Peter smiled, turned around, and asked,"Professor, do you have anything else?"

Professor Quirrell sat lazily on his chair, like a cold king, with a gentle smile on his face. , but there was no warmth in his eyes. He said slowly,"From now on, you are welcome to my office at any time. If you have any questions, you can come to me! Got it?""

"OK, Professor! And thank you for your teaching today, which has benefited me a lot!"Peter said respectfully.

Professor Quirrell stared at Peter for a while, then smiled and said,"Okay, you can go, and close the door."

"Goodbye, professor!"Peter quickly opened the door, walked out, and slowly closed the door. He only saw the deep eyes in the last crack of the door, still staring at him.

Phew, Peter took a deep breath, and then he realized what was behind him. His back was already soaked. Although he said he was not afraid, being with such a powerful Dark Lord still made him very stressed.

Although he was speechless about some of the Dark Lord's mysterious operations, he could not To hide this, he is a figure who stands at the top of the magic world. He can make the entire magic world fear him so much that they dare not even say his name.

However, Peter looked at the wand in his hand, with excitement in his eyes. expression. Not only did he learn some magic skills from Professor Quirrell today that professors would not teach, but he also transformed the wishing spell and turned it into his own magic. He even couldn't wait to use this magic. Curse!

He quickly came to the Room of Requirement, silently asked for a spell practice room, and then walked in.

According to Professor Quirrell's explanation and Peter's own understanding of the wishing spell, it actually belongs to the category of transfiguration. Unlike ordinary transformation spells that resemble gods but not gods, the thing transformed by the wishing spell is real within a limited time! This has touched upon the rules of alchemy.

"Dreams came true!"Peter used the wishing spell again, and this time he didn't hide it. Suddenly a large cloud of golden sand came out, and under Peter's control, it directly turned into a phoenix!

Peter looked at the phoenix, and its eyes moved. Still with a vague feeling of being born, he let out a friendly cry after seeing Peter. Peter could feel that this was a real phoenix! The magic was so amazing! Peter couldn't help but sigh. Unexpectedly, a man who wanted to play tricks on Muggles The created spell actually has such a miraculous ability! One of the laws of transformation in the magical world is that magical creatures cannot be transformed! Even if it is transformed, it is just an empty frame.

But now this law has been broken! Before Peter will After the wishing spell and the elemental runes are fused together, this newly generated wishing spell can continuously absorb the surrounding magic elements, and it is no longer the three-second useless spell!

According to the explanation in the Book of Merlin, magic elements are what make up magic. The source and basis of a substance are endless, so there is no need to worry. The huge consumption speed of the wishing spell can consume all magic elements!

Peter was extremely happy. He just cast the wishing spell, and the magic consumed was about the same as an armor spell. The consumption is almost the same! This means that he has no burden to use this spell

"Dreams came true!"

"Dreams came true!"

Peter kept using the wishing spell, and before long, he tried to transform all the magical animals he knew! Transformed into an owl, an acromantula, a unicorn, and even successfully transformed into a black dragon from the Hesidian Islands , constantly breathing fire!

If he encounters danger, he can transform into magical animals to help!

"Dreams came true!"This time Peter directly transformed into a human, and the magic dust quickly condensed into another Peter York! The two looked at each other, and then smiled at each other.

Peter's state at this time was very strange, his mind seemed to be copied into two , the main consciousness remained in the original body, and the other part directly entered Peter's body No. 2! When the two Peters come together, they are exactly like identical twins!

"Well, this is the first time I look at myself from this angle, and I am indeed naturally beautiful! After watching it for a long time, I’m afraid I’ll fall in love with myself!"Peter smiled and lifted Peter No. 2's chin, and looked at it carefully.

Peter No. 2 rolled his eyes, knocked off Peter's teasing hand, and said speechlessly,"Are you going to let yourself go? This is so perverted! Are you under the curse of Narcissus?"

If the conversation between the two was seen by others, I'm afraid they would be considered crazy.

Peter looked at No. 2, handed him the other yew wand in his hand, and said expectantly," Give it a try, if you can really release magic, then we will have another trump card in the future!"

Peter No. 2 took the wand without hesitation, and then fired a disintegrating spell at the training target. A ball of light flew out from the wand, instantly shattering the target in the distance!

"Very good!"Peter cheered excitedly. He didn't expect that the wishing spell was so powerful that it could actually allow a conjured wizard to perform magic! Then when he fights against the enemy, he can fight two against one. I don't believe he can't kill him. enemy!

"Come, let's have a battle! See if the strength between us has changed?"Peter said excitedly to Peter No. 2.

No. 2 did not refuse. After nodding, he stood opposite Peter with a wand, and the two of them were ready to go.

They are both Peters and have the same way of thinking, so The fight was evenly matched, and even the magic used was the same. After a round of anxiety, the two finally tied.

But this made Peter very happy, which showed that Peter No. 2's strength was not limited, and was equivalent to him From now on, there will be an additional helper who can be summoned anytime and anywhere!

The two of them sat on the ground to rest. Peter looked at No. 2 with a smile and said,"The clones in the movie are all trying their best to replace the main body. Do you have this idea?" ah?

Peter No. 2 rolled his eyes and said,"Are you out of your mind?" The two of us are the same person, and the reason for my existence is because of you...ah, why does it feel like I'm confessing? I said that I appeared because of your wishing spell. I am your clone. Have you heard that the clone will betray the original body? Peter smiled. This was the first time he had been scolded by himself. He smiled and said,"If we go out like this now, will others think we are twins?" Maybe do a guessing game like the Weasley twins did!"

"No, they will only think that someone drank Polyjuice Potion and turned into you, and the professors will take us there to find out the truth, and then we may face Dumbledore's personal questioning!"Peter No. 2 looked at him as if he were a fool, and then said,"Original body, I think it's better to dissipate me. I think your brain has become a little stupid after you gave your memory to me!"

"I have never noticed that I am so venomous. Could it be that I made a mistake in a certain step?"Peter murmured in surprise.

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