"hey-hey...Peter!"The twins approached Peter with smiles, their eyes staring at the Philosopher's Stone, full of longing.

"Are you thinking about the Philosopher's Stone?"Peter looked at the two of them with suspicion. The pig-like expressions on these two guys' faces were too obvious.

"No, Peter, we just heard that the Philosopher's Stone can turn any metal into gold! Fred approached Peter with a flattering look on his face and said expectantly,"Can you try this magic stone to turn gold?""

Peter understood. These two guys obviously wanted to use the magic stone to turn gold.

Peter felt the magic stone in his hand carefully, shook his head and poured cold water on them."Don't think about such a beautiful thing, I think. This magic stone is probably fake! Otherwise, would it be so easy for me to get it?"

"Ah, is it fake?"The twins were immediately disappointed when they heard this. They also understood that if it was really the Philosopher's Stone, the level setting would not be so simple.

But they still said unwillingly,"Peter, you'd better give it a try, maybe it's true. Woolen cloth!"

"You guys still really don’t give up, okay, let me give it a try!"Peter glanced at them helplessly.

Then he took the magic stone, scanned the area, shrugged and said helplessly,"There are no metal objects here that can be turned into gold!"

"Yes, yes, my cufflinks are made of copper, try it!"George directly grabbed the buttons on his clothes and came over, looking forward to it.

"You two money junkies! Even crazier than Sniff!"Peter rolled his eyes at them helplessly and said, then he put the magic stone on his cufflinks and input magic power into the magic stone.

Suddenly the magic stone glowed red, and as Peter input magic power, it became brighter and brighter, illuminating the entire room. It was all red!

After losing the magic power, Peter was a little cautious to disconnect the magic power. When he input the magic power just now, he heard a phoenix cry from the magic stone, and then the magic stone began to absorb his own magic power uncontrollably!

Until he was completely Only when all the magic power in the body is absorbed can Peter cut off the magic input! He even heard a satisfied groan coming from the magic stone, like a person who has been hungry for a long time and finally has a full meal!

He originally thought that this stone The magic stone is fake, but judging from the crazy way it absorbed its own magic power just now, it is definitely not as simple as fake!

"Peter, look, my buttons have turned gold! It literally turned to gold!" George's voice of surprise came.

Peter turned around and was surprised to find that the copper cufflinks on George's sleeves had turned into golden cufflinks!

"Peter, why are you looking so pale? What happened?"The twins noticed Peter's weak look and asked nervously.

"Don't worry, this magic stone suddenly sucked all my magic power away, so I'm a little weak. I'll recover tomorrow after a night's sleep!" Peter comforted

"Get it away quickly!"When the twins heard this, they quickly knocked the magic stone in Peter's hand to the ground, then helped Peter up and looked at him with worried faces.

"It's all my fault, running out of magic power is very dangerous! I actually insisted that you use the magic stone to turn me into gold!"George said very remorsefully

"I shouldn't have tempted you, Peter, let's take you to the infirmary now. Madam Pomfrey must have potions to replenish magic power! Otherwise, you may become a squib if you are not careful!"Fred helped Peter up, and then he and George wanted to take him away from here.

Seeing the anxious looks of the two of them, he shook his head in a funny way, and gently comforted,"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. The magic power is restored quickly, and now you can simply use the floating spell and the fluorescent spell!"

"Peter, please stop comforting us. We must send you to the infirmary for treatment now. A distant cousin of ours turned into a squib because he accidentally ran out of magic power when he was young! Later, he was sent to live in the Muggle world, but I heard that he was never happy!"

"A person as powerful as you, who is more talented than anyone else in magic, cannot be ruined because of us! Tears of self-blame began to flow from George's face,"I'm so obsessed. You have obviously said that the magic stone is fake, but you still want to turn it into gold!" Peter looked at the self-reproaching eyes of the two men and smiled happily. Although these two brothers were cheerful and lively, they always had an obsession with money, perhaps because of their poor family background.

But now, looking at it, between them They are still the same kind, lively and funny twins

"Can you tell me, old man, why Mr. Weasley went to the restricted area in the middle of the night and cried?"Dumbledore's voice came from the door.

I saw Dumbledore walking slowly from the door. The black flames seemed to be fake, not even a strand of his hair was burned!

"Mr. Weasley, and Peter York, what are you doing? Going into a restricted area to share feelings?"Dumbledore looked at the three of them with a smile, especially after pausing at George's red eyes and Peter's pale face.

"Principal Dumbledore, please save Peter quickly. His magic power is exhausted and he needs to replenish it as soon as possible!"The twins saw Dumbledore as if they had seen a savior, and shouted for help.

"Running out of magic power?!"Dumbledore looked at Peter's pale face in surprise, and then walked over quickly with a serious expression. He used his Elder Wand to emit a white light and examined Peter carefully. He saw a mist-like wave appearing on Peter's body. The dim red light. If you look carefully, you will find that the red light is slowly increasing!

Seeing this, Dumbledore's serious expression turned into surprise, and then he said gently,"Don't worry, Peter's current situation Not serious. Although it is incredible, the magic power in him is recovering quickly! Just get some sleep and you'll be fully recovered tomorrow!"

"Really? That's great! I thought Peter would become a squib because of me!"George was very surprised when he heard it. No one would doubt Dumbledore's diagnosis.

"Can you tell me why Peter suddenly lost so much of his magic power?"Dumbledore asked curiously

"Is such that......"

Each of the twins explained what had just happened in one sentence.

Dumbledore became more and more surprised as he listened, and then looked to Peter for an explanation.

"Principal, I thought this was a fake magic stone, so I tried to put my magic power into it, but I didn't expect that the magic stone would suddenly increase its suction power and suck all my magic power away! I don’t know what’s going on!"Peter explained.

He was also confused at this time. He didn't know that the Sorcerer's Stone had such an ability!

Dumbledore didn't say much, but walked to the Sorcerer's Stone that fell on the ground, picked it up, and looked at it carefully. After a while, he kept testing with the wand. His face became more and more exciting, as if he had encountered a problem of the century, full of puzzlement.

Then Dumbledore took a breath, turned his head and looked deeply Looking at Peter, full of curiosity, he walked up to Peter with the magic stone and said in amazement,"Perhaps it is a miracle, Peter, you have successfully transformed a half-finished magic stone into a real magic stone!"

"Professor, I don't understand what you mean! Peter was a little confused,"You mean, this magic stone was originally a fake magic stone, but after this, it became real?""

"Yes, this magic stone was once a semi-finished magic stone made by Nicoléme. It did not have the ability to turn stone into gold, and it was not worthy of the elixir of life. But now, under the infusion of your magic power, it has transformed into a real magic stone!"Dumbledore explained

"But how is it possible? If it were just infused with magic power, Nicoléme would probably be able to create a lot of magic stones!"Peter said with confusion.

"I don’t understand either. I’m afraid I’ll have to ask Nicolas Flamel to answer this question!"Dumbledore shook his head and said.

Then he looked at Peter and said,"I took this magic stone away first. It is not suitable to be placed here now! I will return it to Nicolas Flamel, I think he will be very interested in you!"

"Principal, what are George and the others?"Peter looked at the two people who looked confused and asked doubtfully.

"Oh, what happened just now is not suitable for them to hear, so they will forget about it later, they will only remember that they came here, and then go back happily!"Dumbledore said with a smile.

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