Hogwarts vampire professor

Chapter 82 The end of the first school year (5k words big chapter)

Fred and George didn't win this time.

Cedric Diggory did live up to expectations and won first place in the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam in his third year, and successfully obtained the spooky wooden amulet that Dracula randomly made.

The first place in the second year was won by a Ravenclaw girl named Autumn Zhang.

However, to their surprise, first-year Hermione Granger did not get the first place in Defense Against the Dark Arts as they expected, although she was first in all other subjects. name.

First-year Defense Against the Dark Arts winner is Harry Potter!

"Harry, do you think we treat you well?" On the night of the results, Fred and George each put their arms around Harry's shoulders and asked seriously.

"It's... quite good... whether it's in the Gryffindor common room or on the Quidditch pitch, you all take good care of me." Harry said in a daze, not knowing what the two of them meant. "What...what's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, you did nothing wrong." George said sadly, "but you caused serious harm to us!"

"I...what's wrong with me?" The kind-hearted Harry suddenly felt guilty. He didn't know what he had done unintentionally.

"Harry, how could you steal Hermione's first place in Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Fred said sadly, patting Harry on the shoulder.


Harry was horrified, and subconsciously glanced at the schoolbag in his arms, thinking that he had exposed a diary tutoring matter.

However, what George said next made him lose his desire to communicate with the two of them——

"The two of us made a bet with the stupid rich guys from Slytherin that Hermione could get Professor Dracula's amulet. Do you know the psychology of those purebloods who claim to be extraordinary? They don't believe it. It was impossible for a little Muggle-born wizard to get first place, so they bet me a full ten galleons."

"Originally we all thought everything was safe, but in the end it was you who got the amulet..."

George made exaggerated gestures with his hands, wiping tears while crying exaggeratedly. "That's ten galleons, Harry! That's what my dad earns in a week!"

Listening to George's complaint, Harry's eyes seemed to flash with a red light.

"Fred, George, I think you should stop gambling!" He suddenly shouted, "You also know that ten galleons is Mr. Weislai's weekly salary. Then have you ever thought about it, if you will do it in the future? Lose more?!"

"Those guys in Slytherin can afford to lose! If they lose money, the most they can do is go back and get scolded. But what about you? If you lose to an extent that you can't afford, it may affect your younger brothers and sisters. There’s this whole Wes-la-home life!”

Fred and George looked at the emotional Harry and stayed there in confusion.

"We know we were wrong, Harry." George said without confidence, "Why are you shouting so loudly? You're scaring us to death."

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Harry also felt his loss at this time. He quickly straightened his glasses that were tilted to one side, said "I'm sorry", and hurriedly said goodbye to the twins with his school bag in his arms.

The twins looked at each other with a question mark in their eyes.

"Is that really Harry just now?" Fred asked George, "He hasn't yelled at people like this before, has he?"

"I don't know. Maybe he got first place in Defense Against the Dark Arts, something is different?" George shrugged noncommittally.

The final Quidditch match is held on the third day after final exams.

This match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw will determine whether Gryffindor can win the Quidditch Cup and the House Cup.

This can be said to be a crucial game.

Slytherin College currently ranks first in the college score rankings. Thanks to Snape's "unremitting efforts", Slytherin College has scored a total of 442 points, followed closely by Slytherin College. It was Ravenclaw with 426 points, and Gryffindor ranked third with 412 points.

Although Gryffindor is only in third place, the point gap between them and Slytherin is not big. As long as Gryffindor's team can win the Quidditch Cup, they can get fifty points. A large amount of extra points, thus overtaking Slytherin and winning the Academy Cup!

And the Gryffindor team has a good chance of winning.

Thanks to Harry's outstanding performance, they have defeated the Hufflepuff team and the Slytherin team one after another, opening up a big gap with the second-placed Slytherin team.

Therefore, as long as they can defeat Ravenclaw, or even if they don't get too far behind, they can win the final Quidditch trophy!

In this crucial game, Harry, who defeated Quirrell and drove away Voldemort, was in very good condition. Within an hour, he successfully caught the Golden Snitch and won the victory for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. victory.

Including the fifty points from the Quidditch Cup, Gryffindor's house score reached 462 points in one time, surpassing Slytherin and Ravenclaw and ranking first!

As soon as the game was over, the Gryffindor little lions couldn't wait to lift Harry up and throw him high into the sky.

In the evening, Gryffindor Tower was decorated with lights and the celebrations had begun in advance.

They celebrated enthusiastically that Gryffindor blocked Slytherin's record of winning the House Cup for six consecutive years and successfully took over the honor of the House Cup!

However, they forgot that there were still three days left until the year-end banquet officially started——

Snape didn't know whether he really wanted Slytherin to keep his position in the House Cup, or whether he wanted Harry to convert his gratitude to him into disgust, or both.

In the remaining three days, he was like crazy, deducting points from Gryffindor day and night. If he caught any small problem, he would deduct five or ten points. Soon, Gryffindor It's basically the same as Slytherin's score.

So, on the afternoon of the last day of his first year, Harry came to Snape's Potions Professor's office and had a heated argument with him——

"Professor Snape, why did you do this?" Harry asked with a painful expression, "You can obviously be a good person, why do you have to make me hate you?"

On the one hand, Snape's usual behavior is indeed very unpleasant, especially the little lions of Gryffindor, who are deeply disgusted with him, as was Harry in the past; on the other hand, Snape Nep happened to try to save his life twice in a row, so now Harry couldn't bear any hatred towards him.

Snape was organizing his potion ingredients nonchalantly, as if he didn't hear Harry's question.

However, if you look carefully, you can see that his expression is very stiff, and the movements of his hands are just unconsciously breaking off the herbs one after another.

"You are overthinking, Potter." After a long silence, he slowly said, "Isn't it normal for me to want my college to win the College Cup? Or do you think I should help Gryffin in turn? Get more trophies so that you can be considered a ‘good person’ as you call me?”

"Don't be so self-righteous, Potter. Don't think the whole world revolves around you!"

Snape threw the last two herbs into the jar in front of him and spoke carefully.

Facing Snape's taunt, Harry's face turned red.

A red light flashed from his eyes, and his emotions suddenly became excited.

"Don't you just want me to hate you? Come on, deduct points from me!" He shouted uncontrollably, "I tell you, I was really blind to be grateful to you!"

Snape stopped and raised the corners of his mouth indifferently.

"Sure enough, the Potter family has always been so stupid, arrogant and self-righteous." He said coldly, "Then as you wish..."

"For contradicting the professor, fifty points will be deducted from Gryffindor!"

That night, Harry left the Potions Master's office alone and distraught, climbed the spiral staircase leading to the entrance courtyard, and arrived at the Great Hall for the end-of-year banquet.

When he arrived at the auditorium, it was already full of people.

The Great Hall was decked out in Slytherin's green and silver colors to celebrate their seventh consecutive House Cup win. A huge banner with a snake hanging on the wall behind the guest of honor seat.

As soon as Harry walked in, he was pulled to the Gryffindor table by Ron and Hermione.

"Harry, do you know? Gryffindor was suddenly deducted fifty points just now!" Ron said to Harry angrily, "Now we can't catch up with him even if we win another Quidditch cup." Trin."

"Yeah, I don't know who allowed Snape to seize such a big opportunity." Hermione slapped the book in her hand on the table angrily, not even in the mood to study anymore.

Harry was startled for a moment, and his mood suddenly dropped.

"Stop talking, that person is me." He said softly.

Ron and Hermione fell silent and looked at Harry in surprise.

"What happened, Harry?" Ron asked, "Didn't you reconcile with Snape?"

"I feel like we will never reconcile in this life." Harry said sadly. He didn't know why he was so easily emotional these days. "I want to talk to him about deducting points from Gryffindor." We talked...but I couldn't control my emotions, and we got into a fight later..."

Hermione wanted to continue asking, but just then, Dumbledore walked into the Great Hall.

He walked out from the side of the professor's chair with a smile and waved enthusiastically to everyone. The noise in the auditorium gradually subsided, and Hermione chose not to ask any more questions. After all, the deal was done.

"Another year has passed!" Dumbledore walked to his seat, did not sit down, but stood there happily and said, "Before enjoying these delicious dishes, I must trouble everyone to listen to an old man's words. It’s a cliche, let me just say a few words…”

Unlike the speeches given by the principals of various Muggle schools, what Dumbledore said about speaking a few words was really speaking a few words.

After he finished his two-sentence speech and motivational speech, he immediately began the link that the little snakes of Slytherin were most looking forward to and the little lions of Gryffindor least wanted to face -

"Now, as far as I know, we first have to conduct the Academy Cup award ceremony. The specific scores of each academy are as follows: fourth place, Hufflepuff, 352 points; third place, Gryffindor, Three hundred and eighty-seven points; Ravenclaw 426 points, Slytherin 442 points."

A burst of thunderous cheers and stamping of feet erupted from the Slytherin table, and Draco Malfoy banged the table with his goblet, making a "ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding" sound.

At the same time, on the professor's seat, Dracula was holding a goblet and drinking bright red wine comfortably.

He heard Slytherin's deafening cheers and subconsciously glanced over there, just in time to see Draco destroying the goblet.

Dracula frowned in dissatisfaction and snapped his fingers.

An entire Slytherin house's goblets disappeared from the table in an instant, so much so that a group of little Slytherin wizards who were drinking water from cheering until their throats hurt didn't even react. They sucked hard into their palms. He breathed a sigh of relief.

For a moment, the cheers at the Slytherin table turned into a chorus of choked coughs.

The young wizards from the other three colleges were delighted to see this scene. Slytherin's pain caused everyone to burst into laughter, and the air inside and outside the auditorium was filled with joy.

"Yes, yes, the Slytherin students performed very well." Dumbledore suppressed a smile and said, "However, several other things that happened this semester must also be taken into account."

The laughter in the auditorium subsided a little, and the air gradually became quiet. The little wizards of Slytherin also suppressed their painful coughs and looked around a few times in confusion. They didn't know why the cups in their hands suddenly changed. Disappeared.

"Ahem, ahem," Dumbledore cleared his throat, "I still have some final points to distribute. Let me see, by the way, the first item - Mr. Ron Weiss..."

Ron's face suddenly turned red, like a carrot dried by the sun.

"...he won the most exciting game of chess at Hogwarts in many years, and I award fifty points to Gryffindor for that."

The Gryffindors' cheers almost brought down the enchanted ceiling. The stars above their heads seemed to be shaken slightly.

All of a sudden, the academy points increased by fifty points, which meant that they once again moved from third place to second place, and were only five points behind Slytherin, who was in first place!

Many smart Gryffindor little lions turned their attention to Hermione and Harry.

They knew that these three first-year wizards had always acted together. Since Dumbledore alone gave Ron fifty points, Hermione and Harry must also have contributed!

"The second item - Miss Hermione Granger... she faced the fire and calmly carried out logical reasoning. I will award fifty points to Gryffindor House."

As expected, Hermione also received fifty points.

The Gryffindor students around them were all ecstatic, jumping up and down at the dining table - they had risen a full hundred points, surpassing Slytherin's 442 points, and once again won Returned to the top spot in the academy!

"The third item - Harry Potter..." Dumbledore said.

Now that Gryffindor had taken first place, Harry's score was no longer so important. But the little lions still calmed down in a dignified manner, wanting to see how many points Harry could score.

"...He showed fearless courage and extraordinary courage. For this, I will also award Gryffindor House sixty points!"

Amid fierce cheers, Dumbledore gave Neville another ten points.

In the end, Gryffindor's score was fixed at 557 points, surpassing Slytherin's score by more than 100 points!

The Gryffindor table cheered loudly as they hugged and celebrated. The Ravenclaws next to them and even the last Hufflepuff were infected by their emotions and began to cheer for Gryffindor.

This is because Slytherin and the annoying Snape were finally defeated, and Gryffindor successfully prevented Slytherin from winning its seventh consecutive House Cup!

Even Professor McGonagall rarely stopped the chaotic crowd. Instead, he raised his head, glanced at Snape proudly, and then happily walked over to shake hands with him.

Snape's face was frighteningly dark, but he could only force out an awkward smile to show off his amazing "grace".

"This means," Dumbledore had to use an amplifying spell on his throat to drown out the thunderous cheers, "that we need to make some small changes to the decoration here."

He clapped his hands, and immediately, the green hanging ribbons turned into bright red, and the silver ones turned into gold; the huge Slytherin snake disappeared, replaced by a majestic Gryffindor lion.

"A shady story, this is definitely a shady story!" Draco loudly rebuked the principal for being unfair at the Slytherin table, feeling that Dumbledore favored his former college.

However, after these words were spoken, the most embarrassed person was not Dumbledore, but Snape with a dark face——

As we all know, the dean of Slytherin is the biggest shady person in the College Cup competition...

The day after the year-end party, the long-awaited holiday for the little wizards finally arrived.

Hagrid led the first-year wizards onto the boat fleet across the lake, then escorted them all the way to Hogsmeade Station and watched them board the Hogwarts Express.

The senior students came to the main entrance of the castle, passed by the two warthog statues with wings, and took the carriage pulled by the Thestrals, who had been waiting for a long time, to the station.

The entire Hogwarts Castle seemed to be quiet all of a sudden, with only a few professors standing at the entrance of the castle, watching the little wizards leave.

"Any plans for the holidays, Professor Dracula?"

Dumbledore looked at the departing little wizards emotionally. He didn't ask until the carriage turned a corner and completely disappeared from sight.

Dracula once again took out his bright crystal ball and stared at it quietly.

"I think it's time for me to learn more about the news over there..." he said softly.

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