Hogwarts vampire professor

Chapter 51 The Centaur in the Forbidden Forest

"How could this happen?!" Hagrid knelt on the bank of the stream, crying in grief, "Who is so cruel that he slaughtered such a pure, weak and helpless life? Isn't he afraid of being cursed by life? !”

Dracula helplessly covered his ears and stepped forward into the clear stream, approaching the unicorn's half-submerged body. The stream automatically flowed around his legs, not even getting the low-hanging hem of his clothes wet.

He frowned slightly as he looked at the same shriveled body of the unicorn as the previous animals.

Hagrid was still sobbing and blowing his nose with his dirty handkerchief. Dracula thought his crying was too noisy and he was too unhygienic, so he tapped him on the shoulder as he bent down.

Instantly, a biting coldness seeped into Hagrid's body from his shoulders, like a basin of December water from the Black Lake splashing mercilessly on his body. He calmed down instantly, and most of his sadness was extinguished.

This sudden change of mood made Hagrid feel like he was neither up nor down, and he felt a little panicked...

"Be quiet and listen to me." Dracula's indifferent voice rang out.

Hagrid couldn't help but shiver, turned his head to look at the figure standing next to the unicorn, and unconsciously held his breath.

"This kind of black magic that deprives blood is most likely a kind of sacrificial magic. Its function is to rob other creatures of their vitality by absorbing their blood." Dracula looked at the unicorn's body and said lightly, "Maybe those Ordinary animals are not enough to provide enough vitality, so the dark wizard in the forbidden forest focused on the unicorn with strong vitality and robbed the power in her blood."

"But... if you use unicorn blood, you will be cursed!" Hagrid could not help but start sobbing softly again when he thought of the tragic death of the unicorn. "Who would want to have a half-dead, cursed life?"

Dracula thought for a moment, and suddenly thought of the forbidden black magic that Dumbledore said in that abandoned classroom, and a hint of understanding appeared in his eyes.

If it was Voldemort who relied on Horcruxes to survive in the world, then he would naturally not care about the curse of a mere unicorn blood.

"Perhaps... that dark wizard only has a half-dead life?" He said softly.

Suddenly, the sound of a taut bowstring sounded deep in the trees, followed by the sound of an arrow piercing the air.

Dracula suddenly raised his hand and clamped a sharp crossbow arrow between his two fingers.

"Hagrid, get away from that evil creature immediately!" A deep voice sounded from deep in the trees.

Then, a man, or a centaur, spread his hooves and ran out of the dense jungle. He has red hair and a beard, but below the waist he has a shiny brown body, with a long red tail trailing behind him.

Quickly running to the side of the stream, he raised his front hooves and stopped his progress. Then he raised a big bow and pointed it at Dracula from a distance, looking nervous.

"That man in black and red clothes, don't move, I can feel the darkness hidden in your body!" The centaur stared at Dracula closely and said to him.

"Wait, Ronan, is there any misunderstanding here?" Looking at the sudden appearance of the centaur, Hagrid was a little confused. "This is Professor Dracula, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts. We I came to the Forbidden Forest this time to investigate the mysterious deaths of animals.”

"Don't be fooled by this dark creature, Hagrid!" Ronan the Centaur said in a low voice, "Listen, the unicorn was attacked, and then he appeared in the Forbidden Forest. Maybe the unicorn His death was his fault!"

Then, another centaur came out from behind the bushes. He had black hair and black skin, and looked a little rougher than Ronan.

"Bain, are you here too?" Hagrid saw the new centaur and was about to say hello to him, but then his expression turned extremely surprised, "Wait, what do you want to do?"

More centaurs followed, and they surrounded Hagrid and Dracula on the bank of the stream, raising their bows and arrows.

"Wait a minute!" Hagrid looked at more and more centaurs and felt that things were getting a bit serious. "Everyone, please don't do anything. There must be a misunderstanding here!"

"Ronan, Bain! Take care of your people, don't let them move around!" He looked at Ronan and Bain and shouted angrily.

However, the horsemen had no intention of stopping their movements. Instead, with the sound of the bowstring tightening, the bows and arrows in their hands were ready to go.

"Hagrid, you are a friend of our centaurs, and we will not let you be deceived by this dark creature!" Ronan said.

Then he waved his arms to the centaurs around him.

Countless arrows shot out from all directions, covering the sights of Hagrid and Dracula, and even the starlight in the sky was blocked for a moment.

The centaur's archery skills are very good. Every arrow deliberately avoids Hagrid's huge body. It is bound to shoot Dracula next to him to death!

"Damn it, these centaurs can't communicate well!"

Hagrid cursed secretly, then stood in front of Dracula, trying to use his thick body to block some of Dracula's sharp arrows.

Seeing this, Dracula, who was still smiling lightly, raised his eyebrows.

"Take care of yourself first," he said softly, "I don't need you to block my arrows yet, Hagrid."

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Hagrid felt that Professor Dracula's voice seemed to have become softer compared to the indifference just now.

As he spoke, Dracula raised a hand. All the arrows suddenly froze in mid-air.

"Are you a horse person?" A sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "It just so happens that I still have an account I haven't settled with you!"

The next moment, the arrow lost all power to fly and fell softly among the white snow flakes on the ground. It landed in the clear stream on the pebbled bank, making a weak splash.

At the same time, Dracula's figure disappeared from Hagrid's side.

"How could it happen? Where has he gone?" Ronan looked at the bank of the stream with an ugly face, and then turned to the opposite side of the centaurs' encirclement. "Bain, can you see where he is over there? You can't let him leave. Forbidden Forest!”

However, he suddenly found that the horses on the opposite side all had horrified expressions, looking at him in astonishment.

Ronan seemed to realize something and turned back stiffly, seeing a silver-haired figure standing next to him with a playful look on his face.

Surrounding him were the fainted centaurs.

"No need to look for it, I'm right next to you."

Dracula's voice is clear and mellow, which is very nice to hear. However, in Ronan's ears, it was no less terrifying than the whisper of death.

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