At the beginning of the second half of the semester, there were still several months before the final exams, but the professors suddenly increased their coursework, as if they wanted to take advantage of this time to stuff all the knowledge that the students had missed into their heads.

"I'm going crazy. There are so many courses and so many assignments. Are the professors trying to exhaust us to death?"After the twins wrote their homework on parchment for a long time, they lay on the table in pain and didn't want to move.

"Get up and write quickly. The homework is due tomorrow! Be careful that Professor McGonagall wants to settle a score with you!"After Cedric finished his homework, he poked the Weasley brothers who looked like dead pigs.

"You don’t have as many courses as Peter, and yet you keep complaining like this. It’s really embarrassing!"Alan laughed at the twins.

"Peter doesn't know how to take classes either. His classes last for twelve years! Many of them were conflicts, but he attended every class without missing a beat! I don’t know how he did it?"Fred suddenly straightened up, as if he had discovered a problem, and said enthusiastically

"Yes, we had a Care of Magical Creatures class with him yesterday, but Angelina Johnson from our college told us that she also had an Arithmancy class with Peter yesterday. But the problem is that both courses are taken at the same time! How did Peter manage to take two classes at the same time?"George also discovered the focus and said with surprise.

Alan and Cedric were also aroused by their words.

"When the semester started, I sent Peter a course schedule, and there were actually three courses on his course at the same time at some times! I was also very curious at the time, but Peter didn’t tell me. Allen told what he had discovered, and then guessed,"Could it be that Peter knew the art of cloning, and then split into two people to take different classes?""

"Impossible, my brothers Bill and Percy both chose the Twelve Courses like Peter, but I'm sure they don't know the art of cloning! Otherwise they would have used it at home!"The twins shook their heads and rejected this guess.

"So how did they do it? Cedric also asked curiously

"Like I said, let's stalk Peter and see how he does it! He is always mysterious and does not let us see him."The twins suggested

"Isn’t this good? Since Peter is unwilling to tell us, we’d better not pursue it! Cedric said with disapproval.

But in the end, they couldn't resist the twins' hard words and Alan's jealousy. The four finally decided to quietly reveal the secret of Peter's ability to appear in two places at the same time.

At this time, Peter still doesn't know the plans of his four companions. Now he has to go to Quirrell after class almost every day to ask questions, especially about black magic. Peter keeps picking up the wool when he catches him.. Quirrell didn’t even have time to explore the forbidden area on the third floor.

"Peter York, I don’t have time to teach you in the next few days. Please take this book of black magic and read it yourself first. If you have any questions that you don’t understand, you can ask me later!"Quirrell is very annoyed by Peter now.

Since he signed the Unbreakable Curse, he can't refuse Peter's advice. But if this continues, he won't even have time to find the Philosopher's Stone! He can only quickly take out a book The black magic book will send him away for a few days first.

"Cutting-edge black magic?"Peter looked at the names on the book cover and turned it over curiously. Then he saw a lot of disgusting scenes inside. There were such things as bowel-drawing curses, knife-cutting curses, blood-burning curses... all kinds of black magic spells were on it, and even some There are three unforgivable curses! They are all equipped with corresponding animations, which look very bloody.

Peter found that there were torn marks on one of the pages. He knew that it was an introduction to Horcruxes, but now he did not dare to use this secret to tease Voldemort. Otherwise, Voldemort might go crazy by then!

Peter was already satisfied with getting such a book, so he thanked him with a smile,"Thank you, Professor Quirrell. I'll take this book back and have a look first. If I have any questions, Come and ask for your advice!"

"Oh, by the way, this is Professor's unicorn blood for half a month. I just took it from another unicorn. It is enough for you to last for another half month!"Peter smiled and handed a small glass bottle filled with silver liquid to Quirrell.

Quirrell was not polite and opened the bottle and smelled it carefully. After confirming that it was correct, he swallowed it in one gulp. In an instant, his body felt like it was being swallowed. It feels moisturized, and there is a hint of rosiness on the pale face.

"Professor, my curse-free unicorn blood is pretty good, right? It’s much better than your hard work of going to the forbidden forest to find lone unicorns!"Peter said with a smile.

"It's indeed good, but if you can teach me the wishing spell, I won't have to go to such trouble and have to come to you every half month to get blood! Quirrell said with a smile.

"Professor, magical knowledge is very precious!"Peter refused with a smile.

"Then my knowledge of black magic is also very valuable! Quirrell said with a sneer.

"Of course, the professor doesn't have to teach me the knowledge of black magic, as long as you can resist the backlash of the unbreakable curse!"Peter said with an indifferent expression.

"It seems that you have convinced me? Quirrell laughed angrily. He wished he could give this arrogant boy a death curse, but as long as he didn't get the magic stone for a day, he couldn't easily deal with this boy.

"How is it possible, professor, I have never thought of such a thing! Peter sternly retorted,"From the beginning to the end, I never thought of going against you, professor. Otherwise, why didn't I just join Dumbledore and tell him your secret?""

"Cunning little snake, you are reluctant to part with my knowledge of black magic! Even your principal can't compare to my attainments in black magic! Quirrell said with a chuckle, his eyes seemed to have seen through Peter,"As long as I have no use value, I think you will be the first to sell me out!""

"Of course not, professor, you are my most respected professor~" Peter said with a smile.

"Yeah? Quirrell looked at Peter with a half-smile.


Peter has noticed that several of his friends have been acting sneaky these days, but he has no time to think about it.

He has been very busy recently. Even if he has five extra hours a day, the homework for twelve courses has piled up. In addition, he has to learn black magic and practice the elemental magic in the Book of Merlin. His time is almost scheduled. Very tight. The Time-Turner was overused by him every day.

It wasn't until he finished the Care of Magical Creatures class with several of his friends and found an excuse to leave that they didn't notice the twins quietly following him. Then they watched Peter mysteriously take out something in a corner. Something, and then the whole thing disappeared right in front of them!

"Is Peter invisible? Why did you suddenly disappear?"The twins looked at the place where Peter disappeared in surprise and couldn't help but ask.

"Come on, let’s quickly go to the Arithmetic Divination classroom. I remember that Peter’s class schedule has Care of Magical Creatures and Arithmancy classes at the same time!"George reminded.

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