After a while, heavy footsteps were heard from around the corner, followed by a strong stench.

The students reacted by holding their noses, with frightened expressions on their faces. The seventh-grade students and Peter stood at the front, also looking a little panicked. They had never encountered such a thing before, and they were immediately at a loss.

"7th graders prepare for battle! Sixth grade students protect other students and stand back! Don't panic! Peter commanded directly and quickly.

The troll was very sensitive to smells, especially human smells, so he quickly walked out of the corner, looking greedily at the snacks in front of him. He looked at the five-meter-high height in front of him. The giant monster and the giant stick in his hand made everyone retreat in horror. Peter also covered his nose and took a few steps back, then quickly cast a bubble spell on himself and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Shattered to pieces!"A seventh-grade student was so frightened that he couldn't help but take the lead in firing a magic spell at the giant monster.

However, the monster's magic resistance was relatively strong. The crushing spell that could have easily shattered a two- to three-meter-thick wooden pile only exploded on the giant monster. A small hole was made, and some green blood flowed out.

"Ouch!"The giant monster screamed, and then its eyes were bloodshot. It raised its giant stick angrily and rushed towards Peter and the others.

"Falling apart!"Shattered to pieces!""Expelliarmus!""……The seventh-grade students panicked and cast all the magic spells they could think of on the troll.

The senior students have learned a lot of magic spells and have abundant magic power. The magic they release at will will cause the giant monster and the surrounding area to explode with a loud roar, accompanied by the giant monster's screams.

When this round of attacks stopped, the monster's body was torn and bloody, but it was obvious that the monster's magic resistance meant that it only suffered superficial injuries. The giant monster fell into a violent state at this time, with bloodshot eyes, and rushed towards everyone while waving the giant stick crazily!

This time Peter did not watch. He stood directly in front of the frightened students and waved his wand at the troll. An invisible wall of air directly knocked back the charging troll.

"The Defense Against Dark Arts professor should have taught you that trolls have very strong magic resistance, and ordinary magic attacks cannot seriously injure trolls."Peter turned to the seventh grade students and said,

"So the best way is to disarm it first and then attack it with a sharp or blunt object, like this~"

"Expelliarmus!"Peter's spell accurately hit the giant monster's wrist, and the giant stick fell instantly. Then he used a floating spell to levitate the wooden stick.

"The troll's magic resistance is very strong, but its head is very small, especially the position on the back of its head, which is its weakness! Just give him a hard blow on the back of the head and it's possible to knock him out!"As he said that, the floating wooden stick hit the giant's head hard from mid-air.

The giant monster suffered a blow and became staggering, as if it was about to fall at any time, but in the end it survived and covered it with its big hands. He held his head and looked warily at the giant stick in the air.

Peter was not disappointed when he saw this. With a wave of his wand, the giant stick directly turned into a sharp sword, and then quickly fell from the mid-air, with a tragic roar from the giant monster. With a scream, it penetrated the giant monster's body fiercely and nailed it to the ground!

The giant monster twitched a few times, and then died completely.

"As I said, for this kind of animal with strong magic resistance, it is best not to attack it directly with magic spells. Instead, you can stun it with a simple floating spell, or even use a simple transformation spell. You can kill the troll as easily as I can!"Peter taught directly on the spot, explaining to the students who looked at him in surprise and admiration.

Bang bang bang! A burst of applause came, and Dumbledore and Professor Flitwick were seen walking in the distance, both of them had a look on their faces. Appreciative applause to Peter

"I don’t think there is any professor who can explain it better than you!"Dumbledore said with a smile. He looked at the troll on the ground, then looked at Peter, and said,"Maybe you can become a very good teacher in the future!"

"Well done, Peter!"Professor Flitwick gave Peter a thumbs up,"I only used a few simple spells to kill the troll. It was very neat and effective, and I made great progress!"

"Of course, the Slytherin students did a good job tonight and were able to respond calmly and orderly when faced with danger. Especially the sixth and seventh grade students, being able to protect the lower grade students behind you is a very commendable courage!"Dumbledore looked at the Slytherin students with gentle eyes.

"For this, you get fifty points! Reward you for your courage to face danger in order to protect your classmates!"

When the Slytherin students heard this, the remaining fear immediately dissipated, and they happily accepted the fifty-point reward.

"Professor, why are you here? Where are Professor McGonagall and the others? And isn't this troll in the underground classroom? How could it appear on the road to Slytherin?"Peter had a series of questions

"Three trolls appeared tonight. One was caught by us in the underground classroom, and one just appeared in the girls' toilet and was knocked unconscious by Harry Potter and his friends. They used levitation. The curse knocks the troll unconscious! The only one left is the giant monster you destroyed!"Professor Flitwick explained.

Good guy, three of them came at once! Peter was speechless for a moment. The appearance of his own butterfly actually made the troll incident more difficult! It's really hard for Professor Quirrell to get three of them together. A troll.

Then Peter took the Slytherin students back to the dormitory safely. The students who survived the disaster began to bring snacks from their dormitories and gathered in the common room to celebrate together.

Especially Peter, as the leader of this time and the hero who finally eliminated the troll, was sought after by everyone.

Malfoy also specifically wanted to give him the title of"Troll Killer", but Peter firmly refused. His There are enough nicknames, let alone such a weird title.

The next day, the news spread in the school that the Harry Potter trio defeated the troll, and Gryffindor was criticized. Not to be outdone, Slytherin continued to publicize the news that Peter York had killed the troll.

Gryffindor said that Peter York was ruthless and killed the troll; Slytherin said that the three Harry Potters were Relying on luck, the trolls defeated were nothing.

Suddenly, the two houses were at odds again, and the quarrels between the two sides continued. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff watched with gusto. After the troll incident, time passed day by day. Except for the Gryffindor trio of saviors and the limping Snape who was suspected of being bitten by a three-headed dog.

Peter relied on the time turner. , busy studying almost every day.

Except for Professor Quirrell, who occasionally asked Peter if he had any information about trapping the three-headed dog from Hagrid when he went to ask him for advice, everything seemed very dull.

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