The next day, while Peter was having breakfast, he heard a lot of chatter around him.

He asked his roommate about the situation

"I heard that the Potions office was stolen last night and a lot of precious potions were lost! Professor Snape was furious and vowed to find the thief!" Allen explained

"Stolen! What potions were lost?"Peter asked in surprise.

"I don’t know, but it was a mess anyway, and as long as it was potions, they seemed to have been stolen!"Allen shook his head and said.

After Peter thought for a moment, he understood that it was Quirrell who did it. This guy seemed to be seriously injured. It's no wonder that he was tricked by himself first and drank the blood of the nightmare. Although he used it later The blood of the unicorn saved his life, but the injuries caused would not heal so quickly!

Then the unicorn king later stabbed his chest with his horn!

The unicorn's horn is not a decoration. It contains unicorn magic, and ordinary healing magic and potions are useless!

In the entire school, Snape is probably the only one with advanced healing potions.

But Peter guessed that with Quirrell's IQ He definitely couldn't think of such a way, so it was probably Voldemort's suggestion.

Peter tasted the food happily, and he glanced at Professor Snape above, who had a gloomy face and exuded low pressure. He expressed sympathy for him, This is an unforeseen disaster!

Quirrell did not appear at the professor's desk today, but not many people would pay attention to this stuttering professor who smelled of garlic.

Peter had a Defense Against the Dark Arts class this morning, and he was quite curious about Quirrell. Can you come to class?

After this incident, Peter felt that Quirrell would settle down and stop thinking about unicorns.

After all, he obediently accepted Peter's kindness and provided a bottle on time every half month without any curses. Unicorn blood, isn't that bad?

Peter's first class in the morning has to take three courses at the same time.

But Peter is already able to use the time turner very skillfully.

Plus a few of his partners Everyone knew about this, so Peter was able to use the time turner without any scruples in front of them.

After finishing the other two classes, Peter used the time turner again and appeared in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

He sat He arrived at the seat left by his friends and took the textbooks that his roommates had brought for him.

"Thank you. Now with your help, it is more convenient for me to attend class."Peter sat down and said with a sigh of relief.

"Were the other two classes going well?"Alan asked curiously

"The Arithmancy class went well, but the Muggle Studies class was quite disappointing!"Peter shook his head helplessly and said,

"Professor Boubaji was nice, but he looked like he had never been to a Muggle before. His description of Muggle life made me feel as if I had never been in a Muggle society!"

"I suspect I might fail my Muggle Studies exam! Because its so-called correct answer may contradict my knowledge!"

"Haha, if you fail Muggle Studies, you will be laughing your ass off!"George laughed happily

"Academic guru Peter Yorke lost points for answering the correct answer on a Muggle Studies paper! How terrible is this course?"Fred said with a smile.

"Luckily we didn’t choose this course! Otherwise, you will be taught to be a fool!"The twins said in unison

"It is true that this course is not rigorous! Muggle studies teachers should at least be chosen as wizards who were born as Muggles or have lived with Muggles for a long time!"

"But as far as I know, Professor Boubaji is a pureblood and has never been to the Muggle world. She only got good grades in Muggle Studies class when she was in school, so she became the professor of this class!"

"But in a course full of errors and omissions, students will learn the same wrong knowledge! This is indeed very lax!"

Gossip expert Allen said in agreement.

"What I am thinking is that when I wait for the final exam, will I unconscionably fill in the wrong knowledge to get excellent results?"

"Or should I just fill in the correct answers that I know and get a failing grade?"

"You must know that there will be an OWL (Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination) later. If I want to get all O's in twelve subjects, I must fill in the wrong knowledge according to the textbook!"

Peter said distressedly

"Let me tell you, you should still fill in your answers according to the knowledge in the textbook. When you are capable, you can just overturn these textbooks and compile one yourself!"Alan gave the most pertinent advice.

"Indeed, although you are somewhat famous now, once you confront adults, they will only regard your words as nonsense!"George said in agreement.

"Peter, otherwise, you will go back to school and become a Muggle Studies professor. When the time comes, you can change the textbooks however you want, and no one will tell you!" Fred suggested

"Forget it, I'm just complaining, I don't want to meddle in so many other things! Peter said while leaning on the chair.

Then the topic changed and he asked with a smile,"I saw Professor Quirrell was seriously ill yesterday. Do you think he will show up for today's class?""

"Get ill! Hee hee, did he finally get sick from the smell of garlic on his body? George gloated,"Then he'd better not come, lest we also be attacked by his poisonous gas!""

"Then you will be disappointed, because Professor Quirrell is here! Fred said with a strange smile,"But he looks very ill and feels like he will collapse at any time!""

Peter turned around and saw Quirrell wandering onto the classroom stage. His face was pale and his eyes were bloodshot, as if he was about to die at any moment.

Peter raised his eyebrows. It seemed that Professor Snape's potion was very powerful. It's amazing, I rescued him so quickly and he can come to class!

"Each...each...for his's time to go to class, please sit down and have a good...position! Quirrell shouted weakly, and with his stammering appearance, there was no deterrence at all.

The students were still laughing and joking.

"Okay, Slytherins, calm down and listen to the lecture!"Peter didn't want a class to be wasted like this, so he said to the Slytherin students seriously.

As soon as the Slytherin students saw that it was Peter who spoke, they immediately sat down obediently.

"Wow, you were actually frightened like this. You people in the snake farm are really timid, like me... ugh!"

A Gryffindor boy, seeing the appearance of the Slytherin student, taunted loudly.

But then Peter waved his hand gently, and he was speechless. He tried desperately to make a sound, but it was like It's like being muted!

"Peter, you..." the twins said hesitantly

"Don’t worry, it will be unlocked automatically after class!"Peter said calmly, his voice just enough for everyone in the classroom to hear. As soon as the others heard this, the originally tense atmosphere relaxed instantly, and the Gryffindor students looked at the banned ones in amusement. classmate

"Professor, you can give lectures!"Peter said to Quirrell with a smile.

Facing Peter, Quirrell's pupils shrank, then he put on a fake smile on his face and stammered,"Great...wonderful wandless magic! Peter! Slytherin plus...five points!"

"Thank you Professor!"Peter smiled and nodded, then sat down.

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