Hogwarts vampire professor

Chapter 21 The Decayed Professor Dracula

So, Dracula became the scene planner for the Halloween party.

On the last night of October, when the little wizards came to the auditorium in groups, they were instantly shocked.

The door of the Hogwarts auditorium turned into a big mouth that was eager to bite people. Several sharp fangs hung on the door, as if they were going to chew the little wizards into pieces.

In the magical world, Halloween is of great significance to wizards.

Therefore, even the new little wizard has experienced the Halloween atmosphere no less than ten times. The current scene did not frighten them. They just looked at the various decorations in the auditorium in surprise and were greatly shocked.

Of course, there were also some children from Muggle families among the freshmen. They had never seen such a battle before, and almost all of them were frightened.

When a giant spider suddenly hung down from the "tusks", several timid girls almost cried.

The interior of the auditorium also completely changed color.

The thousands of dazzling candles that were floating in the sky disappeared, and were replaced by thousands of bats flapping their wings in the air. Along with it, there were dark clouds that filled the sky over the entire auditorium.

On the enchanted transparent ceiling is a dark cloud summoned by a weather spell, with thunder roaring and lightning bursting from time to time.

There was a small vacancy in the thundercloud, and a crescent moon just appeared, casting the gleaming moonlight amidst the dark clouds.

Moving his gaze back to the auditorium, he could see that the four academic desks had turned into black dead wood. There are countless skinny and dry branches stretching out on both sides of the long table, and occasionally bats hang upside down on the dead branches to rest.

In front of the auditorium, the big pumpkin planted by Hagrid was carved with an evil smile. There is a bright candle in the belly of the hollowed pumpkin, and the candle flames flicker with the dark clouds above the dining table.

The largest pumpkin was enchanted with an expansion spell and occupied the front area of ​​the auditorium, swallowing the entire professor's chair. The little wizards could see professors dressed in different styles from the mouth of the giant jack-o'-lantern.

Dumbledore sat on the pumpkin chair in the middle. In order to echo the Halloween atmosphere, he specially wore a pure white robe. The white robes floated from time to time under the influence of magic, making Dumbledore look like a ghost.

The little Professor Flitwick put a pumpkin helmet on his head. He was sitting on a pumpkin chair that was much higher than others, like a small pumpkin knight.

Professor McGonagall, who was always serious, did not keep a straight face this time. She used transfiguration to turn her top hat into black. There was also a small black cat lying on the hat. The black cat shook its tail from time to time.

Snape was the only professor on the chair who was not wearing a Halloween costume. But his gloomy face, like a big bat's shape and temperament perfectly blended with the Halloween atmosphere.

As for Dracula, he seems to look the same as usual.

But when the little wizards walked into the auditorium, Dracula looked at the terrified expression of the new students at the door and laughed happily. In his charming smile, his two sharp side teeth stood out.

Fred and George were the first students to get into the Halloween spirit.

They painted each other's faces with black and white paint to make crude skeletons, then rushed into the auditorium screaming.

Taking advantage of the dim light in the auditorium, the two of them secretly mingled among the students. From time to time, they would suddenly use the wand lighting spell to illuminate their skull faces, scaring the classmates next to them.

In the dim light, Dracula still maintained clear vision.

He was sitting on the professor's chair, gently shaking a glass of bright red wine in his hand, and was enjoying the fun the twins were having, until the two of them took out a lot of dung bombs and stink bombs...

Dracula's face darkened, and his figure disappeared instantly.

The next moment, he appeared behind the twins and snapped his fingers. All dung bombs and stink bombs were frozen in solid ice.

Fred and George felt their hands sink, and only then realized the arrival of Dracula when they discovered the big ice cubes in their hands.

"Ah, Professor, aren't you over there at the professor's desk? Why did you come here without making a sound?" Fred subconsciously wanted to hide the dung bomb in the ice behind his back.

However, the ice was too cold, and his hand couldn't help but shake. The heavy ice ball fell out of his hand and fell to the ground.

Dracula's eyes twitched, and he waved the dung bombs before they landed, taking them into his hands, and conveniently put the stink bombs in George's hands into the traceless extension space he carried with him.

"Professor, these are our hard-earned savings, you must not confiscate them!" George made a pitiful expression.

But combined with the skull painting on his face, this expression only showed funny and ferocious.

"Today is Halloween, and it's understandable that you two should play some pranks on the holiday." Dracula looked at the two funny skull faces and said considerately.

Then, his face turned cold, "But don't you know? We will have a dinner party soon! Do you want everyone to eat together in the stench?!"

Fred and George smiled coquettishly, not knowing what to say.

"I confiscated these things and will return them to you one day when I feel better."

Dracula didn't bother to scold the twins anymore.

The red and black cloak swayed slightly, and his figure instantly returned to his seat in the professor's seat.

I thought that the Halloween dinner was about to proceed step by step, but what Dracula didn't expect was that within a few minutes, the Weasley twins got into the big jack-o-lantern with two funny skull faces, secretly Came to the professor's seat.

"I won't be in a good mood when I see you two. I'll die to get those dung bombs back." Dracula said to the twins impatiently.

"Professor, don't get me wrong, we are not here to recover dung bombs and stink bombs." Fred explained quickly.

George nodded beside him, "We just thought that since it's Halloween, there are some processes that we have to go through."

As they spoke, the two looked at each other with a wicked smile and said in unison:

"Trick or treat!"

Dracula looked at the two of them in surprise, and then showed a playful smile.

"Take it!" He grabbed a handful of lollipops on the table and threw them to the two of them.

"Thank you, Professor!" Fred and George took the lollipops playfully and put them in their mouths at the same time.

next moment--


"Professor, why do your lollipops smell like rust?!"

Dracula smiled happily, with two sharp side teeth exposed at the corners of his mouth.

"Now don't you see what role I am playing?" He chuckled and said to the two of them, "This flavor of lollipop is the most normal, right?"

"You win, Professor! I give you full marks for your role as a vampire!" Fred and George were in admiration.

At this time, Dumbledore, who had watched the show for a long time, waved to the twins.

"If you've suffered enough at Professor Dracula's place, come to my place. If you want to eat sweets, there are plenty of them." He took out two large bags of Honeydukes collector's edition sweets and handed them to the Weasley twins.

The two took the candy and burst into tears.

Compared to the languid Professor Dracula, the principal is so kind!

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