Hogwarts vampire professor

Chapter 63 The night sky is forced to clear

Looking at Dumbledore's raised wand, an extremely fiery light appeared in Dracula's eyes.

"After waiting for so long, do you finally have the chance to fight with you, Dumbledore?" An exaggerated smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, revealing two extremely sharp side teeth. At the same time, the eerie wooden wand made of a little finger bone core was quietly held in his free right hand.

Dracula had never seemed so excited since he woke up.

Over the past hundreds of years, he has only met a few opponents who can bring him joy in battle, and those people are without exception powerful wizards who dominate an era.

However, there are too few such powerful wizards who can be widely recognized as Grand Sorcerers, that is, whose strength can be recognized by the entire magical world. Therefore, Dracula rarely cares about fighting with others. What interest can be aroused?

But today is different!

Today Dracula faces the greatest wizard of our time, Albus Dumbledore! He is willing to fight with all his strength!

Dumbledore looked at the suddenly excited Dracula, staring at the ball of light in front of his left palm with a very solemn expression.

At this time, this ball of light, as dark as a black hole, had expanded to the size of a fire dragon egg, and the surrounding air was violently distorted under its influence.

Through this distorted air, Dracula could vaguely see Dumbledore behind the black hole, and a hint of cunning seemed to flash in his blue eyes behind his glasses.

"Professor Dracula, I changed my mind." Dumbledore winked at Dracula happily, "If you want to blow up Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets, then go ahead! I won't stop you in any way. .”

As he spoke, he wrote a rune character on the partition door next to the copper faucet. This character is like a piercing eye that gradually becomes transparent and disappears.

The next moment, a large fiery red bird appeared out of thin air in a burst of fire and landed on Dumbledore's shoulder. It proudly raised its slender neck toward Dracula, flapped its wings, and disappeared into the semi-abandoned girls' bathroom with Dumbledore.


Looking at Dumbledore who was walking away, Dracula froze on the spot.

Then he glanced at the "black hole" in his hand, which was already bigger than a fire dragon egg and could not be retrieved at all, and the corners of his eyes twitched involuntarily.

He's so plump, how can he blow it up? Do you want him to blow up the entire Hogwarts Castle?

So, with a dark face, Dracula raised the wand he was going to use to fight Dumbledore, and pointed at the dirty little window next to him——


The glass was shattered, revealing the gloomy night outside the window.

Dracula pinched the "black hole" in his hand and pushed it hard into the cloudy sky outside the window.

The color of the light ball was already dim. After leaving the bathroom, it blended into the night and quickly rose to a very high altitude——


A dull sound came from the sky, almost shaking Hogwarts Castle, and countless years of dust fell.

The dark clouds in the night sky suddenly dispersed, and the accumulated water mist was swept away.

The clouds dispersed, and a bright full moon was embedded in the clear night sky, surrounded by endless stars. The reflected starlight is like countless pearls falling on the sparkling black lake, shining brightly.

Dumbledore stood by the window of the principal's office, quietly looking up at the spotless and clear night sky, with a smile on his lips.

"Do you think Professor Dracula understands what I mean now?" He looked at Fox on his shoulder and said to himself.

"Huh?" Fox tilted his head.

At this time, a clean and brand-new hat jumped onto the windowsill, unwilling to be left alone.

"Are you talking to me, Dumbledore?" it asked in a not-so-nice voice.

Dumbledore's face stiffened for a moment, and the emotion he had just brewed was suddenly interrupted, and he choked a lot of sighs in his throat.

And this feeling clearly appeared more than once tonight...

"No, I'm not talking to you, Mr. Hat." He took a deep breath and said expressionlessly.

"That must be talking to me!" Before the Sorting Hat could speak, a portrait of Phineas Black hanging on the wall spoke, "I'm telling you, Albus, this Dracula It's definitely not that worry-free..."

"Shut up, Phineas!" Principal Delis Devens interrupted him, "Can't you see that Dumbledore is thinking about something?"

"Oh, I thought he was asking us questions."


There was a cacophony of portraits of former principals.

Dumbledore rubbed his brows, helplessly led Fawkes away from the window, and closed the screen door that separated the portrait wall with a "snap".

Dracula's magic did not bombard the castle, but it still had an impact on Hogwarts——

Two fifth-year prefects, Percy and Penello, were having a tryst in the cloister of the entrance courtyard.

The gloomy night suddenly became clear, and the sky suddenly lightened up. The two good students who had relied on darkness to muster their courage suddenly lost their sense of security.

The two prefects, who were too thin-skinned to openly violate school rules, slipped back to their respective lounges with burning cheeks.

In the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid is lurking near a group of fire crabs.

He secretly placed a manticore next to the fire crab and sprinkled some animal estrus in an attempt to hybridize the two species and create a new species.

However, the sudden light of night exposed Hagrid's huge body to the sight of two violent groups. The fire crabs and manticores rushed towards Hagrid with the same hatred...

In various corridors of the castle, a pair of red-haired twins were playing the weekly hide-and-seek game with the administrator Filch.

They used homemade cat toys to lure Filch's cat away to prevent it from smelling their scent, and then hid in a dark corner of the hall.

Suddenly, a muffled sound came from the air, the whole castle shook, and a large piece of dust fell down.

Fred choked and couldn't help coughing.

Filch heard the movement immediately and slowly walked towards the dark corner of the hall.

"Don't worry, it's so dark here, we can sneak to another corner without him noticing." George whispered.

At this moment, the haze dissipated, and a bright moonlight poured in from the hall window, just shining on the faces of Fred and George.

Weasley twins: "..."

Dracula, the culprit of all this, had already left the semi-abandoned girls' bathroom, leaving only a small bat hanging upside down in the shadows in the corner of the bathroom, monitoring the copper faucet that did not produce water.

He understood Dumbledore's plan.

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