After the morning class, Peter came to the library and took out his diary from his bag.

After having Tom Riddle's diary for so many days, Peter never had time to touch it. Today he was interested, so he simply took it out and prepared to have a good chat with Tom in it.

This diary is not as dangerous as other Horcruxes. If you don't choose to communicate with it, it basically can't do anything to you.

But Peter really wanted to get the secret of the Horcrux from it, and see if he could remove the soul piece from Ravenclaw's diadem without damaging the magic on the diadem.

He really wanted to know the magic power of this legendary crown that could increase wisdom, so that Helena Ravenclaw would rather betray her mother and escape to Albania with the crown.

Of course, he didn't have high expectations. After all, Voldemort was not an ordinary person. It was basically difficult to achieve his goal by relying on threats.

Not to mention that this is a Horcrux. Ordinary people's torture methods are useless to him. Even if he threatens to destroy the Horcrux, for Voldemort, it is just one less secret, which he regards as the most important Horcrux. It seems insignificant compared to

"Hello," Peter wrote in his diary.

Immediately, the writing disappeared, and then the words"Hello! Who are you? Why does my diary appear in your hand?"

"My name is Harry Potter, what are you?"Peter smiled, and then wrote this sentence.

The sentence disappeared quickly, and the diary did not respond after a while, as if it was stuck.

When Peter thought he would not answer, something appeared on the blank diary. A line of words appeared, saying:"I am a memory, a memory from fifty years ago. I stored my memory in this diary."

At this time, Peter felt an invisible spiritual force pouring out from Japan, aiming directly at Peter.

Peter smiled and let him explore.

Tom Riddle in the diary felt that his spirit had just touched"Harry Potter" was like hitting a thick wall, without even a chance to explore!

He withdrew his spiritual power, and was suddenly very shocked. He couldn't help but sigh that he was worthy of being a person who could defeat the main soul. Even his own Legilimency had no effect on him.

The Tom Riddle in the diary had recovered from his illness at the end of last semester. He was hidden in the underground secret room of Malfoy Manor.

After he recovered, he naturally Unwilling to stay there, he took advantage of Draco Malfoy's chance to come down, and continued to use his mental power to bewitch Draco, letting him talk to him, and absorbing life bit by bit.

But in the end, Lu Xiu was Malfoy found out and stopped him in time.

Finally, after discussing with Lucius, he agreed to let Draco go, but asked Lucius to find an opportunity to send him to Hogwarts. He wanted to see the defeated man Harry Potter, who had possessed the main soul, and looked for a chance to resurrect him.

Lucius naturally agreed. He was very afraid of this thing. He had such an honor to be given this thing by Voldemort, but now he wanted to throw it away.

Lucius Malfoy is a typical opportunist, and everything is based on profit. During this period, his old enemy Arthur Weasley came to search for dark magic items every three days.

Since Voldemort asked to send the diary When he arrived at school, Lucius certainly would not hand over such a dangerous thing to his son, so he targeted the Weasley family.

With the greatest malice, he placed the diary in Ginny Weasley's In the crucible, I wanted to see the Weasley family holding the body of their little daughter, grieving.

Even if they didn't succeed, once someone discovered the diary, it would only be traced to Ginny, and then everyone would He will only know that the Black Magic Book comes from the Weasley family, ensuring that Arthur Weasley will suffer a lot.

Tom Riddle has learned about what happened in the past few decades from Draco and Lucius, and he has no idea what he will do. He was very surprised to be defeated by a baby.

He was eager to see what kind of magic this boy named Harry Potter had that could make him fail repeatedly.

Although Draco and Lucius repeatedly disparaging Harry Potter, but Tom Riddle firmly believed that Harry Potter must have some unknown secret.

He originally thought that he would fall into the hands of the youngest child of the Weasley family, just like Malfoy said..

But he didn’t expect that it ended up with Harry Potter, which immediately made him very surprised.

"Are you the memory of Tom Riddle? This is amazing! I thought you were an alchemical product like the Sorting Hat. Peter pretended to be surprised and wrote.

Writings appeared on the diary:"I was only a seventh-grade student at the time. Of course, it was impossible to make alchemy products. Moreover, I was still a student from the Muggle world, so I learned a Magic, put my memory in this diary of mine, I hope someone can discover it in the future"

"Then you are really awesome. I think I can show you to my classmates. My classmate Hermione is a smart witch. She should be very interested in you!"With a smile in his eyes, Peter deliberately wrote in his diary

"Don't tell anyone about this, okay? I don’t want to be known to many people! Don't you want a secret friend that's just for you? I can tell you many things that happened fifty years ago, and I can also tell you many unknown secrets!"The writing on the diary was a little scrawled, and then he said in a seductive tone.

Peter looked at the writing on the diary and felt a little funny.

As if he was hesitating, after a while, he wrote in the diary:"Then I listen to you and won't tell anyone else about this! Then we will be friends from now on?"

"Yes, we are friends! And I am still your only friend! You can ask me anything you want to ask in the future!

Even if you don't know how to do homework, you can come to me. You know, I once got all O's from twelve students!" Japan replied, and repeatedly emphasized its role.

"Then you are really awesome! Then my future homework depends on you! The assignments assigned by the professors are so many and difficult that I don’t even know what to do!"Peter deliberately showed the surprise he should have and wrote in his diary.

"Of course, that’s no problem for me! But most of the time, I will only tutor you, and you can't rely entirely on me. In that case, it won't be you who is learning, but me! You don’t want to fail the class at the end of the semester, right?"The diary replied, and he played the role of a responsible and intimate brother.

Tom Riddle in the diary looked proud. Although he didn't know what secrets Harry Potter had for the time being, it seemed like he really was. An ordinary boy, like other people, could not resist these small temptations.

But he frowned again. This Harry Potter was very special. During this period of communication, he kept trying to Mental power seeped into Harry Potter's mind, but it all bounced out!

He found no traces of Occlumency, and he didn't believe that a twelve-year-old boy could achieve something that many adult wizards have failed to achieve. Occlumency.

This made him even more curious. What secret did this boy have?

Since there was no way to break through his brain for the time being, Tom Riddle changed his target this time. He began to secretly absorb life force. He needed to restore his energy.

Peter suddenly Feeling the life force slipping away quietly in his body, he instinctively wanted to break away from this connection, but he still held back. After all, the passing life force, after being integrated with the genes of so many magical animals, seemed to be a drop in the bucket.

He actually wanted to See what this guy wants to do?

As soon as Tom Riddle absorbed the life force of"Harry Potter", his whole body felt relaxed and shocked. He had never been exposed to such a majestic life force.

It was as if he was facing a huge life force. The giant dragon!

He was surprised and delighted, and couldn't help but increase the intensity of absorption.

If he could absorb all the life force of"Harry Potter", he would definitely be able to have a physical body and be resurrected again!

But suddenly, this force The connection was immediately severed, and the life force absorbed came to an abrupt end.

Tom Riddleton felt something bad, so he saw"Harry Potter" writing in the diary vigilantly:"I just felt the life force in my body." Pass by! Did you do it?"

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