenly felt like he was in a Muggle mathematics class.

Fortunately, Peter's mathematics level is good, compared to other His classmates looked confused, but he listened with interest.

After finishing the class, Peter hurriedly turned the time turner around again, going back to an hour ago, and then went to the Muggle Studies classroom.

Muggles Professor Bubbaji, who studied melon, obviously didn’t know much about Muggle society and knew nothing about Muggle culture, history, technology, etc. What he told made Peter very speechless, and he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to listen to the lecture. He lowered his head and took out a magic book. I started reading the book.

This Professor Boubaji has always advocated support for intermarriage between wizards and Muggles, and opposed discrimination against werewolves. Even after Voldemort returned with force and took control of the Ministry of Magic, he was also called"Mudblood" in the"Daily Prophet""Defended, was caught for this, and was eventually killed. Even the body was eaten by Voldemort's snake Nagini.

Peter respected her behavior, but he disagreed with her description of the Muggle world.. In her understanding, Muggles are weak, so they have to be protected.

After finishing the Muggle Studies class, Peter finally breathed a sigh of relief. He hurriedly followed up with the students who had just come out of the Divination class. several partners of

"Peter, didn't you just go that way? Why did you suddenly appear from this side?"Alan asked in surprise.

"How could you be wrong? You were heading this way just now."Peter shook his head and denied.

"Did I see it wrong?"Alan said with a look of self-doubt.


In the following time, Peter used the time turner to shuttle between 12 courses.

Apart from being a little busy at the beginning, once Peter fully adapted and had five extra hours a day, he actually became more relaxed.

There are more and more homework in the third grade and they are getting more and more difficult, and professors have higher and higher demands on students. The heavy homework makes the students breathless and they complain all day long.

In view of the situation that Hermione almost drove herself crazy when she was in third grade, Peter deliberately arranged a reasonable study schedule to prevent himself from staying up late, and even used a time turner to supplement his sleep time so that he would not be exhausted.

The only problem is that, as Professor Snape said, his lifespan may be shortened by a lot in one year.

But for Peter, who lived a long life, time happened to be a cheap thing to him. He wished he could spend more time to grow up faster. But the time converter can go back up to 5 hours a day, which makes him feel a little regretful.

As for the idea of ​​breaking through the five-hour limit, Peter didn't want to try it at all. He was afraid that he would be unlucky enough to be trapped in a time loop forever. That would really mean living but not dying!

But Peter really wanted to get a time turner. The method of making this thing has been lost. Moreover, in the future war of the Department of Mysteries in 1996, the cabinet containing the time turner was hit and cracked during the fierce battle, and all the converters were now unusable!

In order to save such a precious time prop, Peter decided to keep at least one time turner in his own hands!

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

Late at night, after Peter was kicked out of the library by Mrs. Pince, he returned to the common room and saw Draco Malfoy and his two followers, discussing something with a smile.

"Senior York!"Draco immediately greeted Peter as soon as he saw him coming in.

Peter is the head of the house, and all Slytherin students must respect him, so Draco Malfoy did not dare to be presumptuous in front of him.

"What are you talking about? Are you having such a good time chatting?"Peter asked with a smile.

"We set a trap for Harry Potter and said we were going to duel them tonight at midnight, but I actually told Filch to catch them! You might even get fired!"Draco Malfoy said proudly.

"Mr. Ma Fu, I will not comment on your informing Filch, but you have proposed a duel with them, so you should fulfill your promise! Duels are sacred, you should know this! You are discrediting Slytherin!"Peter looked at him seriously and said

"Either you go to a duel tonight, or you go and apologize in person tomorrow! Otherwise, others will think that we Slytherins are a bunch of untrustworthy cowards!"

Draco Malfoy blushed when Peter scolded him, and then said obediently,"I will go over to duel with Harry Potter tonight, and I won't embarrass Slytherin!"

"This is what a true Slytherin should do! Peter, who had successfully deceived people, said with satisfaction.

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