Hogwarts vampire professor

Chapter 100 Voldemort and the diary are both troubled

The acquaintance between Basilisk and Nagini started a few months ago——

After Voldemort's attempt to steal the Philosopher's Stone failed, Dracula completely annihilated his soul over the Forbidden Forest, then returned to the restricted area where the Philosopher's Stone was kept and released the Basilisk.

Dracula placed the basilisk in the Albanian forest and wanted him to help him find Ravenclaw's diadem so that he could fulfill his promise to Helena.

In view of the powerful deterrent power of Dracula who "tortured" the basilisk many times a thousand years ago, after the basilisk came to the Albanian forest, it began to search for the crown very quickly, and every hollow tree had no Let it go.

He searched almost the entire forest, but found no trace of Ravenclaw's diadem. Therefore, the most likely possibility is that the crown has been taken away by Voldemort.

For the basilisk, the question now is whether to tell Dracula that the crown was taken away by Voldemort.

The basilisk secretly compared Dracula with Voldemort——

One is a friend of the original owner Salazar Slytherin from thousands of years ago. He is very powerful and can always inadvertently torture the basilisk; the other is a descendant of Slytherin for who knows how many generations, and his strength seems to be still there. Okay, but it just rolled over on a baby...

As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close friends. As a mixed-blood descendant of Slytherin who was separated for more than a thousand years, it is impossible to say how much Slytherin blood is left in Voldemort's body; however, Dracula actually lived for more than a thousand years. , has always been that Slytherin’s best friend!

So the basilisk made up its mind to stand on Count Dracula's side.

Of course, he would not admit that he had only been cured by Dracula's torture a thousand years ago; nor would he admit that Dracula's method of using Legilimency to explore memories could not be concealed even if he wanted to. Live him...

Thinking of this, the basilisk felt relieved and began to wander around in the forest, exploring the environment where it would make its home and live in the future.

In the Albanian forest, the basilisk encountered another sizable viper while wandering around. Her name was Nagini.

The two snakes hit it off immediately, and both found that the other was a smart snake with enough intelligence to communicate, so they decided to get together.

When the scope of the conversation between the two became more in-depth, the basilisk discovered that the world was really small, and a wise snake that he met casually was the unlucky snake that also had dealings with Voldemort.

Deep down in his heart, the basilisk that had surrendered to Dracula began to turn his head, feeling that he must not let the smart snake he finally found go astray and join a camp with no future like Voldemort.

So he told Nagini all kinds of bad things about Voldemort -

"Nagini, you don't know, I was originally a very decent snake!" He hissed righteously, "A thousand years ago, the great Salazar Slytherin left me in Ho In Gwarts Castle, I hope that one day I can help the descendants of Slytherin and protect the magic school in danger!"

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"But those glorious deeds I imagined of winning glory for the school and fighting for Slytherin never happened. You have no idea what I went through later!"

Nagini looked at the nearly a thousand-year-old basilisk grandfather in front of her, and listened curiously to his story about his past.

"My master guessed wrong. After Hogwarts Castle recruited Muggle-born wizards, it was not exposed as he thought and was attacked by Muggles on a large scale." The basilisk said, "So I It’s been a long time since I had a chance to take action, and I’ve been sleeping in the extremely dark dungeon.”

"Because of the hidden nature of the secret room, it is usually rare for me to see a living person once in a hundred or two hundred years. Even if descendants of Slytherin do find the secret room, they will be very frightened when they see me. I didn’t expect what I could bring to them.”

"Although the master is very great, his descendants do not have the same courage as him. Almost no one of them dares to release me. Even if they release me, they want to control a powerful 5x like me with snake-lao accent. level magical animal, and then thought that he could do evil in the magical world."

"It is precisely because of this that I changed from a good snake with a strong sense of justice to a monster in the secret room that people say. I have been living in such a muddle-headed way, sleeping for a hundred or two hundred years, and when I wake up, I catch a few underground snakes. The rats and bugs barely had enough to eat, and it was extremely miserable.”

"It wasn't until hundreds of years later that a descendant of Slytherin named Corvinus Gaunt couldn't stand my condition, and then he thought of using magic to transform the secret room where I was, so that I could have a slightly more beautiful place. Decent environment.”

Nagini listened carefully to the basilisk's story for a long time, and patted the basilisk's thick body with her tail to express her comfort.

"But you haven't said anything about the Dark Lord yet!" she hissed, "Why do you think he is an unreliable villain!"

The basilisk nodded his huge green head, and the red feathers on his head swayed slightly as he nodded, "This matter started sixty years ago -"

"The first time I met the Dark Lord, his name was still Tom Riddle. He must have been only fifteen or sixteen years old at the time."

"At that time, I hadn't seen anyone for more than a hundred years. Looking at the pretty good looks and polite actions of young Tom Riddle, I thought that there was finally an outstanding person among the descendants of Slytherin. Heir. But I obviously made a mistake..."

"Not only is Tom Riddle not a serious and good student, he has already become brooding and dark even when he has just started fifth grade. When we first met, he only exchanged a few words with me in a snake-like voice. From now on, I can’t wait to deploy my big plan.”

"He doesn't know why, but he completely misunderstood what my great master meant. He thought that Slytherin looked down on Muggle-born wizards and wanted to remove these Muggle-born wizards who were not worthy of being in Hogwarts from the school. "

"Not only that, Tom Riddle also has a very violent temper. He used his snake-like voice to control me and caused countless terrorist attacks in Hogwarts - if I hadn't secretly restrained my power, all of them would have been caused by mirrors or water stains. When the reflection looks at those little wizards and turns them into stone, I'm afraid Hogwarts should have closed long ago."

"But if I often walk by the river, my shoes won't get wet. Later, once I just came out of the secret room, without realizing it, I looked at a fat little witch and accidentally killed her. Killed her...so Hogwarts is really going to close."

"What happened next?" Nagini hissed nervously, "Did that school really close?"

"No, it's not closed." The basilisk's big yellow eyes showed a somewhat contemptuous expression, "Tom Riddle is not worthy of being a descendant of Slytherin. He actually gave up his pride as the heir to the Chamber of Secrets. Putting the blame on an innocent third-year student!"

"That big third-year student happened to have a disgusting magical animal like an Acromantula, so he was expelled from Hogwarts."

"If what you say is true...then the Dark Lord seems to be quite despicable." Nagini hesitated for a moment and hissed in a low voice, "But before he spent more than ten years in this forest, I I often stay with him, and I don’t think he is such a person..."

"Well... he is very gentle, good at talking, and tells many interesting stories..." Nagini recalled Voldemort's previous state, "The Dark Lord said... He said that he was plotted by others and tried his best to Only then did he retain a trace of his soul and come to this forest."

"What are you talking about?" the Basilisk sneered. "Master Dracula told me that Lord Voldemort clearly wanted to kill a baby who might be a threat to him in the future, but he didn't succeed. Instead, he rolled over on the baby and was bounced back by his own death curse."

"With all his achievements, I don't even want to admit that he has the blood of the great Slytherin flowing in his body!"

Nagini was puzzled by the Basilisk's words, "This... rolling over a baby? Are you kidding me, grandpa?"

"I'm not kidding," the Basilisk hissed, "Don't believe it, just a while ago, he returned to Hogwarts and wanted to steal a stone used to restore strength."

"I almost hate him to death, and he actually has the nerve to come to me for help! If we snakes hadn't been unable to resist the power of snake talk, I wouldn't have even ignored him!"

"So did he steal the stone?" Nagini asked curiously.

"No," the Basilisk hissed with a hint of schadenfreude, "Voldemort certainly didn't expect that he would meet an old friend of his ancestors in Hogwarts. The difference in generation gap is not ordinary. !”

Seemingly seeing that Nagini still didn't believe it, the basilisk glanced at her and then said, "Nagini, if you still think Voldemort is a gentle and good wizard who understands snakes, why don't we test it?" one time……"

Later, there was a scene where two snakes were hiding in the cave after Voldemort found him——

During the time he lived in the Albanian forest, the basilisk took in many snake brothers, and his eyes spread throughout the forest.

Relying on the information provided by his younger brothers, the Basilisk discovered the traces of Voldemort in advance, and immediately took Nagini to hide in a cave that was difficult to be discovered.

Voldemort lost his patience after walking around the forest twice. In addition, he had just conquered many high-ranking Death Eaters, and his mentality changed back from his previous low-key state and became a little drifting.

So he stopped pretending, he showed his cards, and he was too lazy to call Nagini in a gentle and considerate tone.

Voldemort directly used the most severe snake-like voice, trying to control Nagini to crawl out of her hiding place to meet him, and then directly turn her into a Horcrux!

But what Voldemort didn't expect was that the basilisk relied on its size advantage to tightly restrain Nagini's snake body, preventing her from rushing out to find Voldemort and throwing herself into the trap.

Seeing that no snake responded to his snake-like tone, Voldemort cursed secretly, guessing that Nagini had temporarily left the Albanian forest for some reason, so he apparated away.

It was not until Voldemort left that Nagini's uncontrollable state returned to normal, and she barely regained consciousness, but her expression was still a little dazed.

"What I said is correct, Nagini." The Basilisk hissed to Nagini, "But if you don't see him for a while, he will yell at you in such a fierce tone. I Let me tell you, this Voldemort is definitely not a good person!"

Nagini tapped the snake's head twice and looked at the basilisk next to her with a clear conscience.

"Thank you this time, grandpa." She hissed in response, "If it weren't for you, I might not be able to see through this man's true face for another twelve years!"

"Hey, you're welcome!" the basilisk said proudly, "It's rare to meet someone of the same kind who has the same intelligence as me. Of course we have to work together... Oh, no, of course we have to work together to help each other!"

Voldemort couldn't find Nagini and couldn't make his sixth Horcrux, so he was very distressed.

Equally troubled is Voldemort's Horcrux diary.

Diary Riddle has been lurking next to Harry Potter for a long time, but his biggest goal - to steal Harry's blood has never been achieved.

In fact, when Voldemort returned the soul body of Riddle in the diary to him, he also gave him a lot of soul power. It was also with this power that Riddle successfully entered the 4th Privet Drive in Little Whinging. The number deployed profound spells such as the Unplottable Curse and the Avoidance Curse to prevent many owls from delivering letters to Harry.

Diary Riddle thought this task was simple at first.

He thought that as long as he could lurk next to Harry Potter, find a quiet night, secretly cast a heavy coma spell on Harry, and then slit Harry's wrist while he was sleeping, it would be easy. to collect the blood of the savior.

However, Riddle encountered setbacks the first time he did this.

After slitting Harry's wrist, he wanted to use the diary's ability to hold ink to directly collect Harry's blood.

Unfortunately, things didn't work out as expected. When Harry's blood came into contact with the Horcrux diary, the ordinary blood seemed to turn into the highest concentration of sulfuric acid, directly corroding a big hole in the blank page of paper. .

Riddle spent a lot of soul power to repair the big hole, and while repairing it, he also had to use a healing spell on the little wizard he hated so much to prevent him from finding anything strange when he woke up.

During the second operation, Riddle learned a bloody lesson and became smarter.

He found a glass container and used a cutting spell to cut an opening on Harry's wrist, hoping to put the blood in the container.

Riddle's prediction was correct. As long as he did not touch Harry's blood with the diary itself, it would not be corroded by the blood.

However, he was not happy for long.

When Harry's blood accumulated in the glass container to a volume close to enough for resurrection, it seemed as if a spell that Riddle had never seen came from the blood, and even led Harry's whole body to launch a passive resistance at the same time. .

Riddle instantly felt a devastating power coming from Harry's body.

He spent a lot of effort to get the blood that had flowed out to flow back into Harry's blood vessels, preventing the attack of magic in the blood, but it also consumed more soul power.

Since then, Riddle understood that there was an unknown force in Harry Potter's body guarding him, so cutting his wrists to extract blood was not available.

But Riddle was not discouraged, but thought of a more appropriate solution.

He decided to lurk next to Harry, subtly gaining Harry's trust, and finally allowed himself to bring his blood to Voldemort to help Voldemort realize his true resurrection!

As a result, Harry had a patient, friendly, and high-level magic tutor, and he successfully won the first place in the final exam of Defense Against the Dark Arts!

When Harry returned to his aunt and uncle's house from Hogwarts, all of his magical equipment was locked up, including Riddle's Horcrux diary.

But Riddle did not feel disappointed, but felt a burst of ecstasy——

Based on his own experience in the orphanage as a child, he believed that when Harry was ostracized by his family, he must have wanted to have a friend with whom he could sympathize and share hardships.

So he cast the Avoidance Charm and the Unplottable Charm to prevent Harry from receiving letters from his friends, making him feel extremely lonely.

Riddle, on the other hand, was waiting in the cupboard, waiting specifically for Harry to be squeezed out by his uncle, aunt, and forms for quite some time. It wasn't until it was close to his birthday that no one celebrated for him that he thought the time was right.

He got out of the cupboard and came to Harry before his birthday.

"Don't worry, Harry." Riddle wrote in his diary, "Although I don't have the power to take you out of here, I can give you a good idea."

"First of all, we must avenge you for all the suffering you have suffered!"

Riddle thought about his life in an orphanage as a child.

At that time, when he was ostracized by others, he just wanted one person to give him the strength to take revenge crazily on anyone who bullied him.

Riddle thought that Harry would be like him and wanted to desperately seek revenge on the Dursleys, thinking that in this way he could completely gain Harry's trust.

But he was wrong, so wrong!

Harry Potter is essentially a kind, loving boy who is good at finding luck in an unfortunate life. He has a heartfelt fear and disgust for such an evil and terrifying curse as the Death Curse.

Therefore, Harry did not use the Death Curse to completely change his original character as Voldemort imagined.

Not only that, Harry even had some doubts about the diary because of this, and no longer talked to Riddle when he had something on his mind like before.

After Harry was picked up by Ron, Fred and George in a flying car, Riddle felt that things were getting out of control.

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