Seeing the confident looks of the two brothers, Peter nodded with a smile on his face,"Okay, then I'll wait for your good news."

Then, the magic world ushered in the most vigorous publicity in history, whether it was magic newspapers, magic radios, or even Magic Weekly, Potions Weekly, Transfiguration Weekly, etc. all have information about Peter's challenge to Voldemort to a duel.

Even the Weasley twins were so crazy that they modified the Muggle speakers and tied them to the owl. As long as the owl flew by, the twins' very unbeatable voices could be heard from the speakers!

The twins were also afraid that the publicity would not be adequate, so they directly asked the owl to carry a loudspeaker with a loud sound spell to promote it everywhere in the Forbidden Forest! Making the magical creatures unbearable.

After suffering noisy attacks for three days and nights, the grumpy centaur Ronan couldn't bear it, picked up a bow and arrow and shot the trumpet through, leaving the owl that had escaped with his life in a hurry to escape from the Forbidden Forest and scream to his employer. The Weasley brothers asked for payment and compensation.

The people in the magical world have been left nervous by the bombardment of propaganda. In addition to sending roaring letters to express their anger, they only hope that the mysterious person will accept the challenge quickly! Otherwise they will all be made to vomit by this propaganda noise!

Under this intensive publicity, Voldemort received Peter's duel invitation letter as expected.

At this moment, Voldemort was staying in Voldemort's Manor, staring at the contents of the newspaper on the table with an ugly expression. Especially after seeing the very contemptuous tone in the letter, black energy came out of his body, like a vicious beast that eats people..

The radiating demonic pressure made all the Death Eaters tremble in fear, not daring to make a sound for fear of being noticed by Voldemort and being evaded by Alvada.

Only Harry Potter stood expressionlessly beside Voldemort, like an emotionless guard.

Snape stood among the Death Eaters, slightly hunched over, with a cold expression and empty eyes. Only occasionally when he looked at Harry, his empty eyes seemed to waver slightly, but they were fleeting, as if they were just an illusion.

"Peter York!"After Voldemort read the content of the challenge letter in the newspaper, a cold voice sounded in the quiet living room. The voice was full of anger and gnashing of teeth, and there was also a trace of fear and fear that no one noticed.

The newspaper was in Voldemort's angry eyes. He ignited without fire, and the blue flames made him even more cold and terrifying, like a devouring devil in hell.

Voldemort's blood-red eyes penetrated the flames and stared at the Death Eaters below,"So...Now the entire wizarding world is waiting for my response to Peter York's challenge letter?"

Shrouded by Voldemort's gaze, the Death Eaters tensed up and lowered their heads, fearing that they would be noticed by him.

"Lucius! Voldemort looked at the person in front with cold eyes,"Tell me about this.""

Lucius Malfoy trembled, and then became even more humiliated. He bowed and did not dare to raise his head to look up. He replied tremblingly:"Lord...Master, Peter York is challenging you to a duel.......They publicized this matter everywhere, especially the two Weasley brats, and used all kinds of despicable means to make this matter known to everyone in an attempt to force you to respond........"

After listening to Lucius's words, Voldemort's expression was gloomy. Looking at his trembling figure, he asked quietly:"Then what do you think I should do, Lucius? Accept Peter York's challenge?"

Lucius' expression changed. Even more pale, he looked at Voldemort carefully and suggested hesitantly:"Master, the other party is forcing you to respond in such a big way. There must be a conspiracy. I suggest not to respond, just ignore them and don't accept the move........"

Before he could finish his words, a heart-piercing bone directly hit Lucius, causing him to kneel to the ground with a painful look on his face, unable to speak anymore.

Voldemort looked cold, stared at Lucius on the ground with murderous eyes, and asked:"Then you mean to make me a coward and dare not respond to them directly? Do you want me to admit defeat to Peter York, and then Is the entire magic interface embarrassed in front of you?"

"No, no, Master! please......"Lucius begged for mercy with a pained and horrified look on his face.

The other Death Eaters looked at Lucius' tragic situation, and they did not dare to show any expressions, whether sympathetic or mocking, and could only avoid looking at him indifferently, fearing that they would be the next target of his wrath.

But there is one exception, and that is Snape.

He came to Voldemort respectfully, and said to Voldemort with a sincere expression:"Master, since Peter York dares to challenge you openly, it means that he must have set an ambush for you. I believe that Master, you are not afraid of any danger, but as a We, the servants, cannot bear any accidents to our master."

Voldemort's face softened significantly after hearing this, but he still asked in a bad tone:"Severus, do you also want me not to respond to Peter York's challenge? Do you want me to not respond to Peter York's challenge? Knowing that this will make people in the wizarding world think that I am giving up to him!"

Snape shook his head and replied expressionlessly:"No, Master, just like you said, if we don't respond, then It's a sign of surrender, especially now that everyone knows it. So I suggest, Master, that you accept Peter York's challenge."

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